Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十二课 新加坡,我为你骄傲

    • yè jiānnighttime; evening or night (e.g. classes)

    • yè kōngnight sky
  • 星星 在 晴朗 的 夜空 闪亮 。
    xīng xing zài qíng lǎng de yè kòng shǎn liàng。
    Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.

    • yè shìnight market
  • 他们 一起 逛 夜市 , 一路 买 了 好 多种 小吃 。
    Tāmen yīqǐ guàng yèshì, yīlù mǎile hǎoduō zhǒng xiǎochī.
    They went to the night market together and bought a variety of snacks all the way.

    • yè bānnight shift
  • 这个 星期 我 上 夜班 。
    zhè gè xīng qī wǒ shàng yè bān.
    I'm doing night duty this week.

    • yè jǐngnightscape

    • fēi jīairplane
  • 他 家 离 机场 很近 , 他 经常 能 看 到 飞机 起飞 。
    Tā jiā lí jīchǎng hěn jìn, tā jīngcháng néng kàn dào fēijī qǐfēi.
    His home is very close to the airport, and he often sees the plane taking off.

    • zhí shēng jīhelicopter
  • 遭遇 海难 的 水手 已经 被 直升机 救 起 。
    zāo yù hǎi nàn de shuǐ shǒu yǐ jīng bèi zhí shēng jī jiù qǐ。
    The shipwrecked sailors were rescued by helicopter.

    • zhàn dòuto fight; to battle
  • 我们 的 工作 好比 一场 战斗 。
    wǒ men de gōng zuò hǎo bǐ yī chǎng zhàn dòu。
    Our work can be compared to a battle.

    • zhàn dòu jīfighter (aircraft)

    • wú rénno one; unmanned; uninhabited
  • 因 无人 维持 秩序 , 教室 里 一片 混乱 。
    yīn wú rén wéi chí zhì xù, jiào shì lǐ yī piàn hùn luàn.
    With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic.

    • wú rén jīdrone; unmanned aerial vehicle

    • huān lègaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay
  • 欢乐 的 时光 总是 很 短暂 , 不知不觉 中 他们 已经 在 动物园 逛 了 一 下午 了 。
    Huānlè de shíguāng zǒng shì hěn duǎnzàn, bù zhī bù jué zhōng tāmen yǐjīng zài dòngwùyuán guàngle yīxiàwǔle.
    The happy time is always short, and they have already been at the zoo for an afternoon.

    • huān hūto cheer for; to acclaim
  • 歌迷 在 台下 欢呼 。
    Gēmí zài táixià huānhū.
    The fans are cheering below the stage.

    • huān yíngto welcome; welcome
  • 大家 以 热烈 的 掌声 欢迎 她 。
    dà jiā yǐ rè liè de zhǎng shēng huān yíng tā.
    She was received with warm applause.

    • huān qìngto celebrate
  • 逢年过节 , 都 是 举国欢庆 的 时候 。
    Féng nián guòjié, dōu shì jǔguó huān qìng de shíhòu.
    The festivals are celebrated throughout the country.

    • huān jùGet together

    • biǎo yǎnplay; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate
  • 马戏 表演 非常 吸引 人 。
    mǎ xì biǎo yǎn fēi cháng xī yǐn rén.
    The fascinations of the circus are endless.

    • yǎn yuánactor or actress; performer
  • 她 从小 就 想 当 演员 。
    tā cóng xiǎo jiù xiǎng dàng yǎn yuán.
    She's wanted to go on the stage from an early age.

    • yǎn xìto put on a play; to perform; fig. to pretend; to feign

    • yǎn chàngsung performance; to sing for an audience

    • yǎn jiǎnglecture; to make a speech
  • 他 的 演讲 很 受欢迎 。
    tā de yǎn jiǎng hěn shòu huān yíng。
    His speech was favorably received.

    • biǎo shìto express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean
  • 他 摇 了 摇头 表示 反对 。
    tā yáo le yáo tou biǎo shì fǎn duì。
    He shook his head in disapproval.

    • biǎo yángto praise; to commend
  • 你们 克服 了 这么 大 的 困难 , 值得 表扬 。
    nǐ men kè fú le zhè me dà de kùn nan, zhí de biǎo yáng。
    It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.

    • biǎo qíng(facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression
  • 他们 的 表情 很 严肃 。
    Tāmen de biǎoqíng hěn yánsù.
    They look serious.

    • biǎo míngto make clear; to make known; to state clearly; to indicate; known
  • 有 迹象 表明 物价 将 上涨 。
    yǒu jī xiàng biǎo míng wù jià jiàng shàng zhǎng。
    There are some indications that the prices will rise.

    • biǎo dáto voice (an opinion); to express; to convey
  • 我们 用 词句 来 表达 思想 。
    wǒ men yòng cí jù lái biǎo dá sī xiǎng。
    We express our thought by means of words.