Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4A ‣ 第七课 他的脸红了

    • pí qicharacter; temperament; disposition; bad temper
  • 到 了 青春期 , 他 总是 乱 发脾气 , 让 妈妈 很 心烦 。
    Dàole qīngchūnqí, tā zǒng shì luàn fā píqì, ràng māmā hěn xīnfán.
    When he was adolescent, he always turned his temper and made his mother very upset.

        • hé chēngcommon term; general term

        • chēng wéicalled; to call sth (by a name); to name
      • 如果 没有 吃 到 月饼 , 好像 这 一天 就 不能 被 称为 中秋节 。
        Rúguǒ méiyǒu chī dào yuèbǐng, hǎoxiàng zhè yītiān jiù bùnéng bèi chēng wéi zhōngqiū jié.
        If you do not eat moon cakes, it seems that this day can not be called the Mid-Autumn Festival.

        • cūn mínvillager
      • 村民 们 撑 起 摇摇欲坠 的 茅棚 。
        cūn mín men chēng qǐ yáo yáo yù zhuì de máo péng。
        The villagers shored up sagging huts.

        • chóu méiknitted brows; worried look
      • 如果 你 整天 愁眉苦脸 , 你 会 变得 越来越 不幸 。
        Rúguǒ nǐ zhěng tiān chóuméikǔliǎn, nǐ huì biàn dé yuè lái yuè bùxìng.
        If you frown all day, you will become increasingly unlucky.

        • chóu méi bù zhǎnwith a worried frown

        • dǎ sǐto kill; to beat to death
      • 那 强盗 厉声 叫道 : “ 不许 动 , 不然 就 打死 你 。 ”
        nà qiáng dào lì shēng jiào dào: ` bù xǔ dòng, bù rán jiù dǎ sǐ nǐ.'
        One false move and you're a dead man,' snarled the robber.

        • yǐ wéito believe; to think; to consider; to be under the impression
      • 他 的 病 比 医生 原来 以为 的 更 严重 。
        tā de bìng jiào yī shēng yuán lái yǐ wéi de gèng yán zhòng。
        His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.

        • zhī yīone of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc)

        • nán guòto feel sad; to feel unwell; (of life) to be difficult
      • 听说 他 最好 的 朋友 要 离开 这所 学校 了 , 他 难过 了 很 久 。
        Tīng shuō tā zuì hǎo de péngyǒu yào líkāi zhè suǒ xuéxiàole, tā nánguòle hěnjiǔ.
        I heard that his best friend is leaving this school. He has been sad for a long time.

        • gǎi guòto correct; to fix
      • 改过 不 嫌 迟 。
        gǎi guò bù xián chí。
        It's never too late to mend.

        • gǎi guò zì xīnto reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
      • 希望 你 改过自新 , 不要 再 偷东西 了 。
        Xīwàng nǐ gǎiguò zì xīn, bùyào zài tōu dōngxīle.
        I hope you've changed things and stopped stealing things.

        • cóng cǐfrom now on; since then; henceforth
      • 考试 结束 后 , 他们 去 了 不同 的 学校 , 从此 失去 了 联系 。
        Kǎoshì jiéshù hòu, tāmen qù liǎo bùtóng de xuéxiào, cóngcǐ shī qùle liánxì.
        After the exam, they went to different schools and lost contact.

        • cóng cǐ yǐ hòuFrom then on

        • jìn xīnwith all of one's heart
      • 看护 们 都 很 尽心尽力 , 医生 们 也 很 体贴 。
        Kānhùmen dōu hěn jìnxīn jìnlì, yīshēngmen yě hěn tǐtiē.
        The caregivers are doing their best and the doctors are very considerate.

        • jìn xīn jìn lìmaking an all-out effort (idiom); to try one's heart out; to do one's utmost
      • 医生 和 护士 尽心尽力 医治 和 照顾 病人 。
        Yīshēng hé hù shì jìnxīn jìnlì yīzhì hé zhàogù bìngrén.
        Doctors and nurses do their best to treat and take care of patients.

        • zhōng yúat last; in the end; finally; eventually
      • 我们 终于 爬 到 了 顶峰 。
        Wǒmen zhōngyú pádàole dǐngfēng.
        We've finally reached the highest peak of the mountain.