Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十课 成长的烦恼

      • tóng yáonursery rhyme

      • shén me yàngwhat kind?; what sort?

      • tiān tángparadise; heaven

      • lián huánchain
    • 一 有 休息时间 , 他 就 捧 着 连环画 看 。
      Yī yǒu xiūxí shíjiān, tā jiù pěngzhe liánhuánhuà kàn.
      When he had a break, he held a comic strip.

      • xīn niángbride
    • 新娘 今天 真 漂亮 。
      Xīnniáng jīntiān zhēn piàoliang.
      The bride is really pretty today.


      • dōng bēn xī pǎoto run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily; to bustle about

      • héng jiēside street; road branching from the main street

      • zhǎi xiàngnarrow alley; narrow street

      • tóng niánchildhood
    • 每每 读 到 儿童诗 , 他 就 会 回忆 起 童年 的 时光 。
      Měiměi dú dào értóng shī, tā jiù huì huíyì qǐ tóngnián de shíguāng.
      Every time he reads a children's poem, he remembers his childhood.

      • shí guāngtime; era; period of time
    • 他们 在 回忆 过去 的 美好 时光 。
      Tāmen zài huíyì guòqù de měihǎo shíguāng.
      They're remembering happy times in their past.