Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5A ‣ 第五课 我闯祸了

    • diūto lose; to throw; to put aside
  • 我 很 倒霉 , 丢 了 钥匙 。
    wǒ hěn dǎo méi, diū le yào shi。
    I was unfortunate to lose my keys.
  • 丢失丢掉

    • zǎo shangearly morning
  • 明天 早上 六点 一定 要 起床 , 不然 我们 就 会 错过 火车 。
    Míngtiān zǎoshang liù diǎn yī dìng yào qǐchuáng, bùrán wǒmen jiù huì cuòguò huǒchē.
    I must get up at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, or we will miss the train.

    • lǎo shīteacher
  • 老师 不 在 教室 。
    Lǎoshī bù zài jiàoshì.
    The teacher is not in the classroom.

    • huánto return (to)
    • háistill; yet
  • 他 还 在 上班 。
    Tā hái zài shàngbān.
    He is still at work.
  • 还是归还还给还有还要话还没说完

    • zǒu jìnto enter

    • jiào shìclassroom
  • 考试 结束 后 , 她 从 教室 前面 领回 了 书包 。
    Kǎoshì jiéshù hòu, tā cóng jiàoshì qiánmiàn lǐng huíle shūbāo.
    After the exam, she took the bag from the front of the classroom.

    • crow; black; dark
  • 天空 布满 了 乌云 。
    Tiānkōng bùmǎnle wūyún.
    The sky is covered by dark clouds.
  • 乌龟乌龟壳乌拉圭乌鸦乌云密布乌云

    • peace; harmony; and
    • to join
    • huómix, blend
    • huòmix, blend, time (counting word)
    • win in gambling
  • 他 和 我 同 岁 。
    tā hé wǒ tóng suì .
    He and I are the same age.
  • 和谐暖和共和共和国和平和尚柔和沙和尚温和新加坡共和国

    • lìng wàiadditional; in addition; besides; separate; other; moreover; furthermore
  • 彼得 是 我们 最 小 的 孩子 , 我们 另外 还有 三 个 孩子 。
    Bǐ dé shì wǒ men zuì xiǎo de hái zi, wǒ men lìng wài hái yǒu sān gè hái zi.
    Peter is our youngest child, and we have three others besides.

    • sān gèthree

    • tóng xuéto study at the same school; fellow student; classmate
  • 我们 是 同学 。
    wǒmen shì tóngxué .
    We're classmates.

    • zhèng zàiin the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing)
  • 我们 正在 开会 。
    Wǒmen zhèngzài kāihuì.
    We're in a meeting right now.

    • xì nòngto caper; to jest

    • shuāng jiǎotwo legs; both feet

    • yǒuhave; exist
  • 树 有 根 。
    Shù yǒu gēn.
    Trees have roots.
  • 有去无回有点儿有毒有关有力有钱有人有时有说有笑有所有味有效没有有效期有趣有一次所有有意义有名有余只有有着拥有年年有余津津有味若有所思有些有救有限有神有时候如有总有一天有的有骨头有意思有所思彬彬有礼有样学样独有很有共有有没有还有有福气特有遇有唯有有一天胸有成竹有错有道理有秩序地有点

    • cán jídisabled; handicapped; deformity on a person or animal

    • xíng dòngoperation; action; to move; mobile
  • 行动 胜 于 空谈 。
    xíng dòng shèng yú kòng tán。
    Actions speak louder than words.


    • bù biàninconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable; short of cash
  • 真 是 的 , 这 叫 人 非常 不便 。
    zhēn shì de, zhè jiào rén fēi cháng bù biàn。
    Well, this is most inconvenient.

    • to beat; to shoulder; be able to; gram
  • 这 颗 钻石 重 十克 。
    Zhè kē zuànshí zhòng shí kè.
    This diamond weighs ten grams.
  • 克服困难克服麦克风巧克力克兰芝能克服

    • luònet-like structure
    • làonet
  • 让 我们 保持 联络 。
    ràng wǒmen bǎochíliánluò .
    Let's keep in touch.
  • 电脑网络网络网络平台


    • west; Western
  • 太阳 偏西 了 。
    Tàiyáng piānxī le.
    The sun is to the west.
  • 东西东奔西跑露西马来西亚西边西城区西方西瓜西兰花西天西游记新西兰搬东西偷东西东摇西摆卖东西林西莉西城西瓜汁西游

    • tā menthey
  • 老师 给 他们 安排 好 了 座位 。
    Lǎoshī gěi tāmen ānpái hǎole zuòwèi.
    The teacher arranged the seats for them.

    • zǒu lùto walk; to go on foot
  • 没有 车 , 他 只好 走路 。
    Méiyǒu chē, tā zhǐhǎo zǒulù.
    Without a car, he can only walk.

    • yàng ziappearance; manner; pattern; model
  • 妹妹 在 模仿 我 走路 的 样子 。
    Mèimei zài mófǎng wǒ zǒulù de yàngzi.
    My sister is imitating my walking style/appearance.

    • yī yánone sentence; brief remark

    • wǒ yī yǔmy word

    • de(a particle used after an adverbial)
    • earth; land; place
  • 地毯 有点 脏 。
    Dìtǎn yǒudiǎn zāng.
    The carpet is a little dirty.
  • 满地本地天地间遍地离地场地小天地大地静静地地点草地上地面悄悄地地球远远地地上偷偷地地铁站建筑工地地图牢牢地地下呼呼地地下水坐地铁地下通道骄傲地地震快活地电邮地址特地来空地默默地猛地细心地目的地哪些地方沙地扫地有秩序地世界各地工地轻快地随地地方特地到特地各地细细地天地地铁田地地板外地草地营地地址种地地区洗地土地洗地板地洞轻轻地陆地伤心地深深地奥地利

    • qǔ xiàoto tease; to make fun of
  • 取笑 一个 瞎子 是 残忍 的 。
    qǔ xiào yī gè xiā zi shì cán rěn de。
    It's cruel to make fun of a blind man.

    • yī dīA drop

    • hàn shuǐsweat; perspiration
  • 她 用 一张 面巾 纸 擦掉 脸 上 的 汗水 。
    tā yòng yī zhāng miàn jīn zhǐ cā diào liǎn shàng de hàn shuǐ。
    She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.

    • cóngfollow; from
  • 水 从 洞口 流出 。
    shuǐ zòng Dòng kǒu liú chū。
    Water sluiced out of the hole.
  • 从这以后从前从来从此从来不从来没病从口入从不从军从没从小自从从此以后从早到晚

    • liǎn shàngon the face

    • diàoto fall; to drop; to find something missing; to turn
  • 树叶 掉 在 地上 。
    Shùyè diào zài dìshang.
    The tree leaves have fallen to the ground.
  • 撕掉忘掉掉下来死掉流掉掉下去掉进拔掉擦掉吃掉除掉掉落掉下掉转丢掉改掉减掉灭掉扔掉

    • xià laito come down; (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders)

    • quán shēnwhole body; em (typography)
  • 他 被 雨 浇 得 全身 湿透 。
    tā bèi yǔ jiāo de quán shēn shī tòu。
    He was wet from head to foot from the shower.

    • fā dǒuto tremble; to shake; to shiver
  • 这位 老人 气 得 发抖 。
    zhè wèi lǎo rén qì de fā dǒu。
    The old man quivered with rage.

    • jiāng yàowill; shall; to be going to

    • bào zhàexplosion; to explode; to blow up; to detonate

    • zhà dànbomb

    • tū ránsudden; abrupt; unexpected
  • 这 架 梯子 突然 倒 了 。
    Zhè jià tīzi tūrán dǎo le.
    This ladder suddenly fell over.

    • suí shǒuconveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing
  • 外面 风大 , 请 随手关门 。
    Wàimiàn fēng dà, qǐng suíshǒu guānmén.
    The outside is big, please close the door.

    • zhuā qǐgrab up

    • yī zhīone (piece)

    • xiàngnorth window; to face; towards; direction; past, before
  • 他 向 我 告别 。
    tā xiàng wǒ gào bié。
    He has taken leave of me.
  • 向左一向走向推向向前走向左转歪向向右转向后转飞向背向抛向向天歌向天天天向上推向高潮方向面向向后向前向上向右

    • guò qu(in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by
  • 我们 过去 常 在 公园 玩 。
    wǒmen guòqù cháng zài gōngyuán wán.
    We often used to play in the park.

      • kuài sùfast; high-speed; rapid
    • 时间 紧急 , 我们 需要 快速 作答 。
      Shíjiān jǐnjí, wǒmen xūyào kuàisù zuòdá.
      Time is urgent, we need to answer quickly.

      • shǎn kāito get out of the way

      • chà diǎnalmost; nearly
    • 他 站 的 位置 太 危险 了 , 刚刚 差点儿 掉 下 舞台 。
      Tā zhàn de wèizhì tài wéixiǎnle, gānggāng chàdiǎn er diào xià wǔtái.
      The position of his station was too dangerous, and he almost fell off the stage.

      • chà diǎn ralmost; nearly
    • 风 很 大 , 差点儿 把 她 的 帽子 刮 跑 了 。
      Fēng hěn dà, chàdiǎnr bǎ tā de màozi guāpǎo le.
      It's so windy, her hat was almost blown away.

      • diǎn rpoint; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更; dot stroke in Chinese characters; classifier for items

      • dǎ zhòngto hit (a target)
    • 石子 打中 了 我 头部 的 侧面 。
      shí zi dǎ zhòng le wǒ tóu bù de cè miàn.
      The stone struck me on the side of the head.

      • shì shuíwho is it

      • yán lìsevere; strict
    • 对 这些 孩子 的 处罚 过于 严厉 。
      duì zhè xie hái zi de chǔ fá guò yū yán lì.
      The punishments inflicted on the children were too severe.

      • wènask; inquire after; hold responsible
    • 问题 解决 了 。
      Wèntí jiějué le.
      The problem has been solved.
    • 问题疑问请问提问问道问号问候问路学问解决问题

      • liǎng biànTwice

      • inside; lining; alley; community; village; unit of length
    • 你 从 哪里 来 ?
      Nǐ cóng nǎli lái?
      Where are you from?
    • 心里夜里嘴里城里河里十万八千里田里屋里眼里房里花园里汤里脑子里火里土里角落里车里店里噼里啪啦巷里哪里盒里那里包里这里往里邻里锅里煮家里坑里海里草丛里湖里怀里看在眼里里面手里水里死里逃生

      • fēi chángunusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional
    • 他 感到 非常 孤独 。
      Tā gǎndào fēicháng gūdú.
      He feels very very lonely.

      • ān jìngquiet; peaceful; calm
    • 这 是 一 个 安静 的 乡村 。
      Zhè shì yī gè ānjìng de xiāngcūn.
      This is a quiet village.

      • méi rénno one; nobody

      • huí dáto reply; to answer; the answer
    • 请 举手 回答 问题 。
      Qǐng jǔshǒu huídá wèntí.
      Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question.

      • zhè shíat this time; at this moment

        • qǐ laito stand up; to get up; beginning; upward; bring together; preliminary judgement
      • 把手 举 起来 !
        bǎshǒu jǔqǐ lái !
        Hands up!

        • shuōsay; theory
        • shuìpersuade
      • 你 说 什么 ?
        Nǐ shuō shénme?
        What are you saying?
      • 听说小说要说有说有笑再说比如说说大话说笑话没话说说来说去说完说不出来怎么说这么说说一说说得对说说看没听说过不管怎么说话还没说完传说据说比方说就是说来说说不出说唱说法说好说话说明说起说说

        • bān shàng(in the) class
      • 我们 班上 有 三十 位 学生 , 只有 一位 通过 考试 , 其余 都 不及格 。
        wǒ men bān shàng yǒu sān shí wèi xué sheng, zhǐ yǒu yī wèi tōng guò kǎo shì, qí yú dōu bù jí gé。
        We have 30 students in our class; one passed the exam, and the others (=the rest) all failed.

        • hǎo duōmany; quite a lot; much better
      • 他 翻译 了 好多 本 书 。
        Tā fānyì le hǎoduō běn shū.
        He has translated a good many books.

        • dōuall; both
        • big city; capital
      • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
        yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
        Everything will be OK.
      • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

        • fā chūto issue (an order, decree etc); to send out; to dispatch; to produce a sound; to let out (a laugh)

        • jīng hūto cry out in alarm or surprise

        • hū shēnga shout; fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group

        • dà jiāeveryone; influential family; great expert
      • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
        Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
        Everyone gathered together.

        • yī yǎna glance; a quick look; a glimpse
      • 他 看 了 一眼 他 的 表 。
        tā kàn le yīyǎn tā de biǎo .
        He glanced at his watch.

        • lěng jìngcalm; cool-headed

        • bù shìno; is not; not
        • bù shifault; blame

        • zhàn qǐ laito stand up

        • zhǐ yàoif only; so long as
      • 只要 你 把 能 做 的 事 都 做 了 , 你 就 不会 后悔 。
        Zhǐyào nǐ bǎ néng zuò de shì dōu zuòle, nǐ jiù bù huì hòuhuǐ.
        As long as you do everything you can, you won't regret it.

        • chéng rènto admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc); to acknowledge
      • 他 向 老师 承认 他 错 了 。
        Tā xiàng lǎoshī chéngrèn tā cuò le.
        He admitted his was wrong to the teacher.

        • cuò wùerror; mistake; mistaken; false; wrong
      • 他 犯 了 一 个 小 错误 。
        Tā fàn le yī gè xiǎo cuòwù.
        He made a small mistake.

        • yī dìngsurely; certainly; necessarily; fixed; a certain (extent etc); given; particular; must
      • 你 一定 是 在 开玩笑 吧 。
        nǐ yī dìng shì zài kāi wán xiào ba。
        You must be joking.

        • bù huìimprobable; unlikely; will not (act, happen etc); not able; not having learned to do sth

        • pī píngto criticize; criticism
      • 他 太 淘气 了 , 老师 经常 批评 他 。
        Tā tài táoqì le, lǎoshī jīngcháng pīpíng tā.
        He is too naughty, and the teacher often criticizes him.

        • màn mànslowly
      • 伤口 慢慢 愈合 了 。
        shāng kǒu màn màn yù hé le.
        The wound was healing slowly.

        • cry; weep; in tears
      • 弟弟 哭 了 。
        Dìdi kū le.
        My younger brother is crying.
      • 别哭大哭

        • dāng zhòngin public; in front of everybody
      • 当众 吐痰 是 不 礼貌 的 行为 。
        dāng zhòng tù tán shì bù lǐ mào de xíng wéi。
        It's the bad manner to spit in public.

        • qì jíextremely angry; air exhaustion

        • jí leextremely; exceedingly
      • 姐姐 饿极了 , 妈妈 做 了 碗 炒饭 给 她 吃 。
        Jiějiě è jíle, māmā zuòle wǎn chǎofàn gěi tā chī.
        My sister was very hungry, and her mother made a bowl of fried rice for her to eat.

        • cáiability; talent; a person of certain ability or talent; just; only
      • 刚才 他 逛街 去 了 。
        Gāngcái tā guàngjiē qù le.
        He went shopping just now.
      • 才是才能刚才人才天才怎样才能

          • duì bu qǐunworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please repeat)
        • 对不起 , 打扰 了 。
          Duìbuqǐ, dǎrǎo le.
          Sorry to interrupt.

          • xiānfirst; before; earlier; in advance; ancestor
        • 小 女孩 先 上车 。
          Xiǎo nǚhái xiān shàngchē.
          The little girl gets on the bus first.
        • 争先恐后起先首先先辈先后先后顺序先生先贤优先争先祖先最先先买先去先用先要吴先生许先生

          • zuò xiato sit down
        • 我 觉得 头晕 , 得 坐下 来 。
          wǒ jué de tóu yūn, de zuò xia lái.
          I feel giddy; I must sit down.

          • yòuagain; also; but
        • 你 又 迟到 了 。
          Nǐ yòu chídào le.
          You're late again.
        • 又惊又喜又高又大又打又骂

          • qī futo bully
        • 别 让 那些 大 孩子 欺负 你 , 要 保护 你 自己 !
          biè ràng nà xiē dà hái zi qī fu nǐ, yào bǎo hù nǐ zì jǐ!
          Don't allow those big boys to bully you; stick up for yourself!

          • that; then
          • nèithat (emphasising)
        • 小心 那个 台阶 !
          xiǎo xīn nèi gè tái jiē!
          Mind (ie Don't trip over) that step!
        • 那里那天那边那儿那个那么那时那时候那是那些那样那种那条那件事那本书那件那块那串那宝贝那一刻

          • sì gèfour

          • dī tóuto bow the head; to yield; to give in

          • nǐ menyou (plural)
        • 我 给 你们 讲 一 个 故事 。
          Wǒ gěi nǐmen jiǎng yī gè gùshi.
          I'll tell you guys a story.

          • xū yào bāng zhùneed help

          • bāng zhùassistance; aid; to help; to assist
        • 谢谢 您 的 帮助 。
          Xièxie nín de bāngzhù.
          Thank you for your help. (polite)

          • jué deto think; to feel
        • 她 觉得 很 累 。
          Tā juéde hěn lèi.
          She feels very tired.

          • liǎn hóngto blush; to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
        • 他 脸皮 很 薄 , 稍微 被 说 了 几 句 , 他 就 脸红 了 。
          Tā liǎnpí hěn báo, shāowéi bèi shuōle jǐ jù, tā jiù liǎnhóngle.
          His face was very thin and he was slightly stunned. He blushed.

          • maparticle (question)
        • 你 有空 吗 ?
          Nǐ yǒukōng ma?
          Are you free?

          • jiē zheto catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn
        • 你 是否 歇 够 了 可以 接着 干 了 ?
          nǐ shì fǒu xiē gòu le kě yǐ jiē著 gàn le?
          Are you rested enough to go on?

          • hái zichild
        • 这 孩子 很 顽皮 。
          Zhè háizi hěn wánpí.
          He's a mischievous child.

          • xī wàngto wish for; to desire; hope
        • 我 希望 最后 一切 都 好 。
          wǒ xīwàng zuìhòu yīqiè dōuhǎo .
          I hope everything will turn out well in the end.

          • shòu dàoto receive; to suffer; obtained; given

          • zuì hòufinal; last; finally; ultimate

          • yī cìfirst; first time; once; (math.) linear (of degree one)

          • yǐ hòuafter; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future
        • 步行 了 四 个 小时 以后 , 我们 开始 累 了 。
          bù xíng le sì gè xiǎo shí yǐ hòu, wǒ men kāi shǐ lèi le。
          After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.

          • bù xǔnot to allow; must not; can't

          • fā shēngto happen; to occur; to take place; to break out
        • 发生 了 什么 事 ?
          Fāshēngle shénme shì? (also le at the end)
          What happened?

          • zhè zhǒngthis; this kind of; this sort of; this type of

          • shìthing; affair; matter
        • 发生 了 什么 事 ?
          Fāshēngle shénme shì? (also le at the end)
          What happened?
        • 做好事那件事讲故事成语故事注意事项天下大事好事成双做事事情懂事故事书故事童年往事大事管闲事好事坏事记事记事本没事启事少管闲事事后事物事项童话故事万事往事闲事小事一回事傻事

          • xià kèto finish class; to get out of class
        • 学生 们 下课 了 。
          Xuéshengmen xiàkè le.
          The students have gotten out of class.

          • de shí houwhen; at the time of

          • shí houtime; length of time; moment; period
        • 饭店 什么 时候 关门 ?
          Fàndiàn shénmeshíhou guān mén?
          When does the restaurant close?

          • kàn jiànto see; to catch sight of
        • 我们 看见 孩子 上 了 车 。
          wǒmen kànjiàn háizi shàng le chē .
          We saw the child get on the bus.

          • dào qiànto apologize
        • 她 要求 他 道歉 。
          Tā yāoqiú tā dàoqiàn.
          She demanded he apologize.

          • páng biānlateral; side; to the side; beside
        • 沙发 旁边 有 一只 猫 。
          shā fā páng biān yǒu yī zhǐ māo。
          There is a cat near the sofa.

          • hǎo xiàngas if; to seem like
        • 天 好像 要 下雨 了 。
          Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le.
          It seems that it's going to rain!

          • suí shíat any time; at all times; at the right time
        • 欢迎 你 随时 到 我们 家 。
          huān yíng nǐ suí shí dào wǒ men jiā。
          You are always welcome to our house.

          • zhǔn bèipreparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund)
        • 他们 正在 准备 考试 。
          tā men zhèng zài zhǔn bèi kǎo shì。
          They were girding for the exam.

          • bǎo hùto protect; to defend; to safeguard; protection
        • 我们 要 保护 水 资源 。
          Wǒmen yào bǎohù shuǐ zīyuán.
          We need to protect the water resource.