Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十课 成长的烦恼

    • dì túmap
  • 按照 地图 的 指示 , 我 很 快 就 找到 了 那栋 房子 。
    Ànzhào dìtú de zhǐshì, wǒ hěn kuài jiù zhǎodàole nà dòng fángzi.
    Follow the map instructions and I quickly found the house.

    • guān cháto observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective
  • 小 男孩 趴 在 地上 观察 昆虫 。
    Xiǎo nánháir pā zài dìshang guānchá kūnchóng.
    The little boy is lying on the ground observing an insect.

    • kàn sìto look as if; to seem

    • píng fáncommonplace; ordinary; mediocre
  • 我 是 个 平凡 的 人 。
    Wǒ shì gè píngfán de rén.
    I'm an ordinary person.

    • zhǎo dàoto find

    • ǒu ránincidentally; occasional; occasionally; by chance; randomly

    • yī fúone (picture)

    • fān kāito open up

    • xiǎo xīn yì yìcautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously
  • 他 总是 小心翼翼 地 按 规章 办事 。
    tā zǒng shì xiǎo xīn yì yì de àn guī zhāng bàn shì。
    He's always careful to do things by the book.

    • yì yìcautious; prudent

    • tà shàngto set foot on; to step on or into

    • xún zhǎoto seek; to look for
  • 他 在 寻找 参考书 。
    Tā zài xúnzhǎo cānkǎoshū.
    He's looking for a reference book.

    • dào lùroad; path; way
  • 这 条 道路 很 狭窄 。
    Zhè tiáo dàolù hěn xiázhǎi.
    This road is very narrow.

    • chuāng liánwindow curtains

    • wēn nuǎnwarm
  • 花园 里 的 空气 又 温暖 又 芬芳 。
    huā yuán lǐ de kōng qì yòu wēn nuǎn yòu fēn fāng。
    The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.

    • xùn sùrapid; speedy; fast
  • 警察 发现 了 犯人 , 迅速 展开 抓捕 。
    Jǐngchá fāxiànle fànrén, xùnsù zhǎnkāi zhuā bǔ.
    The police found the prisoner and quickly arrested him.

    • cān zhuōdining table; dinner table
  • 找 一处 平坦 的 地面 放 野餐 的 餐桌 。
    zhǎo yī chù píng tǎn de dì miàn fàng yě cān de cān zhuō.
    Find level ground for the picnic table.

    • yī gǔa tream, a share

    • nóng nóngthick

    • xiāng qìfragrance; aroma; incense

    • pū bíto assail the nostrils (of fragrance and odours)

    • xiào mī mībeaming; all smiles
  • 他 今天 看上去 总是 笑眯眯 的 , 反而 让 人 恐惧 。
    Tā jīntiān kàn shàngqù zǒng shì xiàomīmī de, fǎn'ér ràng rén kǒngjù.
    He seems to be always smiling today, but it is scary.

      • kě kǒutasty; to taste good
    • 奶酪 蛋糕 非常 可口 。 要 不要 来 一块 ?
      nǎi lào dàn gāo fēi cháng kě kǒu。 yào bu yào lái yī kuài?
      The cheesecake is very tasty. Can I bring you a piece?

      • wēn xīncomfort; soft and fragrant; warm
    • 新 家 布置 得 简洁 而 温馨 。
      Xīnjiā bùzhì dé jiǎnjié ér wēnxīn.
      The new home is simply and warmly furnished.

      • gōng gòngpublic; common (use)
    • 公共汽车 日夜 都 有 班次 。
      gōng gòng qì chē rì yè dōu yǒu bān cì。
      The bus service runs day and night.

      • jǐ mǎncrowded to bursting point; filled to overflowing; jam-packed

      • zhǔ zhelean on; support

      • guǎi zhàngcrutches; crutch; walking stick
    • 我 建议 刚 开始 爬山 的 人 使用 拐杖 。
      wǒ jiàn yì gāng kāi shǐ pá shān de rén shǐ yòng guǎi zhàng。
      When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.

      • guān qièto be deeply concerned; to be troubled (by)

      • shēn biānat one's side; on hand
    • 不要 让 机遇 从 我们 身边 溜走 。
      bù yào ràng jī yù zòng wǒ men shēn biān liù zǒu。
      Don't let chances pass by.

      • xīn qíngmood; frame of mind
    • 喜讯 传 来 , 他 心情 很好 。
      xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, tā xīn qíng hěn hǎo。
      The good news put him in fine fettle.

      • gé wàiespecially; particularly
    • 路面 结冰 了 , 今晚 要 格外 小心 。
      lù miàn jié bīng le, jīn wǎn yào gé wài xiǎo xīn。
      Take special care tonight because the road is icy.

      • shū chànghappy; entirely free from worry

        • bèi gǎnto feel even more; to be extremely (sad, lonely, delighted etc)

        • jì suànto count; to calculate; to compute
      • 电脑 在 计算 方面 很快 。
        Diànnǎo zài jìsuàn fāngmiàn hěn kuài.
        The calculation aspect of computers is very fast.

        • jì suàn qìcalculator; calculating machine

        • jiān bǎngshoulder
      • 他 感到 肩膀 隐隐作痛 。
        tā gǎn dào jiān bǎng yǐn yǐn zuò tòng。
        He felt a dull ache in his shoulder.

        • zhè rhere

        • zuò yè běnexercise book

        • gǎn mángto hurry; to hasten; to make haste

        • tóng niánchildhood
      • 每每 读 到 儿童诗 , 他 就 会 回忆 起 童年 的 时光 。
        Měiměi dú dào értóng shī, tā jiù huì huíyì qǐ tóngnián de shíguāng.
        Every time he reads a children's poem, he remembers his childhood.

        • zhān mǎnmuddy; covered in (mud, dust, sweat, blood etc); daubed in

        • ní bāmud

        • wèn hòuto give one's respects; to send a greeting
      • 我 向 他 表达 了 诚挚 的 问候 。
        wǒ xiàng tā biǎo dá le chéng zhì de wèn hòu。
        I send my regards to him with earnestness.

        • měi jǐngbeautiful scenery
      • 如果 遇 上 下雪 , 你 还 能够 看 到 断桥 残雪 的 美景 。
        Rúguǒ yù shàngxià xuě, nǐ hái nénggòu kàn dào duàn qiáo cánxuě dì měijǐng.
        If you get snow, you can still see the beautiful scenery of the broken bridge.