Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4A ‣ 第四课 今天我值日

    • zhí rìon day duty

    • fù zéto be in charge of; to take responsibility for; to be to blame; conscientious
  • 这 件 事情 由 他 负责 。
    Zhèjiàn shìqing yóu tā fùzé.
    This matter is his responsibility.

    • wipe; rub; scrub; erase
  • 她 在 擦 窗 上 的 玻璃 。
    Tā zài cā chuāng shàng de bōli.
    She is cleaning the window.
  • 板擦擦掉擦洗摩擦擦破

    • bái bǎnwhiteboard; tabula rasa; blank slate

    • fēng shànfan

    • shí tángdining hall
  • 同学 们 排队 在 食堂 打饭 。
    Tóngxuémen páiduì zài shítáng dǎ fàn.
    The students lined up to cook in the cafeteria.

    • tí xǐngto remind; to call attention to; to warn of
  • 我 提醒 他们 树林 里 可能 有 蛇 。
    wǒ tí xǐng tā men shù lín lǐ kě néng yǒu shé。
    I warned them that there might be snakes in the woods.

    • guī huánto return sth; to revert

    • bù kě yǐmay not

    • chā duìto cut in line; to jump a queue; to live on a rural community (during the Cultural Revolution)

    • gōng píngfair; impartial
  • 为了 体现 比赛 的 公平性 , 他们 增加 了 比赛 的 难度 。
    Wèile tǐxiàn bǐsài de gōngpíng xìng, tāmen zēngjiāle bǐsài de nándù.
    In order to reflect the fairness of the game, they increased the difficulty of the game.

    • wán shuǎto enjoy oneself; an entertainment; to play (of children)
  • 孩子 们 在 沙坑 中 玩耍 。
    hái zi men zài shā kēng zhòng wàn shuǎ。
    The children were playing in the sand pit.

    • quàn gàoto advise; to urge; to exhort; exhortation; advice
  • 学生 们 接受 老师 的 劝告 。
    xué sheng men jiē shòu lǎo shī de quàn gào。
    The students take the admonition from their teacher.

    • zhù yìto take note of; to pay attention to
  • 开车 要 注意 安全 。
    Kāichē yào zhùyì ānquán.
    We need to pay attention to safety when driving.

    • bǎo zhèngguarantee; to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; to pledge
  • 他 向 妈妈 保证 了 自己 一定 做完作业 , 所以 妈妈 才 会 放 他 去 踢足球 。
    Tā xiàng māmā bǎozhèngle zìjǐ yīdìng zuò wán zuòyè, suǒyǐ māmā cái huì fàng tā qù tī zúqiú.
    He assured his mother that she must finish her homework, so her mother would let him play football.