Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4B ‣ 第十三课 美猴王孙悟空

    • liè kāito split open

    • mù ménWooden door

    • xiǎo gū niángLittle girl

    • gū nianggirl; young woman; young lady; daughter; paternal aunt (old)
  • 他 娶 了 一 个 英国 姑娘 。
    Tā qǔ le yī gè Yīngguó gūniang.
    He married an English girl.

    • běn lǐngskill; ability; capability
  • 你 有 什么 本领 ? 拿 出来 给 大家 看看 !
    Nǐ yǒu shé me běnlǐng? Ná chūlái gěi dàjiā kàn kàn!
    What skills do you have? Take it out and show it to everyone!

    • bài shīto formally become an apprentice to a master

    • shén xiānDaoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc; fig. lighthearted person
  • 马上 要 开业 , 你 却 捅 了 这么 大 的 篓子 , 这 回 , 连 神仙 也 帮不上忙 了 !
    Mǎshàng yào kāiyè, nǐ què tǒngle zhème dà de lǒuzi, zhè huí, lián shénxiān yě bāng bù shàng mángle!
    I’m going to open the business right away, but you’ve got such a big scorpion. This time, even the gods can’t help!

    • tán gāng qínto play the piano

    • gāng qínpiano
  • 她 每周 上 一次 钢琴 课 。
    tā měizhōu shàng yī cì gāngqín kè .
    She takes piano lessons one time a week.

    • mín zhòngpopulace; masses; the people
  • 街上 聚集 了 很多 民众 。
    Jiēshang jùjíle hěn duō mínzhòng.
    Many people have gathered in the street.

    • mín zhòng jù lè bù(Singapore) community club
  • 这个 周末 , 我 参加 了 民众俱乐部 的 讲演 活动 。
    Zhège zhōumò, wǒ cānjiāle mínzhòng jùlèbù de jiǎngyǎn huódòng.
    This weekend, I attended a lecture at the People's Club.

    • jù lè bùclub (i.e. a group or organization) (loanword)
  • 这 是 一家 健身 俱乐部 。
    Zhè shì yī jiā jiànshēn jùlèbù.
    This is a fitness club.

    • sūn wù kōngSun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West 西游记

    • chéng rènto admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc); to acknowledge
  • 他 向 老师 承认 他 错 了 。
    Tā xiàng lǎoshī chéngrèn tā cuò le.
    He admitted his was wrong to the teacher.