Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4B ‣ 第十四课 这个主意真棒

    • tóng qiáncopper coins
  • 先 在 外面 画 一个 圆圈 , 再 在 中间 画 一个 方块 , 一个 铜钱 就 画 好 了 。
    Xiān zài wàimiàn huà yīgè yuánquān, zài zài zhōngjiān huà yīgè fāngkuài, yīgè tóngqián jiù huà hǎole.
    Draw a circle on the outside and then a square in the middle, and a copper coin is drawn.

    • ā fán tíEffendi, wily and fearless hero of Uighur folk tales; smart guy

    • máo lǘdonkey

    • xiǎo zhènsmall town

    • gāng qiǎoby chance; by coincidence; by good luck
  • 他 临时 决定 去 拜访 姑姑 , 刚巧 姑姑 在 家 。
    Tā línshí juédìng qù bàifǎng gūgū, gāngqiǎo gūgū zàijiā.
    He temporarily decided to visit his aunt, who happened to be at home.

    • lǎo bǎnboss; business proprietor
  • 老板 不 在 办公室 。
    Lǎobǎn bù zài bàngōngshì.
    The boss is not in the office.

    • qióng rénpoor people; the poor
  • 这个 村子 里面 有 许多 穷人 。
    Zhè gè cūnzi lǐmiàn yǒu xǔduō qióngrén.
    This village has many poor people.

    • press; suppress
  • 核桃 被 压碎 了 。
    Hétao bèi yāsuì le.
    The walnuts have been crushed to pieces.
  • 压力压死

    • shēn xiàUnder the body

    • yòu dǎ yòu màBeat and scold
  • 他 脾气 很坏 , 经常 对 孩子 又打又骂 。
    Tā píqì hěn huài, jīngcháng duì háizi yòu dǎ yòu mà.
    He has a bad temper and often beats and scolds his children.

    • dèng yǎnstare
  • 爸爸 生气 了 , 对 他 吹胡子瞪眼 的 。
    Bàba shēngqìle, duì tā chuī húzi dèngyǎn de.
    Dad was angry and blinked at him.

    • xiōng bā bāharsh; savage; fierce
  • 她 原 以为 熊 都 是 凶巴巴 的 , 没想到 它们 还有 如此 可爱 的 一面 。
    Tā yuán yǐwéi xióng dōu shì xiōng bābā de, méi xiǎngdào tāmen hái yǒu rúcǐ kě'ài de yīmiàn.
    She thought the bears were fierce, and they didn't expect them to have such a lovely side.

      • fàn càifood
    • 饭菜 都凉 了 , 士兵 们 却 还 没有 回到 住处 。
      Fàncài dōu liángle, shìbīngmen què hái méiyǒu huí dào zhùchù.
      The meals were cold, but the soldiers had not returned to their homes.

      • kě liánpitiful; pathetic; to have pity on
    • 她 生病 了 , 没 人 照顾 , 真 可怜 。
      Tā shēngbìng le, méi rén zhàogù, zhēn kělián.
      She is ill but no one looks after her. What a pity!

      • jìng ránunexpectedly; to one's surprise; in spite of everything; in that crazy way; actually; to go as far as to
    • 这么 好 的 书 竟然 只 卖 五块 钱 。
      Zhème hǎo de shū jìngrán zhǐ mài wǔ kuài qián.
      Surprisingly, such a good book only sells for 5 yuan.

      • òoh
      • óah
      • éto recite
    • 哦 , 我 很 抱歉 。
      ò , wǒ hěn bàoqiàn .
      Oh, I'm sorry.

      • qián dàipurse; wallet
    • 钱袋 里 有 几百 元 钱 。
      Qiándài lǐ yǒu jǐ bǎi yuán qián.
      There are several hundred Yuan in the wallet.

      • méi kāi yǎn xiàobrows raised in delight, eyes laughing (idiom); beaming with joy; all smiles
    • 他 贴 着 她 的 耳朵 , 给 她 讲 了 个 笑话 , 她 马上 眉开眼笑 。
      Tā tiēzhe tā de ěrduǒ, gěi tā jiǎngle gè xiàohuà, tā mǎshàng méikāiyǎnxiào.
      He stuck her ear and told her a joke, and she immediately smiled.

      • bù huāng bù mángcalm and unhurried (idiom); composed; to take matters calmly
    • 他 有备而来 。 答题 的 时候 , 他 不慌不忙 。
      Tā yǒu bèi ér lái. Dátí de shíhòu, tā bù huāng bù máng.
      He is prepared. When answering questions, he is not in a hurry.

      • qiànyawn; raise slightly; lack; owe
    • 我 欠 她 10 美元 。
      wǒ qiàn tā 10 měiyuán .
      I owe ten dollars to her.
    • 哈欠打哈欠