Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4B ‣ 第十二课 我是小导游

    • dì tiě zhànsubway station; metro station; MRT station

    • rè dàithe tropics; tropical

    • rè dài yǔ líntropical rain forest

    • rè dài yǔ lín qūtropical rain forest

    • yǔ línrainforest

    • dōng bianeast; east side; eastern part; to the east of

    • tiān éswan
  • 黑 天鹅 很 稀有 。
    Hēi tiān é hěn xī yǒu。
    A black swan is rare.

    • nán biansouth; south side; southern part; to the south of

    • jiāo xiǎngsymphony, symphonic

    • jiāo xiǎng yuèsymphony


    • xī biānwest; west side; western part; to the west of

    • shēng tàiway of life; ecology

    • běi biānnorth; north side; northern part; to the north of

    • zhǎn lǎnto put on display; to exhibit; exhibition; show
  • 他们 从 远处 赶来 参观 这个 展览会 。
    tā men zòng yuǎn chù gǎn lái cān guān zhè gè zhǎn lǎn huì。
    They came from afar to see the exhibition.

    • rè lièenthusiastic; ardent; warm
  • 大家 以 热烈 的 掌声 欢迎 她 。
    dà jiā yǐ rè liè de zhǎng shēng huān yíng tā.
    She was received with warm applause.

    • lǚ yóutrip; journey; tourism; travel; tour; to travel
  • 现在 是 旅游 旺季 。
    Xiànzài shì lǚyóu wàngjì.
    It's the busy season for tourism now.

    • jiè shàoto introduce (sb to sb); to give a presentation; to present (sb for a job etc); introduction
  • 她 把 我 介绍 给 她 的 朋友 。
    tā bǎ wǒ jiè shào jǐ tā de péng you。
    She introduced me to her friend.

    • jǐng diǎnscenic spot; place of interest (tourism)