Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5A ‣ 第三课 懂事的你

    • kě guìto be treasured; praiseworthy
  • 失去 健康 才 知道 健康 的 可贵 。
    shī qù jiàn kāng cái zhī dào jiàn kāng de kě guì。
    We do not know the value of health till we lose it.

    • chén mòtaciturn; uncommunicative; silent
  • 沉默是金 , 不要 多 说 废话 。
    Chénmò shì jīn, bùyào duō shuō fèihuà.
    Silence is gold, don't talk nonsense.

    • shàng kèto go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class
  • 学校 8 点 半 开始 上课 。
    xuéxiào 8 diǎn bàn kāishǐ shàngkè .
    School begins at eight-thirty.

    • lǎo shīteacher
  • 老师 不 在 教室 。
    Lǎoshī bù zài jiàoshì.
    The teacher is not in the classroom.

    • quán bānthe whole class
  • 学校 的 拔河比赛 , 只有 全班 齐心协力 , 才 有 可能 胜利 。
    Xuéxiào de báhé bǐsài, zhǐyǒu quán bān qíxīn xiélì, cái yǒu kěnéng shēng lì.
    In the tug-of-war competition of the school, only the whole class can work together to win.

    • tóng xuéto study at the same school; fellow student; classmate
  • 我们 是 同学 。
    wǒmen shì tóngxué .
    We're classmates.

    • bà ba(informal) father
  • 我 爸爸 很 忙 。
    wǒ bàba hěn máng .
    My papa is busy.

    • mā mamama; mommy; mother
  • 妈妈 在 哄 孩子 。
    Māma zài hǒng háizi.
    The mother tries to comfort the baby.

    • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
  • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
    wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
    I have no idea what to do.

    • nǐ menyou (plural)
  • 我 给 你们 讲 一 个 故事 。
    Wǒ gěi nǐmen jiǎng yī gè gùshi.
    I'll tell you guys a story.

    • shēng rìbirthday
  • 祝 你 生日快乐 。
    zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè。
    I wish you a happy birthday.

    • maparticle (question)
  • 你 有空 吗 ?
    Nǐ yǒukōng ma?
    Are you free?

    • wǒ menwe; us; ourselves; our
  • 我们 是 朋友 。
    Wǒmen shì péngyou.
    We're friends.

    • yì kǒu tóng shēngdifferent mouths, same voice; to speak in unison (idiom)
  • 老师 们 异口同声 地 称赞 他 。
    lǎo shī men yì kǒu tóng shēng de chēng zàn tā。
    The teachers praised him with one accord.

    • huí dáto reply; to answer; the answer
  • 请 举手 回答 问题 。
    Qǐng jǔshǒu huídá wèntí.
    Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question.

    • qìng zhùto celebrate
  • 他 为 父母 庆祝 生日 。
    Tā wèi fùmǔ qìngzhù shēngrì.
    He celebrated his parents' birthdays.

    • dāng ránonly natural; as it should be; certainly; of course; without doubt
  • 朋友 有 困难 , 当然 要 帮忙 。
    Péngyou yǒu kùnnan, dāngrán yào bāngmáng. (also bangzhu)
    When a friend has trouble, of course one needs to help.

    • āah; oh
  • 着火 了 ! 快 跑 啊 !
    zhāohuǒ le ! kuài pǎo ā !
    Fire! Run!

      • yǎn jingeye
    • 她 睁开 眼睛 。
      tā zhēng kāi[ bì shàng] yǎn jīng.
      She opened/closed her eyes.

      • dōuall; both
      • big city; capital
    • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
      yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
      Everything will be OK.
    • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

      • qǐ laito stand up; to get up; beginning; upward; bring together; preliminary judgement
    • 把手 举 起来 !
      bǎshǒu jǔqǐ lái !
      Hands up!

        • jǔ shǒuto raise a hand; to put up one's hand (as signal)
      • 大家 在 会 上 踊跃 地 举手 发言 。
        Dàjiā zài huìshàng yǒngyuè de jǔshǒu fāyán.
        At the meeting, everyone raised their hands enthusiastically to speak.

        • jǔ qǐto heave; to lift; to raise up; to uphold
      • 她 举起 一根 手指 放 在 唇 边 , 示意 肃静 。
        tā jǔ qǐ yī gēn shǒu zhǐ fàng zài chún biān, shì yì sù jìng。
        She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.

        • yǒu de(there are) some (who are...); some (exist)
      • 这才 刚刚 进入 春天 , 迎春花 有 的 已经 开放 了 , 有 的 还是 花骨朵 。
        Zhè cái gānggāng jìnrù chūntiān, yíngchūn huā yǒu de yǐjīng kāifàngle, yǒu de háishì huāgūduǒ.
        This has just entered the spring, some of the spring flowers have been opened, and some are still flowering.

        • huánto return (to)
        • háistill; yet
      • 他 还 在 上班 。
        Tā hái zài shàngbān.
        He is still at work.
      • 还是归还还给还有还要话还没说完

        • shén qìexpression; manner; vigorous; impressive; lofty; pretentious
      • 他 换上 了 新 的 西装 , 看上去 十分 神气 。
        Tā huàn shàngle xīn de xīzhuāng, kàn shàngqù shí fēn shénqì.
        He put on a new suit and looked very eager.

        • shén qì shí zúfull of enthusiasm
      • 尽管 被 众人 质问 , 但是 这位 领导人 仍然 表现 出 神气十足 的 样子 。
        jǐn guǎn bèi zhòng rén zhì wèn, dàn shì zhè wèi lǐng dǎo rén réng rán biǎo xiàn chū shén qì shí zú de yàng zi。
        Despite being heckled by the crowd, the leader bore himself with dignity.

        • shí zúample; complete; hundred percent; a pure shade (of some color)
      • 她 工作 起来 干劲 十足 。
        tā gōng zuò qǐ lai gàn jìn shí zú.
        She does her work with tremendous vigour.

        • zuǒ gù yòu pànglancing to left and right (idiom); to look all around

        • jiē zheto catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn
      • 你 是否 歇 够 了 可以 接着 干 了 ?
        nǐ shì fǒu xiē gòu le kě yǐ jiē著 gàn le?
        Are you rested enough to go on?

        • kāi shǐto begin; beginning; to start; initial
      • 新 学期 开始 了 。
        Xīn xuéqī kāishǐ le.
        The new semester has started.

        • tán lùnto discuss; to talk about
      • 他 就是 我们 刚才 谈论 的 那个 人 。
        tā jiù shì wǒ men gāng cái tán lùn de nèi gè rén。
        That is the man about whom we were speaking.

        • jù huìparty; gathering; to meet; to get together
      • 他们 打扮 得 漂漂亮亮 去 参加 聚会 。
        tā men dǎ bàn de piào piào liang liàng qù cān jiā jù huì。
        They all spruced up for the party.

        • lǐ wùgift; present
      • 她 接受 了 我 的 礼物 。
        Tā jiēshòu le wǒ de lǐwù.
        She accepted my gift.

        • zhǎng bèione's elders; older generation
      • 他 用 长辈 的 口气 劝告 年轻 的 同事 。
        tā yòng zhǎng bèi de kǒu qì quàn gào nián qīng de tóng shì.
        He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues.

        • zhù fúblessings; to wish sb well
      • 大家 纷纷 向 新娘 新郎 祝福 。
        dà jiā fēn fēn xiàng xīn niáng xīn láng zhù fú.
        Good wishes showered (down) on the bride and bridegroom.

        • dà jiāeveryone; influential family; great expert
      • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
        Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
        Everyone gathered together.

        • yuè lái yuèmore and more
      • 如果 大家 都 推脱 不 干活 , 家务活 只 会 变得 越来越 多 。
        Rúguǒ dàjiā dōu tuītuō bù gān huó, jiāwù huó zhǐ huì biàn dé yuè lái yuè duō.
        If everyone is free from doing things, housework will only become more and more.

        • xīng fènexcited; excitement
      • 一 谈到 暑假 , 我们 大家 都 变 兴奋 了 。
        yī tán dào shǔ jià, wǒ men dà jiā dōu biàn xīng fèn le。
        When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited.

        • shēng yīnvoice; sound
      • 我们 听见 敲 鼓 的 声音 。
        wǒ men tīng jiàn qiāo gǔ de shēng yīn.
        We heard the beat of a drum.

        • xiǎng liàngloud and clear; resounding

        • jiào shìclassroom
      • 考试 结束 后 , 她 从 教室 前面 领回 了 书包 。
        Kǎoshì jiéshù hòu, tā cóng jiàoshì qiánmiàn lǐng huíle shūbāo.
        After the exam, she took the bag from the front of the classroom.

        • inside; lining; alley; community; village; unit of length
      • 你 从 哪里 来 ?
        Nǐ cóng nǎli lái?
        Where are you from?
      • 心里夜里嘴里城里河里十万八千里田里屋里眼里房里花园里汤里脑子里火里土里角落里车里店里噼里啪啦巷里哪里盒里那里包里这里往里邻里锅里煮家里坑里海里草丛里湖里怀里看在眼里里面手里水里死里逃生

        • also; as well as; too; either
      • 我 也 喝 咖啡 。
        Wǒ yě hē kāfēi.
        I'm drinking coffee too.
      • 也许再也也是再也不会再也不是

        • rè naobustling with noise and excitement; lively
      • 夜市 很 热闹 。
        Yèshì hěn rènao.
        The night market is bustling.

        • yī xià(used after a verb) give it a go; to do (sth for a bit to give it a try); one time; once; in a while; all of a sudden; all at once

          • ān jìngquiet; peaceful; calm
        • 这 是 一 个 安静 的 乡村 。
          Zhè shì yī gè ānjìng de xiāngcūn.
          This is a quiet village.

          • xǔ duōmany; a lot of; much
        • 她 提 了 许多 问题 。
          Tā tí le xǔduō wèntí. (also henduo)
          She raised a lot of questions.

          • zhǐ yǒuonly
        • 他们 只有 一 根 钓鱼竿 。
          Tāmen zhǐyǒu yī gēn diàoyúgān.
          They only have one fishing pole.

          • jǐ gea few; several; how many
        • 我 买 了 几个 苹果 。
          Wǒ mǎile jǐ gè píngguǒ.
          I've bought a few apples.

          • biǎo yángto praise; to commend
        • 你们 克服 了 这么 大 的 困难 , 值得 表扬 。
          nǐ men kè fú le zhè me dà de kùn nan, zhí de biǎo yáng。
          It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.

          • tā menthey
        • 老师 给 他们 安排 好 了 座位 。
          Lǎoshī gěi tāmen ānpái hǎole zuòwèi.
          The teacher arranged the seats for them.

          • hòubehind; after; afterwards; offspring; emperor; queen
        • 她 躲 在 门 后 。
          Tā duǒ zài mén hòu.
          She's hiding behind the door.
        • 后人后台后天后退后座皇后今后前后身后事后往后先后先后顺序向后歇后语之后最后后腿从此以后饭后前前后后王后母后以后下课后然后向后转争先恐后后巷后悔一前一后背后从这以后此后后人乘凉过后后来后门后面

          • yòuagain; also; but
        • 你 又 迟到 了 。
          Nǐ yòu chídào le.
          You're late again.
        • 又惊又喜又高又大又打又骂

          • shuíwho; whom; someone
          • shéiwho (coll)
        • 谁 在 敲门 ?
          shéi zài qiāo mén?
          Who is knocking at the door?

          • fàngset free; give out; put; send out
        • 放学 了 。
          Fàngxué le.
          School's out.
        • 放在放箭放回轻放放出去放进去横放放油放学放弃燃放播放存放放鞭炮放大放大镜放工放进放手放松放下放心放映开放排放停放放风筝放好开放日放到放慢

          • xià laito come down; (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders)

          • yā què wú shēnglit. crow and peacock make no sound; absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice can be heard; absolute silence

          • wú shēngnoiseless; noiselessly; silent
        • 夜 深 了 , 街上 悄然无声 。
          Yè shēn le, jiēshang qiǎorán wúshēng.
          It's late at night and the street is quiet.

          • dī tóuto bow the head; to yield; to give in

          • hǎo xiàngas if; to seem like
        • 天 好像 要 下雨 了 。
          Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le.
          It seems that it's going to rain!

            • cuò wùerror; mistake; mistaken; false; wrong
          • 他 犯 了 一 个 小 错误 。
            Tā fàn le yī gè xiǎo cuòwù.
            He made a small mistake.

            • shì deseems as if; rather like
          • 我 头疼 得要 裂开 似的 。
            wǒ tóu téng de yào liè kāi sì de。
            I've got a splitting headache.

            • zú zúfully; no less than; as much as; extremely

            • fēn zhōngminute
          • 他 公司 离 家 很近 , 走路 五 分钟 就 能 到 公司 。
            Tā gōngsī lí jiā hěn jìn, zǒulù wǔ fēnzhōng jiù néng dào gōngsī.
            His company is very close to home and can walk to the company in five minutes.

            • qīng qīng deGently

            • ké souto cough
          • 请 医生 开 点 咳嗽 药 。
            qǐng yī shēng kāi diǎn ké sou yào.
            Ask the doctor to prescribe something for that cough.

            • wèn dàoto ask the way; to ask

            • zěn mehow?; what?; why?
          • 你 打算 怎么办 ?
            nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
            What're you going to do?

            • cáiability; talent; a person of certain ability or talent; just; only
          • 刚才 他 逛街 去 了 。
            Gāngcái tā guàngjiē qù le.
            He went shopping just now.
          • 才是才能刚才人才天才怎样才能

            • néngability; can; energy
          • 水能 溶解 盐 。
            shuǐ néng róng jiě yán.
            Water dissolves salt.
          • 不能能干能够才能可能能力能源只能智能智能手机能用能来怎样才能能不能真能干表达能力一定能能克服

            • ne(particle.) ne
            • woollen cloth
          • 接下来 怎么 做 呢 ?
            Jiēxiàlái zěnme zuò ne?
            What to do next (about this)?

            • tái qǐto lift up

            • qī zuǐ bā shélively discussion with everybody talking at once
          • 在 报社 记者 七嘴八舌 地 高声 向 他 提问 时 , 他 始终 表现 得 镇定自若 。
            zài bào shè jì zhě qī zuǐ bā shé de gāo shēng xiàng tā tí wèn shí, tā shǐ zhōng biǎo xiàn de zhèn dìng zì ruò。
            He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once.

            • shuōsay; theory
            • shuìpersuade
          • 你 说 什么 ?
            Nǐ shuō shénme?
            What are you saying?
          • 听说小说要说有说有笑再说比如说说大话说笑话没话说说来说去说完说不出来怎么说这么说说一说说得对说说看没听说过不管怎么说话还没说完传说据说比方说就是说来说说不出说唱说法说好说话说明说起说说

            • yé ye(coll.) father's father; paternal grandfather
          • 他 爷爷 快 七十 岁 了 。
            tā yé ye kuài qī shí suì le。
            His grandfather is nearly seventy.

            • nǎi nai(informal) grandma (paternal grandmother); (respectful) mistress of the house; (coll.) boobies; breasts
          • 奶奶 喜欢 做 针线活 。
            Nǎinai xǐhuan zuò zhēnxiànhuó.
            My grandmother likes sewing.

            • wài gōng(coll.) mother's father; maternal grandfather
          • 他 是 外公 培养 长大 的 , 现在 工作 了 , 是 回报 外公 的 时候 了 。
            Tā shì wàigōng péiyǎng zhǎng dà de, xiànzài gōngzuòle, shì huíbào wàigōng de shíhòule.
            He grew up as a grandfather, and now he is working, it is time to return his grandfather.

            • wài pó(coll.) mother's mother; maternal grandmother
          • 外婆 的 脸 上 有 很多 皱纹 。
            Wàipó de liǎnshàng yǒu hěn duō zhòuwén.
            There are a lot of wrinkles on my grandmother's face.

            • kānlook after
            • kànsee; read
          • 请 往 这边 看 。
            qǐng wàng zhè biān kàn.
            Look this way, please.
          • 看电视看着看过看得出来爱看看得懂看不出来看见看得难看亲眼看到查看看不清楚观看看完好看看球赛看病猜猜看看不出看清楚看不懂说说看看不见看得远看出听听看看法看看看来看起来看球看上看上去看书看一看看在眼里来看看不到看到看得出看门

            • shēn fènidentity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank
          • 他 以 主人 身份 接待 来客 。
            tā yǐ zhǔ rén shēn fèn jiē dài lái kè。
            He acted as host to visitors.

            • shēn fèn zhèngidentity card; ID

            • yǔ zhòng xīn chángmeaningful and heartfelt words (idiom); sincere and earnest wishes

            • fù mǔfather and mother; parents
          • 他 对 父母 很 孝顺 .
            Tā duì fùmǔ hěn xiàoshùn.
            He is very filial toward his parents.

            • yǎng yùto rear; to bring up; to nurture

            • róng yìeasy; likely; liable (to)
          • 这次 考试 比较 容易 。
            zhè cì kǎo shì bǐ jiào róng yì。
            The exam was relatively easy.

            • guò shēng rìon birthday; celebrate the birthday
          • 我们 中午 才 听说 她 今天 过生日 , 下午 大家 赶忙 去 买 蛋糕 。
            Wǒmen zhōngwǔ cái tīng shuō tā jīntiānguò shēngrì, xiàwǔ dàjiā gǎnmáng qù mǎi dàngāo.
            We only heard that she had a birthday today, and everyone went to buy cakes in the afternoon.

            • shí houtime; length of time; moment; period
          • 饭店 什么 时候 关门 ?
            Fàndiàn shénmeshíhou guān mén?
            When does the restaurant close?

            • yàoimportant; want; require; shall
            • yāoto invite; to request
          • 我 正要 找 你 。
            wǒ zhèng yào zhǎo nǐ。
            Just the man I was looking for.
          • 要么要钱要求要是要说一定要正要只要主要总要还要要用要来先要要知道真要严格要求要到了需要重要不要紧不要必要就要快要想要要不要不是要紧

            • jì deto remember
          • 他 还 记得 七岁 那个 下午 , 他 和 爸爸 一起 坐 游乐园 的 小 火车 。
            Tā hái jìdé qī suì nàgè xiàwǔ, tā hé bàba yīqǐ zuò yóu lèyuán de xiǎo huǒchē.
            He still remembers the afternoon of the age of seven, he and his father took the small train in the amusement park.

            • bù jiǔnot long (after); before too long; soon; soon after
          • 水 在 阳光 下 不久 就 蒸发 了 。
            shuǐ zài yáng guāng xià bù jiǔ jiù zhēng fā le。
            The water soon evaporated in the sunshine.

            • xué xiàoschool
          • 我 在 学校 。
            Wǒ zài xuéxiào.
            I am at school.

            • kāi huìto hold a meeting; to attend a meeting
          • 他们 在 礼堂 开会 。
            Tāmen zài lǐtáng kāihuì.
            They're having a meeting in the auditorium.

            • biǎo shìto express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean
          • 他 摇 了 摇头 表示 反对 。
            tā yáo le yáo tou biǎo shì fǎn duì。
            He shook his head in disapproval.

            • dǒng shìsensible; thoughtful; intelligent
          • 他 在 医院 照顾 妈妈 , 旁人 都 夸 他 是 个 懂事 的 孩子 。
            Tā zài yīyuànzhàogù māmā, pángrén dōu kuā tā shìgè dǒngshì de háizi.
            He took care of his mother in the hospital, and others praised him as a sensible child.

            • hè kǎgreeting card; congratulation card
          • 新年 , 她 收到 了 许多 朋友 们 寄 给 她 的 贺卡 。
            Xīnnián, tā shōu dàole xǔduō péngyǒumen jì gěi tā de hèkǎ.
            In the New Year, she received a greeting card from many friends.

            • sòng gěito send; to give as a present
          • 这 份 礼物 送给 你 。
            Zhè fèn lǐwù sòng gěi nǐ.
            I give this gift to you.

            • xiǎosmall; little; young
          • 书店 很 小 。
            Shūdiàn hěn xiǎo.
            The bookstore is very small.
          • 小便小花小提琴小旗小菜小黑点小偷小贴士小吃小鱼小屋小红点小船小房子小溪小石子小小小星星小刀小虾小熊猫小弟弟小商店小组小鬼小洞小贩中心小孩小猪小熊小孩儿小华小齐小鸟小宝宝小孩子小乐小火小羊小步小号小象小辣椒小猫小吃摊小河小块小芽小狗小姑娘小黄瓜小虎小口袋小朋友小鼓小鸡小蚂蚁小瓶小心小件小姐小雨点小门小兔小山小精灵小蝌蚪小白花小岛小小的小康小兔子小厨小猴窄小小路小老虎小红花小贩小天使小马小山羊大小不等小巷不小小麦小白兔小学生不小心小妹小老鼠大街小巷小明小名小河边小学小天地小气小玉矮小小猴子小汽车小光半小时小小年纪小强小鸭从小小手小桥小云大大小小小草小声小石头大小小男孩小时小妹妹胆小小女孩小时候小松胆小鬼太小小事小安极小小镇小树小鸭子缩小变小小说小宝

            • bāng shǒuhelper; assistant
          • 要 想 盖 一栋 房子 , 他 需要 一些 帮手 。
            Yào xiǎng gài yī dòng fángzi, tā xūyào yīxiē bāngshǒu.
            To build a house, he needs some helper.

            • bāng mángto help; to lend a hand; to do a favor; to do a good turn
          • 朋友 有 困难 , 当然 要 帮忙 。
            Péngyou yǒu kùnnan, dāngrán yào bāngmáng. (also bangzhu)
            When a friend has trouble, of course one needs to help.

            • zuò jiā wùdo the housework

            • jiā wùhousehold duties; housework
          • 他们 平等 分担 家务 。
            tā men píng děng fēn dān jiā wù.
            They share the housework equally between them.

            • zàiexist; present; in the process of; at
          • 她 在 弹琴 。
            Tā zài tánqín.
            She's playing the piano.
          • 看在眼里满不在乎设在实在现在在场在乎在内在外早在自由自在自在排在放在在家坐在摆在连在一起披在留在趴在配在登在躺在住在挂在站在在世界上正在不在在不在不在乎缩在处在存在聚在一起

            • fán nǎoto be worried; to be distressed; worries
          • 我们 做 些 什么 才能 减轻 她 的 烦恼 呢 ?
            wǒ men zuò xiē shén me cái néng jiǎn qīng tā de fán nǎo ne?
            What can we do to lessen her vexation?

            • ān wèito comfort; to console
          • 他 想方设法 安慰 她 。
            tā xiǎng fāng shè fǎ ān wèi tā.
            He tried to find ways of mollifying her.

            • jiàocall; shout; name
          • 你 叫 什么 名字 ?
            Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?
            What's your name?
          • 狂叫叫来沿街叫卖叫起来叫醒叫好惊叫名叫叫卖声大叫叫卖拍手叫好哇哇叫叫人叫住鸡叫

            • ài xīto cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly

            • shēn tǐ(human) body; health
          • 外婆 的 身体 很好 。
            Wàipó de shēntǐ hěn hǎo.
            Grandma is very healthy.

            • bié tàidon't be too

            • láo lèitired; exhausted; worn out; to toil

            • huí xiǎngto recall; to recollect; to think back
          • 见到 老 战友 使 我 回 想起 自己 在 部队 中 的 日子 。
            xiàn dào lǎo zhàn yǒu shǐ wǒ huí xiǎng qǐ zì jǐ zài bù duì zhòng dì rì zi。
            The sight of the old comrade-in-arms carried me back to my days in the army.

            • xiǎng qǐto recall; to think of; to call to mind

            • that; then
            • nèithat (emphasising)
          • 小心 那个 台阶 !
            xiǎo xīn nèi gè tái jiē!
            Mind (ie Don't trip over) that step!
          • 那里那天那边那儿那个那么那时那时候那是那些那样那种那条那件事那本书那件那块那串那宝贝那一刻

            • yī zhèna burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time)
          • 他 的 头 一阵阵 地 痛 。
            tā de tou yī zhèn zhèn dì tòng。
            His head throbbed with pain.

            • zhēn shiit's really
          • 你 真 是 个 好孩子 ! , 她 常听到 别人 这么 夸小浩 。
            “Nǐ zhēnshi gè hǎo háizi!”, Tā cháng tīng dào biérén zhème kuā xiǎo hào.
            You are such a good boy! She often heard others praise such a small Hao.

            • rànggivea way; let; allow; elect; blame
          • 让 我 试 试 。
            ràng wǒ shìshi .
            Let me try.
          • 让座礼让不让

            • zhǎng dàto grow up
          • 树苗 长大 了 。
            Shùmiáo zhǎngdà le.
            The tree seedling has grown.