Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十一课 同学之间

    • jiā yóuto add oil; to top up with gas; to refuel; to accelerate; abbr. for 加大油门; to step on the gas; fig. to make an extra effort; fig. to cheer sb on
  • 他们 大声 地 为 自己 的 足球队 喊 加油 。
    tā men dà shēng de wèi zì jǐ de zú qiú duì hǎn jiā yóu。
    They cheered loudly for their football team.

    • pǎo dàoathletic track; track; runway (i.e. airstrip)
  • 飞机 在 跑道 上 滑行 。
    fēi jī zài pǎo dào shàng huá xíng.
    The plane taxied/was taxiing along the runway.

    • liǎng pángboth sides; either side

    • chuán lái(of a sound) to come through; to be heard; (of news) to arrive
  • 喜讯 传 来 , 人们 顿时 欢呼 起来 。
    xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, rén men dùn shí huān hū qǐ lai。
    People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.

    • gǔ lìto encourage
  • 老师 的 鼓励 促使 他 不断 进步 。
    Lǎoshī de gǔlì cùshǐ tā bùduàn jìnbù.
    The teacher's encouragements spurred him to constantly improve.

    • huà yǔwords; speech; utterance; discourse

    • zhēn dereally
  • 这 颗 钻石 是 真的 。
    Zhè kē zuànshí shì zhēn de.
    This diamond is real.

    • qǐ laito stand up; to get up; beginning; upward; bring together; preliminary judgement
  • 把手 举 起来 !
    bǎshǒu jǔqǐ lái !
    Hands up!

    • xiǎng qǐto recall; to think of; to call to mind

    • zuó tiānyesterday
  • 他 昨天 没 打扫 房间 。
    tā zuó tiān mò dǎ sǎo fáng jiān。
    He didn't clean the room yesterday.

    • he; him; some other
  • 他 是 谁 ?
    Tā shì shéi?
    Who is he?
  • 其他他们他人他家

    • bù jīncan't help (doing sth); can't refrain from
  • 他 的 儿子 已 长 那么 高 了 , 他 不禁 惊叫 起来 。
    tā de ér zi yǐ zhǎng nà mó gāo le, tā bù jīn jīng jiào qǐ lai.
    He could not help exclaiming at how much his son had grown.

    • liú xiàflow down

    • gǎn dòngto move (sb); to touch (sb emotionally); moving
  • 她们 感动 得 流 下 了 眼泪 。
    Tāmen gǎndòng de liúxiale yǎnlèi.
    They're moved to tears.

    • lèi shuǐteardrop; tears
  • 她 的 眼 里 涌 出 了 泪水 。
    tā de yǎn lǐ yǒngchū le lèishuǐ .
    Her eyes gushed with tears.

    • lǎo shīteacher
  • 老师 不 在 教室 。
    Lǎoshī bù zài jiàoshì.
    The teacher is not in the classroom.

    • kě yǐcan; may; possible; able to
  • 他 的 纸船 可以 防水 , 是 因为 他 在 纸 上 上 了 蜡 。
    Tā de zhǐ chuán kěyǐ fángshuǐ, shì yīnwèi tā zài zhǐ shàng shàngle là.
    His paper boat can be waterproof because he waxed the paper.

    • maparticle (question)
  • 你 有空 吗 ?
    Nǐ yǒukōng ma?
    Are you free?

    • bù xíngwon't do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable

    • la(phrase final, la)
    • (la)
  • Ann 是 啦啦队 队长 。
    Ann shì laladuìduìzhǎng .
    Ann is a cheerleader.
  • 呼啦圈哗啦啦啦队哗啦哗啦噼里啪啦呼啦

    • you; your; one person
  • 你好 !
    Nǐ hǎo!
  • 舍不得你你们你追我跑迷你你好你家我爱你祝你幸福带你去祝你们谢谢你们考考你祝你快乐爱护你

    • zhè yàngthis kind of; so; this way; like this; such
  • 大热天 从 室外 回家 , 不要 马上 用 冷水 冲凉 , 这样 容易 中暑 。
    Dà rètiān cóng shìwài huí jiā, bùyào mǎshàng yòng lěngshuǐ chōngliáng, zhèyàng róngyì zhòngshǔ.
    Go home from a hot day, don't wash it with cold water right away, it is easy to heat stroke.

    • yàng ziappearance; manner; pattern; model
  • 妹妹 在 模仿 我 走路 的 样子 。
    Mèimei zài mófǎng wǒ zǒulù de yàngzi.
    My sister is imitating my walking style/appearance.

    • zěn mehow?; what?; why?
  • 你 打算 怎么办 ?
    nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
    What're you going to do?

    • wǒ menwe; us; ourselves; our
  • 我们 是 朋友 。
    Wǒmen shì péngyou.
    We're friends.

    • bānclass; shift; squad
  • 他 开车 去 上班 。
    Tā kāichē qù shàngbān.
    He drives to work.
  • 整班初级班中级班每班班上上班班级班长全班同班同班同学夜班全班同学乙班一个班

    • shūtransport; lose
  • 卡车 是 常见 的 运输 工具 。
    Kǎchē shì chángjiàn de yùnshū gōngjù.
    Trucks are common transportation tools.
  • 输给不输给

    • yǒu rénsomeone; people; anyone; there is someone there; occupied (as in restroom)
  • 他 按 响 门铃 后 , 很 快 有人 来 帮 他 开门 。
    Tā àn xiǎng ménlíng hòu, hěn kuài yǒurén lái bāng tā kāimén.
    After he ringed the doorbell, someone soon came to help him open the door.

    • shuōsay; theory
    • shuìpersuade
  • 你 说 什么 ?
    Nǐ shuō shénme?
    What are you saying?
  • 听说小说要说有说有笑再说比如说说大话说笑话没话说说来说去说完说不出来怎么说这么说说一说说得对说说看没听说过不管怎么说话还没说完传说据说比方说就是说来说说不出说唱说法说好说话说明说起说说

    • tóng xuéto study at the same school; fellow student; classmate
  • 我们 是 同学 。
    wǒmen shì tóngxué .
    We're classmates.

    • wú xīnunintentionally; not in the mood to

    • xiànglikeness; image; resemble
  • 天 好像 要 下雨 了 。
    Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le.
    It seems that it's going to rain!
  • 好像偶像石像塑像影像像是

    • yī bǎa handful; one (tool, article)

    • dāoknife; a unite of 100 sheets
  • 这 把 菜刀 很 锋利 。
    Zhè bǎ càidāo hěn fēnglì.
    The kitchen knife is very sharp.
  • 卷笔刀大刀剪刀刀片螺丝刀小刀拿刀

    • thorn; stab
  • 看 足球 比赛 很 刺激 。
    Kàn zúqiú bǐsài hěn cìjī.
    Watching football games is thrilling.
  • 刺猬

    • jìnmove forward; enter; take in
  • 让 我 进去 。
    ràng wǒ jìnqù .
    Let me in.
  • 倒进踢进扔进塞进放进去冲进去跨进不断进步钻进去落进伸进去进进出出进门吹进掉进进考场前进钻进冲进促进放进进步进场进出进行进来进去进入进一步请进踏进增进走进伸进飞进

      • yǎn jingeye
    • 她 睁开 眼睛 。
      tā zhēng kāi[ bì shàng] yǎn jīng.
      She opened/closed her eyes.

      • dùn shíimmediately; suddenly
    • 喜讯 传 来 , 人们 顿时 欢呼 起来 。
      xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, rén men dùn shí huān hū qǐ lai。
      People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.

        • yī cénglayer

        • fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
      • 交通 因 浓雾 而 受阻 。
        jiāo tōng yīn nóng wù ér shòu zǔ。
        Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog.
      • 大雾烟雾

        • xīn lichest; heart; mind

        • āah; oh
      • 着火 了 ! 快 跑 啊 !
        zhāohuǒ le ! kuài pǎo ā !
        Fire! Run!

        • xiàn zàinow; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays
      • 现在 的 新加坡 , 和 几十年 前 的 样子 已经 完全 不 一样 了 。
        Xiànzài de xīnjiāpō, hé jǐ shí nián qián de yàngzi yǐjīng wánquán bù yīyàngle.
        Singapore is now completely different from what it was decades ago.

        • yǐ jīngalready
      • 车子 已经 旧 了 。
        Chēzi yǐjīng jiù le.
        The vehicle is already old.

        • bù shìno; is not; not
        • bù shifault; blame

        • yǐ qiánbefore; formerly; previous; ago
      • 我 以前 从没 见 过 她 。
        wǒ yǐqián cóng méi jiànguo tā.
        I have never, ever seen her before.

          • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
        • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
          wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
          I have no idea what to do.

          • jiàn jiàngradually
        • 这些 花 因 缺水 而 渐渐 枯萎 。
          zhè xie huā yīn quē shuǐ ér jiàn jiàn kū wěi。
          The flowers are wilting for lack of water.

          • biàn deto become
        • 心怀 梦想 , 我们 的 力量 就 会 变得 无限大 。
          Xīnhuái mèngxiǎng, wǒmen de lìliàng jiù huì biàn dé wúxiàn dà.
          With our dreams, our power will become infinite.

          • méi yǒuhaven't; hasn't; doesn't exist; to not have; to not be
        • 街上 没有 人 。
          Jiēshang méiyǒu rén.
          There's nobody in the street.

          • lì qistrength
        • 他 和 我 力气 一样 大 。
          tā huò wǒ lì qi yí yàng dà.
          He's my equal in strength.

          • yǐ hòuafter; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future
        • 步行 了 四 个 小时 以后 , 我们 开始 累 了 。
          bù xíng le sì gè xiǎo shí yǐ hòu, wǒ men kāi shǐ lèi le。
          After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.

          • kě néngmight (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability; maybe; perhaps
        • 他 没有 想 过 , 有 一天 天空 可能 不再 是 蓝色 的 。
          Tā méiyǒu xiǎngguò, yǒu yītiān tiānkōng kěnéng bù zài shì lán sè de.
          He did not think that one day the sky may no longer be blue.

          • yàoimportant; want; require; shall
          • yāoto invite; to request
        • 我 正要 找 你 。
          wǒ zhèng yào zhǎo nǐ。
          Just the man I was looking for.
        • 要么要钱要求要是要说一定要正要只要主要总要还要要用要来先要要知道真要严格要求要到了需要重要不要紧不要必要就要快要想要要不要不是要紧

          • lún yǐwheelchair
        • 走廊 里 摆 着 轮椅 , 还 摆 着 凳子 , 非常 混乱 。
          Zǒuláng lǐ bǎizhe lúnyǐ, hái bǎizhe dèngzǐ, fēicháng hǔnluàn.
          There were wheelchairs in the hallway and stools, which was very confusing.

          • dù guòto pass; to spend (time); to survive; to get through
        • 他 在 乡间 度过 晚年 。
          tā zài xiāng jiàn dù guò wǎn nián。
          He spent his declining years in the country.

          • kě shìbut; however
        • 亨利 英勇 奋战 , 可是 打败 了 。
          Hēng lì yīng yǒng fèn zhàn, kě shì dǎ bài le。
          Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten.

          • nà melike that; in that way; or so; so; so very much; about; in that case
        • 一场 比赛 , 是否 能 拿 到 冠军 , 也许 并 不 那么 重要 。
          Yī chǎng bǐsài, shìfǒu néng ná dào guànjūn, yěxǔ bìng bù nàme zhòngyào.
          In a game, whether you can win the championship may not be so important.

          • xǐ huanto like; to be fond of
        • 我 喜欢 游泳 。
          Wǒ xǐhuan yóuyǒng.
          I like swimming.

          • pǎo bùto run; to jog; (military) to march at the double
        • 他 每天 都 跑步 到 学校 。
          Tā měitiān dōu pǎobù dào xuéxiào.
          He jogs to school every day.

          • nǔ lìgreat effort; to strive; to try hard
        • 她 在 努力 地 学习 。
          Tā zài nǔlì de xuéxí.
          She's studying hard.

          • de(a particle used after an adverbial)
          • earth; land; place
        • 地毯 有点 脏 。
          Dìtǎn yǒudiǎn zāng.
          The carpet is a little dirty.
        • 满地本地天地间遍地离地场地小天地大地静静地地点草地上地面悄悄地地球远远地地上偷偷地地铁站建筑工地地图牢牢地地下呼呼地地下水坐地铁地下通道骄傲地地震快活地电邮地址特地来空地默默地猛地细心地目的地哪些地方沙地扫地有秩序地世界各地工地轻快地随地地方特地到特地各地细细地天地地铁田地地板外地草地营地地址种地地区洗地土地洗地板地洞轻轻地陆地伤心地深深地奥地利

          • jǐ chūto squeeze out; to extrude; to drain; to find the time; to burst out

          • yī sīa trace of
        • 他 对 你 给 他 的 东西 没 流露出 一丝 兴趣 。
          tā duì nǐ jǐ tā de dōng xi mò liú lù chū yī sī xìng qu。
          He showed no glimmer of interest in what you had offered.

          • xiào róngsmile; smiling expression
        • 艺术家 巧妙 地 捕捉 住 她 的 笑容 。
          yì shù jiā qiǎo miào de bǔ zhuō zhù tā de xiào róng.
          The artist has caught her smile perfectly.

          • hái yǒufurthermore; in addition; still; also
        • 厨房 还有 汤 , 你 还 可以 去 装 一碗 。
          Chúfáng hái yǒu tāng, nǐ hái kěyǐ qù zhuāng yī wǎn.
          There is soup in the kitchen, you can also go to a bowl.

          • yǒu shìto be occupied with sth; to have sth on one's mind; there is something the matter
        • 有事 请 给 我 留言 。
          Yǒu shì, qǐng gěi wǒ liúyán.
          If any issue, please drop me a line.

          • xiānfirst; before; earlier; in advance; ancestor
        • 小 女孩 先 上车 。
          Xiǎo nǚhái xiān shàngchē.
          The little girl gets on the bus first.
        • 争先恐后起先首先先辈先后先后顺序先生先贤优先争先祖先最先先买先去先用先要吴先生许先生

          • zǒuwalk; go; travel; leave
        • 走 , 去 逛街 。
          Zǒu, qù guàng jiē.
          Let's go shopping.
        • 走来走到抢走了走下走累走回飘走逃走扛走走路边走边吃走廊边走边想搬走临走前带走吸走行走临走溜走慢走拿走抢走太空行走走出走错走过走进走去走向偷走走遍走上走走往前走向前走走来走去

          • dī xiàlow status; lowly; to lower (one's head)

          • dī tóuto bow the head; to yield; to give in

          • qiáng rěnto resist (with great difficulty)

          • shuāng shǒupair of hands
        • 他 站 在 那里 , 双手 插 在 口袋 里 。
          tā zhàn zài nà li, shuāng shǒu chā zài kǒu dài lǐ。
          He stood there with his hands in his pockets.

          • máng zheto be occupied with (doing sth)

          • tuī dòngto push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate
        • 科技 可以 推动 经济 发展 。
          Kējì kěyǐ tuīdòng jīngjì fāzhǎn.
          Science&technology can promote economical development.

          • lí kāito depart; to leave
        • 他 刚 离开 家 。
          tā gāng líkāi jiā .
          He has just left home.

          • cāo chǎngplayground; sports field; drill ground
        • 他 坐 在 操场 上 , 聆听 远处 的 蛙 鸣 。
          tā zuò zài cāo chǎng shàng, líng tīng yuǎn chù de wā míng。
          He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak.

          • wèi lein order to; for the purpose of; so as to
        • 为了 买 喜欢 的 糖果 , 她 跑 了 两公里 去 新开 的 糖果店 。
          Wèile mǎi xǐhuān de tángguǒ, tā pǎole liǎng gōnglǐ qù xīn kāi de tángguǒ diàn.
          In order to buy favorite candy, she ran two kilometers to the newly opened candy store.

          • xiào yuáncampus
        • 消息 很快 传遍 校园 。
          xiāo xi hěn kuài chuán biàn xiào yuán。
          The news soon went round the campus.

          • mǎ lā sōngmarathon (loanword)

          • bǐ sàicompetition (sports etc); match
        • 参赛选手 受伤 了 , 比赛 不得不 停止 。
          Cānsài xuǎnshǒu shòushāngle, bǐsài bùdé bù tíngzhǐ.
          The contestants were injured and the game had to stop.

          • zhǔn bèipreparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund)
        • 他们 正在 准备 考试 。
          tā men zhèng zài zhǔn bèi kǎo shì。
          They were girding for the exam.

          • hěn jiǔlong time

          • zhè shíat this time; at this moment

          • wèn dàoto ask the way; to ask

          • wèi shén mewhy?; for what reason?
        • 你 为什么 那么 做 ?
          Nǐ wèishénme nàme zuò?
          Why did you do that?

          • shén mewhat?; who?; something; anything
        • 你 在 干什么 ?
          Nǐ zài gàn shénme?
          What are you doing?

          • cān jiāto participate; to take part; to join
        • 团队 活动 是 交朋友 的 好 机会 , 你 一定 要 参加 。
          Tuánduì huódòng shì jiāo péngyǒu de hǎo jīhuì, nǐ yīdìng yào cānjiā.
          Team activities are a good opportunity to make friends, you must participate.

          • duàn liànto engage in physical exercise; to work out; to toughen; to temper
        • 她 为了 健康 锻炼身体 。
          Tā wèile jiànkāng duànliàn shēntǐ.
          She exercises for her health.

          • shēn tǐ(human) body; health
        • 外婆 的 身体 很好 。
          Wàipó de shēntǐ hěn hǎo.
          Grandma is very healthy.

          • nài lìendurance

          • huí dáto reply; to answer; the answer
        • 请 举手 回答 问题 。
          Qǐng jǔshǒu huídá wèntí.
          Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question.

          • duìfacing; pair; correct; respond; fit
        • 你 做 对 了 。
          Nǐ zuòduì le.
          You've done the right thing.
        • 对面对象对照对折对准反对面对一对正对正对着对着说得对背对认真对待对手对付绝对面对面对抗不对答对对岸对不起对待对方对话对联

          • jiē zheto catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn
        • 你 是否 歇 够 了 可以 接着 干 了 ?
          nǐ shì fǒu xiē gòu le kě yǐ jiē著 gàn le?
          Are you rested enough to go on?

          • jiù shì(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
        • 时间 就是 金钱 。
          shí jiān jiù shì jīn qián。
          Time is money.

          • péi yǎngto cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology)
        • 这所 学校 培养 出 了 一些 第一流 的 学者 。
          zhè suǒ xué xiào péi yǎng chū le yī xiē dì yī liú de xué zhě.
          The school has turned out some first-rate scholars.

          • fàng qìto renounce; to abandon; to give up
        • 她 做 任何 事 都 不 轻易 放弃 。
          tā zuò rèn hé shì dōu bù qīng yì fàng qì.
          She doesn't give up easily.

          • jiān chíto persevere with; to persist in; to insist on
        • 我 坚持 每天 运动 。
          Wǒ jiānchí měi tiān yùndòng.
          I insist on exercising every day.

          • dào dǐfinally; in the end; when all is said and done; after all; to the end; to the last
        • 你 到底 去不去 ?
          Nǐ dàodǐ qù bu qù?
          You finally gonna go, or not?

          • jīng shénspirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental; psychological; essence; gist
          • jīng shenvigor; vitality; drive; spiritual
        • 他 穿着 制服 十分 精神 。
          tā chuān zhuó zhì fù shí fēn jīng shén。
          He looks very manly in his uniform.

          • jīn tiāntoday; at the present; now
        • 今天 刮 大风 。
          Jīntiān guā dàfēng.
          It's very windy today.

          • zuò zàisit at

          • peace; harmony; and
          • to join
          • huómix, blend
          • huòmix, blend, time (counting word)
          • win in gambling
        • 他 和 我 同 岁 。
          tā hé wǒ tóng suì .
          He and I are the same age.
        • 和谐暖和共和共和国和平和尚柔和沙和尚温和新加坡共和国

          • yī qǐin the same place; together; with; altogether (in total)
        • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
          Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
          Everyone gathered together.

          • kàn zheWatching; Looking at

          • bèi yǐngrear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)
        • 望 着 父亲 远去 的 背影 , 我 流 下 了 眼泪 。
          Wàngzhe fùqīn yuǎn qù de bèiyǐng, wǒ liúxiàle yǎnlèi.
          I shed tears as I watched my father go away.

          • dà hǎnto shout

          • yòng jìnto exhaust; to use up completely
        • 她 用尽 各种 方法 来 减肥 。
          tā yòngjìn gèzhǒng fāngfǎ lái jiǎnféi .
          She has tried various methods of slimming down.

          • yī qièeverything; every; all
        • 她 熟悉 这座 城市 的 一切 , 每 一条 街道 , 每 一盏 路灯 。
          Tā shúxī zhè zuò chéngshì de yīqiè, měi yītiáo jiēdào, měi yī zhǎn lùdēng.
          She is familiar with everything in the city, every street, every street lamp.

          • lì liangpower; force; strength
        • 妈妈 让 他 拍球 , 训练 手 的 力量 。
          Māmā ràng tā pāi qiú, xùnliàn shǒu de lìliàng.
          Mom asked him to shoot the ball and train the strength of the hand.

          • kuài sùfast; high-speed; rapid
        • 时间 紧急 , 我们 需要 快速 作答 。
          Shíjiān jǐnjí, wǒmen xūyào kuàisù zuòdá.
          Time is urgent, we need to answer quickly.

          • zhuǎn dòngto turn sth around; to swivel
          • zhuàn dòngto rotate (about an axis); to revolve; to turn; to move in a circle; to gyrate

          • cháo zhefacing; advancing (towards)

          • zhōng diǎnthe end; end point; finishing line (in a race); destination; terminus
        • 快 接近 终点 了 。
          Kuài jiējìn zhōngdiǎn le.
          They're nearing the finish line.

          • fēi bēnto dash (run fast); to rush; to dart

          • jiā zhǎnghead of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child
        • 到 了 学校 开放日 , 家长 们 会 来到 学校 , 和 孩子 们 一起 上课 。
          Dàole xuéxiào kāifàng rì, jiāzhǎngmen huì lái dào xuéxiào, hé háizimen yīqǐ shàngkè.
          On the school open day, parents will come to the school to attend classes with the children.

          • bù duànunceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
        • 人口 在 不断 增长 中 。
          rén kǒu zài bù duàn zēng zhǎng zhòng。
          There was a steady increase in population.

          • dāngequal; to serve as; in the presence of
          • dàngproper; to regard as; pawn
        • 她 想 当 老师 。
          Tā xiǎng dāng lǎoshī.
          She wants to be a teacher.
        • 当时当兵当年当然当上当晚当中每当上当适当相当相当于应当当头烈日当空当空红运当头当了将来想当

          • dào dáto reach; to arrive
        • 我 终于 到达 了 山顶 。
          Wǒ zhōngyú dàodále shāndǐng.
          I finally got to the top of the mountain.


          • zhōng diǎn xiànfinishing line

          • dà jiāeveryone; influential family; great expert
        • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
          Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
          Everyone gathered together.

          • dōuall; both
          • big city; capital
        • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
          yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
          Everything will be OK.
        • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

          • zhàn qǐ laito stand up

          • huān hūto cheer for; to acclaim
        • 歌迷 在 台下 欢呼 。
          Gēmí zài táixià huānhū.
          The fans are cheering below the stage.

          • xiè xieto thank; thanks; thank you
        • 谢谢 您 的 帮助 。
          Xièxie nín de bāngzhù.
          Thank you for your help. (polite)

          • wǒ huìI will, I can

          • yǒng yuǎnforever; eternal
        • 我 永远 爱 我 的 父母 。
          Wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài wǒde fùmǔ.
          I will forever love my parents.

          • jì zhuto remember; to bear in mind; to learn by heart
        • 重复 看 , 才 会 记住 。
          Chóngfù kàn, cái huì jìzhù.
          You will only remember it after repeated viewings.

          • yī kèmoment