Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4A ‣ 第四课 今天我值日

    • zhí rìon day duty

    • líng shēngring; ringtone; bell stroke; tintinnabulation
  • 直到 听到 闹钟 的 铃声 我 才 醒来 。
    zhí dào tīng dào nào zhōng de líng shēng wǒ cái xǐng lái。
    I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock.

    • bái bǎnwhiteboard; tabula rasa; blank slate

    • zhòu zhewrinkled

    • méi tóubrows
  • 他 心事 重重 , 眉头 紧锁 。
    tā xīn shì chóng chóng, méi tóu jǐn suǒ。
    Care sat heavily on his brow.

    • zhí rì shēngstudent on duty; prefect

    • ná qǐto pick up

    • bǎn cāblackboard eraser

    • mò mòin silence; not speaking

    • yóu yúdue to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to; since; because
  • 由于 没有 提前 背好 台词 , 我 在 台上 卡壳 了 。
    Yóuyú méiyǒu tíqián bèi hǎo táicí, wǒ zài tái shàng qiǎkéle.
    I didn't get a good line in advance, I got stuck on the stage.

    • ǎi xiǎoshort and small; low and small; undersized
  • 小皮 个子 矮小 , 总是 盼 着 能 快快 长 高 。
    Xiǎo pí gèzi ǎixiǎo, zǒng shì pànzhe néng kuài kuài zhǎng gāo.
    Xiaopi is short and always looks forward to growing fast.

    • bù shífrom time to time; now and then; occasionally
  • 她 不时 停下来 休息 。
    tā bù shí tíng xia lai xiū xi.
    At intervals she would stop for a rest.

    • diǎn qǐstand up on tiptoe

    • jiǎo jiāntiptoe

    • hǎo bù róng yìvery difficult; after all the trouble
  • 他 好不容易 把 钢琴 搬 上楼 , 累 得 满头大汗 。
    Tā hǎobù róngyì bǎ gāngqín bān shàng lóu, lèi dé mǎn tóu dà hàn.
    He managed to put the piano upstairs and was sweaty.

    • zuò xiato sit down
  • 我 觉得 头晕 , 得 坐下 来 。
    wǒ jué de tóu yūn, de zuò xia lái.
    I feel giddy; I must sit down.

    • jì zhuto remember; to bear in mind; to learn by heart
  • 重复 看 , 才 会 记住 。
    Chóngfù kàn, cái huì jìzhù.
    You will only remember it after repeated viewings.

    • zé rènresponsibility; blame; duty
  • 他 想 逃避责任 。
    Tā xiǎng táobì zérèn.
    He wants to shirk his responsibilities.

    • yǐng xiǎngan influence; an effect; to influence; to affect (usually adversely); to disturb
  • 气候 影响 了 他 的 健康 。
    qì hòu yǐng xiǎng le tā de jiàn kāng。
    The climate affected his health.

    • fēn fēnone after another; in succession; one by one; continuously; diverse; in profusion; numerous and confused; pell-mell
  • 我们 纷纷 向 灾区 捐献 物品 。
    Wǒmen fēnfēn xiàng zāiqū juānxiàn wùpǐn.
    One after another, we donated goods to the disaster area.

    • yì lùnto comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
  • 她 喜欢 议论 邻居 们 的 是非 长短 。
    tā xǐ huan yì lùn lín jū men de shì fēi cháng duǎn。
    She loves to gossip to her neighbors.

    • zàn xǔto praise; to laud
  • 说起 音乐 , 她 头头是道 , 大家 对 她 投来 了 赞许 的 目光 。
    Shuō qǐ yīnyuè, tā tóutóushìdào, dàjiā duì tā tóu láile zànxǔ de mùguāng.
    Speaking of music, her head is the way, everyone voted for her approval.

    • mù guāngsight; vision; view; gaze; look
  • 她 转移 目光 不 看 那 可怕 的 情景 。
    tā zhuǎn yí mù guāng bù kàn nà kě pà de qíng jǐng。
    She averted her eyes from the terrible sight.