Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十课 成长的烦恼

    • wǎn diébowls and dishes
  • 新 来 的 服务员 很 笨 , 刚 来 几天 , 就 摔坏 了 不少 碗碟 。
    Xīn lái de fúwùyuán hěn bèn, gāng lái jǐ tiān, jiù shuāi huài liǎo bù shǎo wǎn dié.
    The new attendant was stupid. When he arrived for a few days, he broke a lot of dishes.

    • shuō qǐto mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for

    • tóng niánchildhood
  • 每每 读 到 儿童诗 , 他 就 会 回忆 起 童年 的 时光 。
    Měiměi dú dào értóng shī, tā jiù huì huíyì qǐ tóngnián de shíguāng.
    Every time he reads a children's poem, he remembers his childhood.

    • wǎng shìpast events; former happenings
  • 旧 照片 让 我 想起 了 往事 。
    Jiù zhàopiàn ràng wǒ xiǎngqǐle wǎngshì.
    The old pictures remind me of the past.

    • wǔ fànlunch
  • 他 已经 吃 过 午饭 了 。
    tā yǐjīng chī guò wǔfàn le .
    He has already had lunch.

    • xiǎo xīn yì yìcautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously
  • 他 总是 小心翼翼 地 按 规章 办事 。
    tā zǒng shì xiǎo xīn yì yì de àn guī zhāng bàn shì。
    He's always careful to do things by the book.

    • yì yìcautious; prudent

    • zhē zhùto cover (up); to block; to obstruct; to shade
  • 刘海 遮住 了 她 的 眉毛 , 她 有些 看不清 眼前 的 东西 了 。
    Liúhǎi zhē zhùle tā de méimáo, tā yǒuxiē kàn bù qīng yǎnqián de dōngxīle.
    Liu Hai covered her eyebrows, and she could not see what was in front of her.

    • jiā qǐPick up

    • dòu yábean sprout
  • 在 阳光 的 照射 下 , 一棵 小 豆芽 自由 地 生长 着 。
    Zài yángguāng de zhàoshè xià, yī kē xiǎo dòuyá zìyóu dì shēngzhǎngzhe.
    Under the sunlight, a small bean sprout grows freely.

    • zuǐ lǐmouth; in the mouth; on one's lips; speech; words

    • è zuò jùmischief; mischievous; practical joke; prank
  • 当 我 站 起来 回答 问题 的 时候 , 小 明 恶作剧 地 抽走 了 我 的 凳子 。
    Dāng wǒ zhàn qǐlái huídá wèntí de shíhòu, xiǎomíng èzuòjù de chōu zǒule wǒ de dèngzǐ.
    When I stood up and answered the question, Xiaoming took away my stool mischievously.

    • fā rèto have a high temperature; feverish; unable to think calmly; to emit heat

    • kòng zhìcontrol; to exercise control over; to contain
  • 妈妈 用 钟表 控制 他 做作业 的 时间 , 不 让 他 拖时间 。
    Māmā yòng zhōngbiǎo kòngzhì tā zuò zuo yè de shíjiān, bù ràng tā tuō shíjiān.
    Mom uses a clock to control the time he does his homework, and does not let him drag the time.

    • lù shangon the road; on a journey; road surface

    • nán guòto feel sad; to feel unwell; (of life) to be difficult
  • 听说 他 最好 的 朋友 要 离开 这所 学校 了 , 他 难过 了 很 久 。
    Tīng shuō tā zuì hǎo de péngyǒu yào líkāi zhè suǒ xuéxiàole, tā nánguòle hěnjiǔ.
    I heard that his best friend is leaving this school. He has been sad for a long time.

    • nà yàngthat kind; that sort
  • 你 真 不 应该 那样 做 !
    nǐ zhēn bù yīng gāi nà yàng zuò!
    You shouldn't have done that!

    • fēng shèngrich; sumptuous
  • 宴会 上 的 食物 很 丰盛 。
    Yànhuì shàng de shíwù hěn fēngshèng.
    There was a sumptuous array of foods at the banquet.

    • qǔ xiàoto tease; to make fun of
  • 取笑 一个 瞎子 是 残忍 的 。
    qǔ xiào yī gè xiā zi shì cán rěn de。
    It's cruel to make fun of a blind man.

    • mén qiánin front of the door

    • yī shǒua skill; mastery of a trade; by oneself; without outside help

    • shuǐ guǎnwater pipe

    • shuā zibrush; scrub
  • 请 将 漆 罐 和 刷子 递 给 我 , 我 要 在 天花板 上 再 刷 一层 。
    qǐng jiàng qī guàn huò shuā zi dì jǐ wǒ, wǒ yào zài tiān huā bǎn shàng zài shuà yī céng。
    Please pass up the paint pot and brush; I will put another coat on the ceiling.

    • wān zhe yāobend over the body

    • chī lìto entail strenuous effort; to toil at a task; strenuous; laborious; strain
  • 那 只 猫 拖 着 断腿 吃力 地 走 。
    nà zhǐ māo tuō著 duàn tuǐ chī lì de zǒu.
    The cat was dragging its broken leg.

    • zhū shèpig house; piggery
  • 养猪场 有 二十几个 猪舍 , 都 排 成 一排 。
    Yǎng zhū chǎng yǒu èrshí jǐ gè zhū shě, dōu pái chéng yī pái.
    There are more than twenty pig houses in a pig farm, all lined up.

    • mǎn liǎnacross one's whole face

    • bí zi yī suān(of emotion) touched
  • 想起 过去 的 事 , 我 鼻子 一酸 , 眼泪 忍不住 流 了 下来 。
    Xiǎngqǐ guòqù de shì, wǒ bízi yī suān, yǎnlèi rěn bù zhù liúle xiàlái.
    Thinking of the past, my nose was sore and my tears couldn't help it.

    • zuò gōngto work with one's hands; manual work; workmanship
  • 我们 的 地毯 是 用 中国 纯 羊毛 手工 织 成 的 , 它们 富有 弹性 且 做工 精细 。
    wǒ men de dì tǎn shì yòng Zhōng guó chún yáng máo shǒu gōng zhī chéng de。 tā men fù yǒu tán xìng qiě zuò gōng jīng xì。
    Our carpet is hand- made of pure chinese wool. They are resilient and have fine workmanship.

    • fàng gōngto knock off work for the day
  • 妈妈 放工 回来 后 忙 着 给 我们 做饭 。
    Māmā fànggōng huílái hòu mángzhe gěi wǒmen zuò fàn.
    Mother was busy cooking for us after returning from work.

    • hái yàostill; still want
  • 除了 做饭 , 姐姐 还 要 负责 洗碗 。
    Chúle zuò fàn, jiějiě hái yào fùzé xǐ wǎn.
    In addition to cooking, my sister is also responsible for washing dishes.

    • nóng fūpeasant; farmer
  • 农夫 在 给 牛 喂食 。
    Nóngfū zài gěi niú wèishí.
    The farmer is feeding the cows.

    • cán kuìashamed
  • 他 为 他 的 行为 感到 惭愧 。
    tā wèi tā de xíng wéi gǎn dào cán kuì。
    He is ashamed of his behavior.

    • pān bǐto make invidious comparisons; to compete with; to emulate

    • gǎn ēnthanksgiving
  • 对于 我们 所 拥有 的 东西 , 我们 要 学会 感恩 。
    Duìyú wǒmen suǒ yǒngyǒu de dōngxī, wǒmen yào xuéhuì gǎn'ēn.
    We must learn to be grateful for what we have.

    • zhēn xīto treasure; to value; to cherish
  • 我 珍惜 你 的 友谊 。
    wǒ zhēn xī nǐ de yǒu yì。
    I treasure your friendship.

    • yōng yǒuto have; to possess
  • 他 拥有 很多 财富 。
    Tā yōngyǒu hěn duō cáifù.
    He's got a lot of money.

    • diū diàoto lose; to throw away; to discard; to cast away
  • 喝 完 饮料 后 , 我们 常常 直接 丢掉 金属罐 , 但 它 其实 可以 再 利用 。
    Hē wán yǐnliào hòu, wǒmen chángcháng zhíjiē diūdiào jīnshǔ guàn, dàn tā qíshí kěyǐ zài lìyòng.
    After drinking the drink, we often lose the metal can directly, but it can be reused.

    • yuán yīncause; origin; root cause; reason
  • 你 缺席 的 真正 原因 是 什么 ?
    nǐ quē xí de zhēn zhèng yuán yīn shì shén me?
    What was the real reason for your absence?