Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4A ‣ 第四课 今天我值日

    • bān jíclasses or grades in school
  • 我们 应该 全体 讨论 班级 活动 。
    wǒ men yīng gāi quán tǐ tǎo lùn bān jí huó dòng。
    We must discuss the class activities in a body.

    • shǒu zérules; regulations

    • jiǎ bānClass A

    • bān zhǎngclass monitor; squad leader; team leader
  • 班长 把 试卷 分 发给 同学 们 。
    bān zhǎng bǎ shì juàn fēn fā jǐ tóng xué men。
    The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.

    • zuò cuòto make an error

    • cuò shìwrong thing
  • 证据 就 摆 在 他 的 面前 , 他 不能不 承认 自己 做 过 的 错事 。
    Zhèngjù jiù bǎi zài tā de miànqián, tā bùnéng bù chéngrèn zìjǐ zuòguò de cuò shì.
    The evidence is in front of him, and he cannot but admit the wrong things he has done.

    • zǒng huìthere will always be; general meeting
  • 车到山前必有路 , 到 了 时候 , 总会 想 出 办法 的 。
    Chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù, dàole shíhòu, zǒng huì xiǎng chū bànfǎ de.
    There must be a road to the front of the mountain. When it is time, there will always be a way.

    • tán lùnto discuss; to talk about
  • 他 就是 我们 刚才 谈论 的 那个 人 。
    tā jiù shì wǒ men gāng cái tán lùn de nèi gè rén。
    That is the man about whom we were speaking.

    • jì lǜdiscipline
  • 这 支 队伍 很 有 纪律 。
    Zhè zhī duìwu hěn yǒu jìlǜ.
    This army is very disciplined.

    • fēn fēnone after another; in succession; one by one; continuously; diverse; in profusion; numerous and confused; pell-mell
  • 我们 纷纷 向 灾区 捐献 物品 。
    Wǒmen fēnfēn xiàng zāiqū juānxiàn wùpǐn.
    One after another, we donated goods to the disaster area.

    • yì lùnto comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
  • 她 喜欢 议论 邻居 们 的 是非 长短 。
    tā xǐ huan yì lùn lín jū men de shì fēi cháng duǎn。
    She loves to gossip to her neighbors.

    • jì ránsince; as; this being the case
  • 既然 你 知道 今天 会 有 雷阵雨 , 为什么 不带 着 雨衣 出门 呢 ?
    Jìrán nǐ zhīdào jīntiān huì yǒu léizhènyǔ, wèishéme bù dàizhe yǔyī chūmén ne?
    Since you know that there will be thunderstorms today, why not go out with a raincoat?

    • zhì dìngto draw up; to formulate
  • 行动 前 , 我们 首先 得 制定 计划 。
    Xíngdòng qián, wǒmen shǒuxiān děi zhìdìng jìhuà.
    Before taking action, we must first make a plan.

    • jiù yàowill; shall; to be going to
  • 明天 就要 期末考 了 , 她 捧 着 书 , 急得 像 热锅上的蚂蚁 。
    Míngtiān jiù yào qímò kǎole, tā pěngzhe shū, jí dé xiàng rè guō shàng de mǎyǐ.
    Tomorrow, I will take the final exam. She holds the book and is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

    • fǎn duìto fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition
  • 我们 反对 战争 。
    Wǒmen fǎnduì zhànzhēng.
    We are against war.

    • qī zuǐ bā shélively discussion with everybody talking at once
  • 在 报社 记者 七嘴八舌 地 高声 向 他 提问 时 , 他 始终 表现 得 镇定自若 。
    zài bào shè jì zhě qī zuǐ bā shé de gāo shēng xiàng tā tí wèn shí, tā shǐ zhōng biǎo xiàn de zhèn dìng zì ruò。
    He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once.

    • mò mòin silence; not speaking