Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4B ‣ 第十课 这样才对

    • zhè tiāntoday; this day

    • bù dàonot to arrive; not reaching; insufficient; less than

    • dǎ fānto overturn; to overthrow; to strike down (an enemy)

    • guì zicupboard; cabinet
  • 他 的 书 在 柜子 里 找到 了 。
    tā de shū zài guì zi lǐ zhǎo dào le。
    His book turned up in the cupboard.

    • shuǐ sǎSprinkling; Spilled water

    • tuō bǎmop

    • yòng lìto exert oneself physically
  • 他 用力 地 抓住 绳子 。
    Tā yònglì de zhuāzhù shéngzi.
    He grasps the rope tightly.

    • tuī kāito push open (a gate etc); to push away; to reject; to decline

    • lǐ cǎito heed; to pay attention to
  • 我 恳求 她 帮忙 , 但 她 完全 不 理睬 我 的 请求 。
    wǒ kěn qiú tā bāng máng, dàn tā wán quán bù lǐ cǎi wǒ de qǐng qiú.
    I begged her for help but she shut her ears to all my appeals.

    • zhěng lǐto arrange; to tidy up; to sort out; to straighten out; to list systematically; to collate (data, files); to pack (luggage)
  • 妈妈 在 整理 屋子 。
    Māma zài zhěnglǐ wūzi. (also fangjian)
    Mom is tidying the room.

    • gōng jùtool; instrument; utensil; means (to achieve a goal etc)
  • 船 是 一种 运输 工具 。
    Chuán shì yīzhǒng yùnshū gōngjù.
    Ships are a type of transport tool.

    • gōng jù xiāngtoolbox

    • fǎn yìngto react; to respond; reaction; response; reply; chemical reaction
  • 难以 估计 大家 的 反应 如何 。
    dà jiā de fǎn yìng rú hé nán yǐ gū jì。
    It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.

    • jiào shìclassroom
  • 考试 结束 后 , 她 从 教室 前面 领回 了 书包 。
    Kǎoshì jiéshù hòu, tā cóng jiàoshì qiánmiàn lǐng huíle shūbāo.
    After the exam, she took the bag from the front of the classroom.

    • dī shēnglow voice
  • 他们 低声 说话 , 唯恐 被 别人 听见 。
    tā men dī shēng shuō huà, wěi kǒng bèi bié rén tīng jiàn。
    They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.

    • bù kěnnot willing

    • qiāo ménto knock on a door
  • 他 一个 人 在 家 , 听到 敲门 声 , 不免 还是 有些 害怕 。
    Tā yīgè rén zài jiā, tīng dào qiāo mén shēng, bùmiǎn háishì yǒuxiē hàipà.
    He was alone at home, and he was a little scared when he heard the knock on the door.

    • yī yǎna glance; a quick look; a glimpse
  • 他 看 了 一眼 他 的 表 。
    tā kàn le yīyǎn tā de biǎo .
    He glanced at his watch.

    • hài xiūshy; embarrassed; bashful
  • 我 弟弟 是 个 害羞 的 人 。
    Wǒ dìdì shì gè hàixiūde rén.
    My younger brother is a shy person.

    • fān qiétomato
  • 她 在 挑选 番茄 。
    Tā zài tiāoxuǎn fānqié.
    She's choosing tomatoes.

    • xiǎn deto seem; to look; to appear
  • 他 显得 很 气愤 。
    Tā xiǎnde hěn qìfèn.
    He looks furious.

    • xiào liǎnsmiling face; smiley :) ☺