Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5A ‣ 第九课 很久很久以前

    • kāi tiān pì dìto split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu 盘古 creation myth

    • chuán shuōlegend; folklore; tradition; it is said; they say that...
  • 这个 东方 传说 很 吸引 人 。
    zhè gè dōng fāng chuán shuō hěn xī yǐn rén。
    This oriental legend is fascinating.

    • fēn kāito separate; to part

    • pán gǔPangu (creator of the universe in Chinese mythology)

    • hūn shuìsleep; drowse when unconscious; lethargic sleep; lethargy
  • 病人 昏睡 了 三天三夜 。
    Bìngrén hūnshuìle sān tiān sān yè.
    The patient was lethargic for three days and nights.

    • zhēng yǎnto open one's eyes

    • hēi hū hūblack; dark; dusky; indistinct
  • 山路 上 黑乎乎 的 , 他 非常 害怕 。
    Shānlù shàng hēi hū hū de, tā fēicháng hàipà.
    Dark on the mountain road, he was very scared.

    • kā chā(onom.) breaking or snapping; cut it out; stop it (colloquial); also written 喀嚓

    • hēi àndark; darkly; darkness
  • 我们 在 黑 暗中摸索 。
    wǒ men zài hēi àn zhòng mō suo。
    We groped amid the darkness.

    • měngfierce; headlong; violent; suddenly
  • 鲨鱼 很 凶猛 。
    Shāyú hěn xiōngměng.
    Sharks are ferocious.
  • 猛地

    • devide; split; chop; break off
    • split; chop

    • shàng shēngto rise; to go up; to ascend

    • zhuómuddy, turbid, dirty, filthy
  • 河水 很 浑浊 。
    Héshuǐ hěn húnzhuó.
    The river water is very muddy.

      • tiān dìheaven and earth; world; scope; field of activity
    • 到 站 后 , 他 睁开 双眼 , 眼前 是 一个 新天地 。
      Dào zhàn hòu, tā zhēng kāi shuāngyǎn, yǎnqián shì yīgè xīntiāndì.
      When he arrived at the station, he opened his eyes and was in front of a new world.

      • dāng zhōngamong; in the middle; in the center

      • shēng gāoto raise; to ascend

      • qiān wànten million; countless; many; one must by all means
    • 这 是 一个 秘密 , 你 千万 不要 告诉 别人 。
      Zhè shì yīgè mìmì, nǐ qiān wàn bùyào gàosù biérén.
      This is a secret, you must never tell others.

      • jīn pí lì jìnbody weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired; spent
    • 我 已 筋疲力尽 了 !
      wǒ yǐ jīn pí lì jìn le!
      I'm exhausted!

        • léi shēngthunder


        • yào yǎnto dazzle; dazzling

        • jié báispotlessly white; pure white
      • 她 洁白 的 脸 和 她 黑色 的 衣服 形成 强烈 的 对比 。
        tā jié bái de liǎn huò tā hēi sè de yī fu xíng chéng qiáng liè de duì bǐ。
        Her white face and her dark dress contrast sharply.

        • jī ròumuscle; flesh

        • gāo shānhigh mountain; alpine
      • 在 他 爬 上 高山 之前 , 他 不 知道 这座 山有 多 高 。
        Zài tā pá shàng gāoshān zhīqián, tā bù zhīdào zhè zuò shān yǒu duō gāo.
        Before he climbed the mountain, he didn't know how high the mountain was.

        • xuè yèblood

        • cháng hélong river
      • 节日 的 街道 , 成 了 一条 彩色 的 长河 。
        Jiérì de jiēdào, chéngle yītiáo cǎisè de chánghé.
        The festival street has become a colorful river.

        • tián dìfield; farmland; cropland
      • 洪水 淹没 了 河边 的 田地 。
        hóng shuǐ yān mò le hé biān de tián dì.
        Flood water covered the fields by the river.

        • xì yǔfine rain; drizzle; poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin 李商隐
      • 清晨 , 天空 中飘着 丝丝 细雨 。
        Qīngchén, tiānkōng zhōng piāozhe sī sī xì yǔ.
        In the morning, there was a light drizzle in the sky.

        • kāi pìto open up; to set up; to establish