Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5A ‣ 第六课 我的东西找到了

    • xū jīngfalse alarm; panic rumor

    • sì zhōuall around
  • 她 用 望远镜 向 四周 看 。
    tā yòng wàng yuǎn jìng xiàng sì zhōu kàn.
    She swivelled the telescope (round).

    • jìng qiāo qiāoextremely quiet

    • lù shangon the road; on a journey; road surface

    • āialas
  • 唉 , 恐怕 只能 如此 了 。
    ài, kǒng pà zhǐ néng rú cǐ le。
    Well, I think it will have to do.

    • zǎo diǎnlight breakfast; earlier
  • 气温 太高 了 , 她 一心 期盼 夏天 能 早点 过去 。
    Qìwēn tài gāole, tā yīxīn qī pàn xiàtiān néng zǎodiǎn guòqù.
    The temperature is too high, she is eager to see the summer soon.

    • jiā kuàito accelerate; to speed up
  • 我们 加快 了 脚步 。
    wǒ men jiā kuài le jiǎo bù.
    We quickened our steps.

    • shēn hòuposthumous; one's social background; behind the body

    • huí tóuto turn round; to turn one's head; later; by and by
  • 她 回头 看 我 。
    Tā huítóu kàn wǒ.
    She turned her head and looked at me.

    • shēn cáistature; build (height and weight); figure
  • 他 的 身材 很 魁梧 。
    Tā de shēncái hěn kuíwú.
    He has a powerful frame.

      • xīn huāngto be flustered; (dialect) irregular heart-beat

      • nà gethat one; also pr. [nei4 ge5]

      • jī hūalmost; nearly; practically
    • 她们 几乎 长得 一模一样 。
      Tāmen jǐhū zhǎng de yīmú-yīyàng.
      The two of them are practically identical.

      • miàn qiánin front of; facing; presence
    • 在 困难 面前 我们 决不 退缩 。
      zài kùn nan miàn qián wǒ men jué bù tuì suō。
      We never flinch from difficulties.

      • hēi hū hūblack; dark; dusky; indistinct
    • 山路 上 黑乎乎 的 , 他 非常 害怕 。
      Shānlù shàng hēi hū hū de, tā fēicháng hàipà.
      Dark on the mountain road, he was very scared.

      • wán lefinished

        • jīng kǒngto alarm; to dismay; to appall

        • fǎn érinstead; on the contrary; contrary (to expectations)
      • 他们 不仅 没有 前进 , 反而 后退 了 。
        tā men bù jǐn méi yǒu qián jìn, fǎn ér hòu tuì le。
        Instead of pressing forward, then drew back.

        • qián bāopurse; wallet
      • 他 丢失 了 钱包 。
        Tā diūshīle qiánbāo.
        He lost his wallet.

        • shǒu shìgesture; sign; signal
      • 他 使劲 向 我 做 手势 , 可是 我 不 明白 他 的 意思 。
        tā shǐ jìn xiàng wǒ zuò shǒu shì, kě shì wǒ bù míng bái tā de yì si.
        He was gesticulating wildly at me, but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me.

        • yǎ bamute; muted; a dumb person; to be dumb

        • bèi yǐngrear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)
      • 望 着 父亲 远去 的 背影 , 我 流 下 了 眼泪 。
        Wàngzhe fùqīn yuǎn qù de bèiyǐng, wǒ liúxiàle yǎnlèi.
        I shed tears as I watched my father go away.