Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十一课 同学之间

    • huà yǔwords; speech; utterance; discourse

    • lèi shuǐteardrop; tears
  • 她 的 眼 里 涌 出 了 泪水 。
    tā de yǎn lǐ yǒngchū le lèishuǐ .
    Her eyes gushed with tears.

    • bù xíngwon't do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable

    • wú xīnunintentionally; not in the mood to

    • thorn; stab
  • 看 足球 比赛 很 刺激 。
    Kàn zúqiú bǐsài hěn cìjī.
    Watching football games is thrilling.
  • 刺猬

    • dùn shíimmediately; suddenly
  • 喜讯 传 来 , 人们 顿时 欢呼 起来 。
    xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, rén men dùn shí huān hū qǐ lai。
    People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.

      • fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
    • 交通 因 浓雾 而 受阻 。
      jiāo tōng yīn nóng wù ér shòu zǔ。
      Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog.
    • 大雾烟雾

        • kě néngmight (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability; maybe; perhaps
      • 他 没有 想 过 , 有 一天 天空 可能 不再 是 蓝色 的 。
        Tā méiyǒu xiǎngguò, yǒu yītiān tiānkōng kěnéng bù zài shì lán sè de.
        He did not think that one day the sky may no longer be blue.

        • lún yǐwheelchair
      • 走廊 里 摆 着 轮椅 , 还 摆 着 凳子 , 非常 混乱 。
        Zǒuláng lǐ bǎizhe lúnyǐ, hái bǎizhe dèngzǐ, fēicháng hǔnluàn.
        There were wheelchairs in the hallway and stools, which was very confusing.

        • yī sīa trace of
      • 他 对 你 给 他 的 东西 没 流露出 一丝 兴趣 。
        tā duì nǐ jǐ tā de dōng xi mò liú lù chū yī sī xìng qu。
        He showed no glimmer of interest in what you had offered.

        • yǒu shìto be occupied with sth; to have sth on one's mind; there is something the matter
      • 有事 请 给 我 留言 。
        Yǒu shì, qǐng gěi wǒ liúyán.
        If any issue, please drop me a line.

        • qiáng rěnto resist (with great difficulty)

        • tuī dòngto push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate
      • 科技 可以 推动 经济 发展 。
        Kējì kěyǐ tuīdòng jīngjì fāzhǎn.
        Science&technology can promote economical development.

        • mǎ lā sōngmarathon (loanword)

        • duàn liànto engage in physical exercise; to work out; to toughen; to temper
      • 她 为了 健康 锻炼身体 。
        Tā wèile jiànkāng duànliàn shēntǐ.
        She exercises for her health.

        • nài lìendurance

        • péi yǎngto cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology)
      • 这所 学校 培养 出 了 一些 第一流 的 学者 。
        zhè suǒ xué xiào péi yǎng chū le yī xiē dì yī liú de xué zhě.
        The school has turned out some first-rate scholars.

        • bèi yǐngrear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)
      • 望 着 父亲 远去 的 背影 , 我 流 下 了 眼泪 。
        Wàngzhe fùqīn yuǎn qù de bèiyǐng, wǒ liúxiàle yǎnlèi.
        I shed tears as I watched my father go away.

        • lì liangpower; force; strength
      • 妈妈 让 他 拍球 , 训练 手 的 力量 。
        Māmā ràng tā pāi qiú, xùnliàn shǒu de lìliàng.
        Mom asked him to shoot the ball and train the strength of the hand.

        • zhuǎn dòngto turn sth around; to swivel
        • zhuàn dòngto rotate (about an axis); to revolve; to turn; to move in a circle; to gyrate

        • fēi bēnto dash (run fast); to rush; to dart

        • bù duànunceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
      • 人口 在 不断 增长 中 。
        rén kǒu zài bù duàn zēng zhǎng zhòng。
        There was a steady increase in population.

        • yī kèmoment