Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4B ‣ 第十三课 美猴王孙悟空

    • zhǔ yàomain; principal; major; primary
  • 水稻 是 主要 的 农作物 。
    Shuǐdào shì zhǔyào de nóngzuòwù.
    Rice is the main crop here.

    • táng sēngXuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645

    • shī fuused for 师傅 (in Taiwan); master; qualified worker
  • 唐僧 是 孙悟空 的 师父 。
    Tángsēng shì sūnwùkōng de shīfu.
    Tang Seng is the master of Sun Wukong.

    • dài lǐngto guide; to lead
  • 向导 带领 我们 参观 灯塔 。
    Xiàngdǎo dàilǐng wǒmen cānguān dēngtǎ.
    The guide led us on a tour of the lighthouse.

    • tú dìapprentice; disciple
  • 他 吩咐 他 的 两 个 徒弟 下山 打 水 。
    Tā fēnfù tā de liǎng gè túdì xiàshān dǎ shuǐ.
    He told his two apprentices to go down the mountain to fetch water.


    • xī tiānthe Western Paradise (Buddhism)
  • 唐僧 带 着 三 个 徒弟 去 西天 取经 。
    Tángsēng dài zháo sān gè túdì qù xītiān qǔjīng.
    Tang Seng took three apprentices to Xitian to study.

    • qǔ jīngto journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures; to learn by studying another's experience

    • jīng lìexperience; to experience; to go through

    • lóng wángDragon King (mythology)
  • 古时候 , 人们 认为 天 降 暴雨 是 龙王 在 作法 。
    Gǔ shíhòu, rénmen rènwéi tiān jiàng bàoyǔ shì lóngwáng zài zuòfǎ.
    In ancient times, people thought that the rainstorm was the practice of the Dragon King.

    • sūn wù kōngSun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West 西游记

    • dà shènggreat sage; mahatma; king; emperor; outstanding personage; Buddha

    • hóu wángSun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West 西游记

    • huǒ yǎn jīn jīnglit. fiery eyes and golden pupils; discerning eyes (idiom)

    • kàn chūto make out; to see

    • yāo guàimonster; devil

    • téng yún jià wù

    • gēn touto trip; to fall down; to tumble; a somersault; to fall head over heels

    • shí wàn bā qiān lǐA thousand miles; far distance

    • zhū bā jièZhu Bajie, character in Journey to the West 西游记, with pig-like characteristics and armed with a muck-rake; Pigsy in Arthur Waley's translation

      • yuán shuàimarshal (in the army)

      • wù néngZhu Bajie 猪八戒 or Zhu Wuneng, Pigsy or Pig (in Journey to the West)


      • jiǔ chǐ dīng páThe Nine-Toothed Rake (weapon of Zhu Bajie 猪八戒)

      • dīng párake

      • hé shangBuddhist monk