Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十三课 汉字王国

    • very; extremely; cruel
  • 已经 进入 酷暑 了 。
    Yǐjing jìnrù kùshǔ le.
    We're already into the hottest part of summer.
  • 真酷

    • jì lùto record; record (written account); record (in sports etc)
  • 他 创造 了 新 的 记录 。
    Tā chuàngzào le xīn de jìlù.
    He created a new record.

    • hàn yǔChinese language

    • gòu chéngto constitute; to form; to compose; to make up; to configure (computing)
  • 天空 和 大海 构成 了 一幅 和谐 的 画面 。
    tiān kōng huò dà hǎi gòu chéng le yī fú hé xié de huà miàn。
    The sky and the sea make a harmonious picture.

    • fāng kuàicube; block; square; rectangle; diamond ♦ (in card games)

    • fāng kuài zìChinese characters

    • gǔ lǎoancient; old; age-old
  • 这件 古老 的 家具 是 1700 年 制造 的 。
    zhè jiàn gǔ lǎo de jiā jù shì1700 nián zhì zào de。
    The antique furniture was made in 1700.

    • jù jīnbefore the present; (a long period) ago

    • lì shǐhistory
  • 我 爱 看 历史 传记 。
    Wǒ ài kàn lìshǐ zhuànjì.
    I like reading historical biographies.

    • jiǎ gǔ wénoracle script; oracle bone inscriptions (an early form of Chinese script)

    • chǎn shēngto arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield
  • 他们 的 会谈 产生 了 什么 结果 ?
    tā men de huì tán chǎn shēng le shén me jié guǒ?
    What results emerged from their talks?

    • bāo kuòto comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of
  • 包括 我 在内 , 我们 组 有 五 个 人 。
    Bāokuò wǒ zàinèi, wǒmen zǔ yǒu wǔ gè rén.
    There are five people in our team including me.

    • rì běnJapan; Japanese
  • 船 起航 前往 日本 。
    chuán qǐ háng qián wǎng Rì běn。
    The ship launched in the direction of Japan.

    • hán guóSouth Korea (Republic of Korea); Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 战国七雄; Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897
  • 韩国 出产 人参 。
    Hánguó chūchǎn rénshēn.
    Korea produces ginseng.

    • tǒng jìstatistics; to count; to add up

    • dāng jīncurrent; present; now; nowadays


    • hundred million; many
  • 这个 港口 每年 货物 吞吐 量 达 1 亿 吨 。
    zhè gè gǎng kǒu měi nián huò wù tūn tǔ liàng dá1 yì dùn.
    This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year.

    • yōu měigraceful; fine; elegant
  • 风景 优美 , 非 文字 所能 形容 。
    fēng jǐng yōu měi, fēi wén zì suǒ néng xíng róng。
    The scenery is too beautiful for words.

    • shū fǎcalligraphy; handwriting; penmanship

    • dú tèunique; distinct; having special characteristics
  • 他 在 英国 文学 中 占有 独特 的 地位 。
    tā zài Yīng guó wén xué zhòng zhàn yǒu dú tè de dì wèi。
    He occupies a unique place in English literature.

    • zuì shǎoleast; minimum

    • second
  • 他们 是 合作 的 乙方 。
    Tāmen shì hézuò de yǐfāng.
    They are Party B in this cooperative project.
  • 乙班五乙

    • cháng yòngin common usage
  • 你 需要 学 一些 常用 词汇 。
    Nǐ xūyào xué yī xiē chángyòng cíhuì.
    You need to learn some commonly used words.

    • shùn xùsequence; order

    • cháng jiàncommonly seen; common; to see sth frequently
  • 忙中有错 是 很 常见 的 。
    máng zhòng yǒu cuò shì hěn cháng jiàn de。
    Haste makes waste, as is often the case.

    • dà yuēapproximately; about
  • 我 大约 6 点 半 来 接 你 。
    wǒ dà yuē6 diǎn bàn lái jiē nǐ。
    I'll pick you up about 6:30.

    • zuì duōmost; at the most

    • dǎ sǎnholding an umbrella

    • dǎ hā qiànyawn

    • hā qianyawn