Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4B ‣ 第十课 这样才对

    • niú nǎicow's milk
  • 你 知道 怎么 挤 牛奶 吗 ?
    nǐ zhī dào zěn me jǐ niú nǎi ma?
    Do you know how to milk a cow?

    • huàibad; spoil; awfully; evil idea; ruin
  • 打印机 总是 坏 。
    Dǎyìnjī zǒnɡshì huài.
    The printer is always broken.
  • 坏话坏人坏事弄坏破坏损坏吓坏弄坏了坏习惯坏孩子

    • leparticle for past tense
    • liǎounderstand; end; settle
  • 船 沉 了 。
    Chuán chén le.
    The ship has sunk.
  • 笑了笑拍了拍红了脸饿极了吃了一惊试了试离不了除了借了了不起控制不了吓了一跳当了棒极了逃不了不了断了线成了门铃响了到了犯了错误得了伤透了脑筋极了算不了什么了解要到了少不了受不了太好了忘不了为了弄坏了就行了摸了摸太棒了美极了笑了起来受了伤抢走了灯亮了好了

    • yī gèone

    • qíng lǎngsunny and cloudless
  • 星星 在 晴朗 的 夜空 闪亮 。
    xīng xing zài qíng lǎng de yè kòng shǎn liàng。
    Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.

    • wǔ hòuafternoon
  • 午后 的 阳光 非常 强烈 。
    Wǔhòu de yángguāng fēicháng qiángliè.
    The afternoon sun was very strong.

    • yī wèione (person)

    • xiān shengMister (Mr.); teacher; husband; doctor (dialect)
  • 刘 先生 教 历史 。
    Liú xiānsheng jiāo lìshǐ.
    Mr. Liu teaches history.

    • dú zìalone
  • 儿子 独自 一 人 在 玩 。
    ?rzi dúzì yīrén zài wán.
    My son is playing by himself.

    • lái dàoto come; to arrive
  • 随着 太阳 的 落下 , 夜晚 悄悄地 来到 。
    suí zhe tài yáng de luò xià, yè wǎn qiāo qiāo de lái dào。
    With the setting of the sun, night comes silently.

    • yī jiāthe whole family; the same family; the family... (when preceded by a family name); group

    • cān tīngdining hall; dining room; restaurant
  • 他们 在 餐厅 吃饭 。
    Tāmen zài cāntīng chīfàn.
    They're eating in a restaurant.

    • yòng cānto eat a meal
  • 他们 全家 在 野外 用餐 。
    Tāmen quánjiā zài yěwài yòngcān.
    Their whole family went on a picnic.

    • fú wùto serve; service
  • 很 高兴 为 您 服务 。
    Hěn gāoxìng wèi nín fúwù.
    Glad to be at your service. (polite)

    • fú wù shēngserver (at a restaurant)

    • you; your; one person
  • 你好 !
    Nǐ hǎo!
  • 舍不得你你们你追我跑迷你你好你家我爱你祝你幸福带你去祝你们谢谢你们考考你祝你快乐爱护你

    • guò láito come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
    • guò laito come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
  • 他 端 着 啤酒 走 过来 。
    Tā duānzhe píjiǔ zǒu guòlái.
    He came over, carrying a tray of beer.

    • tū ránsudden; abrupt; unexpected
  • 这 架 梯子 突然 倒 了 。
    Zhè jià tīzi tūrán dǎo le.
    This ladder suddenly fell over.

    • dà shēngloud voice; in a loud voice; loudly

    • de(a particle used after an adverbial)
    • earth; land; place
  • 地毯 有点 脏 。
    Dìtǎn yǒudiǎn zāng.
    The carpet is a little dirty.
  • 满地本地天地间遍地离地场地小天地大地静静地地点草地上地面悄悄地地球远远地地上偷偷地地铁站建筑工地地图牢牢地地下呼呼地地下水坐地铁地下通道骄傲地地震快活地电邮地址特地来空地默默地猛地细心地目的地哪些地方沙地扫地有秩序地世界各地工地轻快地随地地方特地到特地各地细细地天地地铁田地地板外地草地营地地址种地地区洗地土地洗地板地洞轻轻地陆地伤心地深深地奥地利

    • hold, handle
    • a handle
  • 请 把门 打开 。
    qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。
    Open the door, please.
  • 一把伞把手扫把拖把加把劲一把三把共用一把伞

    • jiàocall; shout; name
  • 你 叫 什么 名字 ?
    Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?
    What's your name?
  • 狂叫叫来沿街叫卖叫起来叫醒叫好惊叫名叫叫卖声大叫叫卖拍手叫好哇哇叫叫人叫住鸡叫

    • miàn qiánin front of; facing; presence
  • 在 困难 面前 我们 决不 退缩 。
    zài kùn nan miàn qián wǒ men jué bù tuì suō。
    We never flinch from difficulties.

    • zhǐ zhePointing to

    • zhuō shàngon the table

    • bēi zicup; glass

    • qì fènindignant; furious
  • 他 的 脸 因 气愤 而 涨红 。
    tā de liǎn yīn qì fèn ér zhàng hóng。
    His face reddened with indignation.

    • wŏ demy; mine

    • hóng cháblack tea
  • 你 可以 选择 红茶 , 咖啡 或 牛奶 。
    nǐ kěyǐ xuǎnzé hóngchá , kāfēi huò niúnǎi .
    You have a choice of black tea, coffee, or milk.

    • dōuall; both
    • big city; capital
  • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
    yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
    Everything will be OK.
  • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

    • yī kuàione block; one piece; one (unit of money); together; in the same place; in company

    • zhōu wéisurroundings; environment; to encompass
  • 房子 的 周围 是 一片 草地 。
    Fángzi de zhōuwéi shì yī piàn cǎodì.
    The house is surrounded by lawn.

    • gù kèclient; customer
  • 顾客 看起来 很 生气 。
    Gùkè kànqǐlái hěn shēngqì.
    The customers appear to be really angry.

    • tīng jiànto hear
  • 我 听见 有 流水 的 声音 。
    wǒ tīng jiàn yǒu liú shuǐ de shēng yīn.
    I can hear running water.

    • zhuǎn tóuto turn one's head; to change direction; U-turn; volte face; to repent
    • zhuàn tóunutation (plants turning to face the sun)
  • 他 一 转头 , 就 错过 了 孔雀开屏 的 瞬间 。
    Tā yī zhuàn tóu, jiù cuòguòle kǒngquè kāi píng de shùnjiān.
    As soon as he turned his head, he missed the moment when the peacock opened.

    • chī jīngto be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed
  • 她 才 读 小学 , 却 已 读 过 这么 多 的 书 , 大家 都 很 吃惊 。
    Tā cái dú xiǎoxué, què yǐ dúguò zhème duō de shū, dàjiā dōu hěn chījīng.
    She only read elementary school, but she has read so many books, everyone is very surprised.

    • kàn zheWatching; Looking at

    • tā menthey
  • 老师 给 他们 安排 好 了 座位 。
    Lǎoshī gěi tāmen ānpái hǎole zuòwèi.
    The teacher arranged the seats for them.

    • zhēn duì bù qǐI am so sorry
  • 真对不起 , 我 忘 带 钱包 了 , 可以 借 我 十块 钱 吗 ?
    Zhēn duìbùqǐ, wǒ wàng dài qiánbāole, kěyǐ jiè wǒ shí kuài qián ma?
    Sorry, I forgot to bring my wallet. Can you lend me ten yuan?

    • duì bu qǐunworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please repeat)
  • 对不起 , 打扰 了 。
    Duìbuqǐ, dǎrǎo le.
    Sorry to interrupt.

    • lián mángpromptly; at once
  • 他 正 跑 开 时 , 我 在 背后 叫 他 , 他 连忙 转过 身 来 看看 我 。
    tā zhèng pǎo kāi shí, wǒ zài bèi hòu jiào tā, tā lián máng zhuàn guò shēn lái kàn kàn wǒ。
    I called him as he was running away and he wheeled round and looked at me.

    • dào qiànto apologize
  • 她 要求 他 道歉 。
    Tā yāoqiú tā dàoqiàn.
    She demanded he apologize.

    • lì kèforthwith; immediate; prompt; promptly; straightway; thereupon; at once
  • 我们 决定 立刻 去 火车站 。
    wǒ men jué dìng lì kè qù huǒ chē zhàn。
    We determined to go to the railway station at once.

    • gěito give; for
    • to supply
  • 把 这 本 书 给 她 。
    bǎ zhè běn shū jǐ tā。
    Give her the book.
  • 送给传给带给分给还给交给借给留给输给递给献给寄给给钱写给拿给不输给

    • nínyou (respectfully)
  • 谢谢 您 。
    Xièxie nín.
    Thank you!
  • 您好谢谢您祝您为您服务陪您

    • huànexchange; change
  • 他们 互相 交换 名片 。
    Tāmen hùxiāng jiāohuàn míngpiàn.
    They're exchanging their name cards.
  • 换牙换成转换换水换衣服换到换上换回转换成

    • hěn kuàiquickly; soon
  • 他 跑 得 很快 。
    Tā pǎo de hěn kuài.
    He runs very fast.

    • yòuagain; also; but
  • 你 又 迟到 了 。
    Nǐ yòu chídào le.
    You're late again.
  • 又惊又喜又高又大又打又骂

    • zhǔn bèipreparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund)
  • 他们 正在 准备 考试 。
    tā men zhèng zài zhǔn bèi kǎo shì。
    They were girding for the exam.

    • tóng yàngsame; equal; equivalent
  • 使 我 惊讶 的 是 , 他 又 犯 了 同样 的 错误 。
    shǐ wǒ jīng yà de shì, tā yòu fàn le tóng yàng de cuò wù。
    To my dismay, he made the same mistakes.

    • ná láito bring; to fetch; to get

    • xīn xiānfresh (experience, food etc); freshness; novel; uncommon
  • 新鲜 空气 有益 于 健康 。
    xīn xiān kōng qì yǒu yì yú jiàn kāng。
    Fresh air is beneficial to our health.

    • níng ménglemon
  • 柠檬 含 丰富 的 维生素 C 。
    níng méng hán fēng fù de wéi shēng sùC。
    Lemons are rich in vitamin C.

    • fàng zàiput

    • qīng shēngquietly; softly; neutral tone; light stress
  • 我们 轻声 谈话 , 以免 吵醒 婴儿 。
    wǒ men qīng shēng tán huà, yǐ miǎn chǎo xǐng yīng ér.
    We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby/for fear (that) we might wake the baby.

    • bù néngcannot; must not; should not
  • 不能 闯红灯 。
    Bù néng chuǎng hóngdēng.
    You shouldn't run red lights.

    • jiàn yìto propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation
  • 她 的 建议 一再 遭到 拒绝 。
    tā de jiàn yì yī zài zāo dào jù jué。
    Her proposal met with continual rejections.

    • rú guǒif; in case; in the event that
  • 如果 可能 的话 , 我 想 环游 世界 。
    rúguǒ kěnéng dehuà , wǒ xiǎng huányóu shìjiè .
    If possible, I'd like to travel around the world.

    • jiùmove towards; right away; nearby; and then
  • 我 马上 就 来 。
    wǒ mǎ shàng jiù lái。
    I'll be right with you.
  • 就是就算成就就是说就要早就就行了

    • bù yàodon't!; must not
  • 不要 拖延时间 !
    Bùyào tuōyán shíjiān!
    Don't stall for time.

    • yào jiā niú nǎiwith milk; white (of tea, coffee etc)

    • yīn wèibecause; owing to; on account of
  • 因为 太 冷 , 她 感冒 了 。
    Yīnwèi tài lěng, tā gǎnmào le.
    It's so cold that she caught a cold.

    • huìbe able to; meet; shall
    • kuàiaccounting
  • 我 会 做 。
    Wǒ huì zuò.
    I know how to do it.
  • 不一会儿欢迎会会儿会聚总会我会会去真会再也不会会用生日会等会儿一会儿机会聚会不会不一会读书会家长会聚精会神学会一会音乐会运动会营火会

    • zào chéngto bring about; to create; to cause
  • 火灾 造成 的 损失 严重 。
    Huǒzāi zàochéng de sǔnshī yánzhòng.
    The fire caused a lot of damage.

      • liǎn hóngto blush; to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
    • 他 脸皮 很 薄 , 稍微 被 说 了 几 句 , 他 就 脸红 了 。
      Tā liǎnpí hěn báo, shāowéi bèi shuōle jǐ jù, tā jiù liǎnhóngle.
      His face was very thin and he was slightly stunned. He blushed.

      • yī xià(used after a verb) give it a go; to do (sth for a bit to give it a try); one time; once; in a while; all of a sudden; all at once

        • cōng cōnghurriedly

        • hē wánFinish drinking; After drinking

        • zǒuwalk; go; travel; leave
      • 走 , 去 逛街 。
        Zǒu, qù guàng jiē.
        Let's go shopping.
      • 走来走到抢走了走下走累走回飘走逃走扛走走路边走边吃走廊边走边想搬走临走前带走吸走行走临走溜走慢走拿走抢走太空行走走出走错走过走进走去走向偷走走遍走上走走往前走向前走走来走去

        • chū qùto go out

        • yǒu rénsomeone; people; anyone; there is someone there; occupied (as in restroom)
      • 他 按 响 门铃 后 , 很 快 有人 来 帮 他 开门 。
        Tā àn xiǎng ménlíng hòu, hěn kuài yǒurén lái bāng tā kāimén.
        After he ringed the doorbell, someone soon came to help him open the door.

        • wènask; inquire after; hold responsible
      • 问题 解决 了 。
        Wèntí jiějué le.
        The problem has been solved.
      • 问题疑问请问提问问道问号问候问路学问解决问题

        • míng míngobviously; plainly; undoubtedly; definitely
      • 我 明明 七 点 就 出门 了 , 怎么 会 又 迟到 了 呢 ?
        Wǒ míngmíng qī diǎn jiù chūménle, zěnme huì yòu chídàole ne?
        I obviously went out at seven, how could I be late again?

        • shìcorrect; right; am; is; are; that
      • 糖 是 甜 的 。
        Táng shì tián de.
        Sugar/candy is sweet.
      • 也是这是不是故意一切都是真是太满嘴都是奇怪的是别老是可是再也不是才是不是故意的就是是故意的总是但是于是凡是是否还是不是而是或是就是说可不是那是却是是不是要不是要是正是只是是因为无论是真是像是

        • bù dǒngnot to understand; cannot (see, hear, understand, as verb complement); incomprehension

        • shuō huàto speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell stories; talk; word
      • 小朋友 已经 睡 了 , 我们 说话 小声点 。
        Xiǎopéngyǒu yǐjīng shuìle, wǒmen shuōhuà xiǎoshēng diǎn.
        The children are already asleep, and we speak a little.

        • nà melike that; in that way; or so; so; so very much; about; in that case
      • 一场 比赛 , 是否 能 拿 到 冠军 , 也许 并 不 那么 重要 。
        Yī chǎng bǐsài, shìfǒu néng ná dào guànjūn, yěxǔ bìng bù nàme zhòngyào.
        In a game, whether you can win the championship may not be so important.

        • cū lǔcrude; coarse; rough
      • 他 外表 粗鲁 , 心地善良 。
        tā wài biǎo cū lǔ, xīn de shàn liáng。
        He has a rough outside, but a good heart.

        • wèi shén mewhy?; for what reason?
      • 你 为什么 那么 做 ?
        Nǐ wèishénme nàme zuò?
        Why did you do that?

        • shén mewhat?; who?; something; anything
      • 你 在 干什么 ?
        Nǐ zài gàn shénme?
        What are you doing?

        • huánto return (to)
        • háistill; yet
      • 他 还 在 上班 。
        Tā hái zài shàngbān.
        He is still at work.
      • 还是归还还给还有还要话还没说完

        • kè qipolite; courteous; formal; modest
      • 如果 有事 请人 帮忙 , 语气 一定 要 客气 些 。
        Rúguǒ yǒushì qǐng rén bāngmáng, yǔqì yīdìng yào kèqì xiē.
        If there is something to ask for help, the tone must be polite.

        • ne(particle.) ne
        • woollen cloth
      • 接下来 怎么 做 呢 ?
        Jiēxiàlái zěnme zuò ne?
        What to do next (about this)?

        • wēi xiàosmile; to smile
      • 她 脸 上 露出 愉快 的 微笑 。
        tā liǎn shàng lù chū yú kuài de wēi xiào。
        There is a merry smile on her face.

        • huí dáto reply; to answer; the answer
      • 请 举手 回答 问题 。
        Qǐng jǔshǒu huídá wèntí.
        Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question.

        • zhèngupright; correct; exactly; main
      • 他 正在 开会 。
        tā zhèng zài kāi huì。
        He is in conference.
      • 正在反正真正正常正对正方形正好正面正确正是正要正方正对着

        • cáiability; talent; a person of certain ability or talent; just; only
      • 刚才 他 逛街 去 了 。
        Gāngcái tā guàngjiē qù le.
        He went shopping just now.
      • 才是才能刚才人才天才怎样才能

        • wēn hémild; gentle; moderate
      • 她 的 脾气 很 温和 。
        Tāde píqi hěn wēnhé.
        She has a mild temperament.

        • fāng shìway (of life); pattern; style; mode; manner
      • 承认 自己 的 错误 , 也许 是 最 简单 的 道歉 方式 。
        Chéngrèn zìjǐ de cuòwù, yěxǔ shì zuì jiǎndān de dàoqiàn fāngshì.
        Admitting your mistakes is perhaps the easiest way to apologize.

        • duì dàito treat; treatment
      • 她 对待 客人 很 友好 。
        Tā duìdài kèren hěn yǒuhǎo.
        Her treatement of the guests is very friendly.

        • dào lireason; argument; sense; principle; basis; justification
      • 这个 人 很 霸道 , 不 讲 道理 。
        Zhè gè rén hěn bàdào, bù jiǎng dàoli.
        This person is overbearing and does not speak logically.

        • míng baiclear; obvious; unequivocal; to understand; to realize
      • 我 不 明白 你 的 意思 。
        wǒ bù míng bái nǐ de yì si。
        I can't apprehend your meaning.

        • gēn běnfundamental; basic; root; simply; absolutely (not); (not) at all
      • 他 说 的话 根本 毫无 意义 。
        tā shuō dehuà gēnběn háowú yìyì .
        What he says makes no sense at all.