Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5A ‣ 第八课 和时间赛跑

    • sài pǎorace (running); to race (running)

    • qù shìto pass away; to die
  • 他 的 去世 使 我们 非常 悲伤 。
    tā de qù shì shǐ wǒ men fēi cháng bēi shāng。
    His decease made us very sad.

    • bēi shāngsad; sorrowful
  • 他 的 去世 使 我们 非常 悲伤 。
    tā de qù shì shǐ wǒ men fēi cháng bēi shāng。
    His decease made us very sad.

    • shòu ruòthin and weak
  • 他 每天 来不及 吃饭 , 人 变得 很 瘦弱 。
    Tā měitiān láibují chīfàn, rén biàn dé hěn shòuruò.
    He has no time to eat every day, and people become very thin.

    • fú xiànto appear before one's eyes; to come into view; to float into appearance; to come back (of images from the past); to emerge; it emerges; it occurs (to me that..)
  • 那座 巨大 的 岛屿 隐隐约约 浮现 在 地平线 上 。
    nà zuò jù dà de dǎo yǔ yǐn yǐn yuē yuē fú xiàn zài de píng xiàn shàng。
    The mountainous island loomed on the horizon.

    • yǒng yuǎnforever; eternal
  • 我 永远 爱 我 的 父母 。
    Wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài wǒde fùmǔ.
    I will forever love my parents.

    • shì shàngon earth

    • suǒ yǒuall; to have; to possess; to own
  • 所有 的 灯 都 熄灭 了 。
    suǒ yǒu de dēng dōu xī miè le。
    All the light went out.

    • shì wùthing; object
  • 只 应 在 同类 事物 中 作 比较 。
    zhǐ yìng zài tóng lèi shì wù zhòng zuò bǐ jiào.
    You should only compare like with like.

    • nián jìage
  • 老 婆婆 年纪 大 了 , 视力 不好 , 穿针 很 困难 。
    Lǎopópo niánjì dàle, shìlì bù hǎo, chuān zhēn hěn kùnnán.
    The old woman is old, her eyesight is not good, and it is very difficult to wear a needle.

    • céng jīngonce; already; former; previously; ever; (past tense marker used before verb or clause)
  • 他 曾经 是 军人 。
    Tā céngjīng shì jūnrén.
    He was once a soldier.

    • yī shēngall one's life; throughout one's life
  • 他 把 自己 的 一生 都 贡献 给 了 艺术 事业 。
    Tā bǎ zìjǐ de yīshēng dōu gòngxiàn gěile yìshù shìyè.
    He contributed his life to the cause of art.

    • dú dàoread about

    • guāng yīntime available

    • guāng yīn sì jiàntime flies like an arrow (idiom); How time flies!

    • yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīnlit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. (idiom); fig. free time is to be treasured

    • cí jùwords and sentences

    • dī dā(onom.) pattering sound; drip drip (of water); tick tock (of clock); also pr. [di1 da5]

    • zhōng shēngring of bell
  • 当 新年 的 钟声 敲响 , 大家 互 道 祝福 。
    Dāng xīnnián de zhōng shēng qiāo xiǎng, dàjiā hù dào zhùfú.
    When the New Year's bell rang, everyone blessed each other.

    • cōng cōnghurriedly

    • yī zhǎ yǎnin a wink

    • zhǎ yǎnto blink; to wink; in the twinkling of an eye
  • 他 出门 丢 垃圾 , 没想到 一眨眼 的 工夫 , 门 就 自己 合上 了 。
    Tā chūmén diū lèsè, méi xiǎngdào yī zhǎyǎn de gōngfū, mén jiù zìjǐ hé shàngle.
    He went out to throw garbage, did not expect a blink of an eye, the door closed himself.

    • yòu xiǎoyoung and small

    • bù zhǐnot only; not merely

    • dān yōuto worry; to be concerned
  • 全球 变暖 让 人 担忧 。
    Quánqiú biànnuǎn ràng rén dānyōu.
    Global warming is causing people to worry.

    • luò xiàto fall; to drop; to land (of projectile)

    • xià qùto go down; to descend; to go on; to continue; (of a servant) to withdraw

    • xiǎng fǎidea; notion; train of thought; what sb is thinking; to think of a way (to do sth)
  • 我 不 知道 你们 昨天 都 谈论 了 什么 , 但 我 想 说 说 我 的 想法 。
    Wǒ bù zhīdào nǐmen zuótiān dū tánlùnle shénme, dàn wǒ xiǎng shuō shuō wǒ de xiǎngfǎ.
    I don't know what you talked about yesterday, but I want to talk about my thoughts.

    • shū gěito lose to (sb); to be outdone by

    • lòu liǎnto show one's face; to make one's good name; to become successful and well known; to shine

    • jīn bu zhùcan't help it; can't bear it
  • 她 禁不住 诱惑 , 又 吃 了 一块 巧克力 。
    tā jìn bú zhù yòu huò, yòu jí le yī kuài qiǎo kè lì.
    She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate.

    • cǐ hòuafter this; afterwards; hereafter
  • 那天 课后 我 找 这个 小 男孩 交谈 了 一阵 , 此后 他 上课 再也 没有 迟到 。
    Nèitiān kè hòu wǒ zhǎo zhège xiǎo nánhái jiāotánle yīzhèn, cǐhòu tā shàngkè zài yě méiyǒu chídào.
    I talked to the little boy for a while after class, and he was not late again after class.

    • jié shěngsaving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on
  • 为了 节省 开支 , 他们 最近 都 在 家 下厨 做饭 。
    Wèile jiéshěng kāizhī, tāmen zuìjìn dōu zàijiā xià chú zuò fàn.
    In order to save money, they have recently cooked at home.

    • xué huìto learn; to master; institute; learned society; (scholarly) association
  • 你 必须 学会 做 会议 纪要 。
    nǐ bì xū xué huì zuò huì yì jì yào。
    You must learn how to take minutes.

    • jì huàplan; project; program; to plan; to map out
  • 计划 逐步 实现 了 。
    Jìhuà zhúbù shíxiàn le.
    The plan was realized step by step.

    • jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáoeverything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy

    • zuò wánto finish; to complete the task

    • wán lefinished

    • yíng déto win; to gain

    • sì hūapparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly
  • 他 的 举动 似乎 有些 古怪 。
    tā de jǔ dòng sì hu yǒu xiē gǔ guài.
    His behaviour seemed queer.

    • zuò yòngto act on; to affect; action; function; activity; impact; result; effect; purpose; intent; to play a role; corresponds to English -ity, -ism, -ization
  • 这些 药丸 有 镇静 催眠 作用 。
    zhè xie yào wán yǒu zhèn jìng cuī mián zuò yòng.
    These pills will relax you and make you sleep.