Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4A ‣ 第七课 他的脸红了

    • yùn fùpregnant woman

    • chē xiāngcarriage
  • 他们 把 火车 的 车厢 连接 好 。
    tā men bǎ huǒ chē de chē xiāng lián jiē hào。
    They coupled the carriages of the train together.

    • chéng kèpassenger

    • suí shǒuconveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing
  • 外面 风大 , 请 随手关门 。
    Wàimiàn fēng dà, qǐng suíshǒu guānmén.
    The outside is big, please close the door.

    • diūdiscard, reject, lose

    • jié yuēto economize; to conserve (resources); economy; frugal

    • yòng shuǐuse water, with water

    • guān jǐnto close firmly; to fasten securely; to make fast; to lock

    • zuò cuòto make an error