Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5A ‣ 第八课 和时间赛跑

    • sài pǎorace (running); to race (running)

    • sài chēauto race; cycle race

    • sài mǎhorse race; horse racing

    • sài chǎngracetrack; field (for athletics competition)

    • fú xiànto appear before one's eyes; to come into view; to float into appearance; to come back (of images from the past); to emerge; it emerges; it occurs (to me that..)
  • 那座 巨大 的 岛屿 隐隐约约 浮现 在 地平线 上 。
    nà zuò jù dà de dǎo yǔ yǐn yǐn yuē yuē fú xiàn zài de píng xiàn shàng。
    The mountainous island loomed on the horizon.

    • xiǎn xiànappearance; to appear

    • wǎng luònetwork (computing, telecommunications, transport etc)

    • wǎng zhànwebsite; network station; node

    • wǎng yèweb page

    • hù lián wǎngthe Internet
  • 为了 紧跟 时代 潮流 , 他们 打算 启动 一个 互联网 项目 。
    Wèile jǐn gēn shídài cháoliú, tāmen dǎsuàn qǐdòng yīgè hùliánwǎng xiàngmù.
    In order to keep up with the trend of the times, they intend to launch an Internet project.

    • lěng qìair conditioning (used in Taiwan)
  • 虽然 天气 很 热 , 但 冷气 不要 开太大 , 小心 着凉 了 。
    Suīrán tiānqì hěn rè, dàn lěngqì bùyào kāi tài dà, xiǎoxīn zháoliángle.
    Although the weather is very hot, don't open too much air, be careful.

    • xǐ yī jīwasher; washing machine