Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十三课 汉字王国

    • yáng xiū(name) Yang Xiu

    • sān guóThree Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history; several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Silla 新罗 in 658

    • shǒu xiàleadership; under one's control or administration; subordinates; to take action; to run out of money
  • 那位 将军 命令 手下 在 山脚下 扎营 休息 。
    Nà wèi jiāngjūn mìnglìng shǒuxià zài shān jiǎoxià zháyíng xiūxí.
    The general ordered his men to camp at the foot of the mountain to rest.

    • bù jǐnnot only (this one); not just (...) but also
  • 她 不仅 很会 演奏 , 而且 还 会 作曲 。
    tā bù jǐn hěn kuài yǎn zòu, ér qiě huán kuài zuò qǔ.
    She not only plays well, but also writes music.

    • jiàn zàoto construct; to build
  • 他们 正在 建造 房子 。
    Tāmen zhèngzài jiànzào fángzi.
    They're building a house.

    • tàn qìto sigh; to heave a sigh

    • ink; Chinese ink; ink; black
  • 这 支 笔 的 墨水 是 黑色 的 。
    Zhè zhī bǐ de mòshuǐ shì hēisè de.
    The pen writes in black.
  • 墨汁磨墨墨水

    • zhòng réneveryone

    • xiōng yǒu chéng zhúto plan in advance (idiom); a card up one's sleeve; forewarned is forearmed

    • zhǎinarrow
  • 他们 得 钻 过 狭窄 的 隧道 。
    tā men de zuàn guò xiá zhǎi de suì dào.
    They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel.
  • 窄窄窄窄的窄小

    • xiāng xìnto be convinced (that sth is true); to believe; to accept sth as true
  • 没有 人 相信 我 说 的话 。
    méiyǒurén xiāngxìn wǒ shuō dehuà .
    Nobody believes what I say. Nobody believed what I said.

    • gǎi zàoto transform; to reform; to remodel; to remould

    • pài rénsend someone

    • huǎng ránsuddenly (understand sth); in a flash
  • 看 到 江面 上 漂浮 的 船 , 他 恍然大悟 , 那 二 人 定 是 早就 逃 了 。
    Kàn dào jiāngmiàn shàng piāofú de chuán, tā huǎngrándàwù, nà èr rén dìng shì zǎo jiù táole.
    Seeing the floating ship on the river, he suddenly realized that the two had already fled.

    • huǎng rán dà wùto suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light
  • 看 到 江面 上 漂浮 的 船 , 他 恍然大悟 , 那 二 人 定 是 早就 逃 了 。
    Kàn dào jiāngmiàn shàng piāofú de chuán, tā huǎngrándàwù, nà èr rén dìng shì zǎo jiù táole.
    Seeing the floating ship on the river, he suddenly realized that the two had already fled.

    • dà wùDawu county in Xiaogan 孝感, Hubei

    • pèi fúto admire
  • 我 佩服 他 的 坚韧不拔 的 勇气 。
    wǒ pèi fú tā de jiān rèn bù bá de yǒng qì。
    I admire him for his grim courage.

    • sū bǐngShortbread; pastry

    • měi réneach person; everybody; per person

    • shì hòuafter the event; in hindsight; in retrospect
  • 他 散布 流言蜚语 危害 很大 , 事后 才 真相大白 。
    tā sàn bù liú yán fěi yù wēi hài hěn dà, shì後 cái zhēn xiàng dà bái.
    His malicious gossip caused much mischief until the truth became known.

    • lǐ yóureason; grounds; justification
  • 睡 过头 不是 迟到 的 理由 。
    shuìguòtóu bù shì chídào de lǐyóu .
    Over-sleeping is no excuse for being late.

    • wéi kàngto disobey

    • mìng lìngorder; command
  • 请 不要 用 命令 的 语气 和 我 说话 。
    Qǐng bùyào yòng mìnglìng de yǔqì hé wǒ shuōhuà.
    Please don't talk to me in the tone of the order.

    • chū bīngsend troops

    • dàng tiānthat day; the same day
  • 他 很 倒霉 , 在 考试 当天 生病 了 。
    tā hěn dǎo méi, zài kǎo shì dàng tiān shēng bìng le。
    He had the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination.

    • xún wènto inquire
  • 询问 就餐 者 是否 准备 点菜 了 。
    xún wèn jiù cān zhě shì fǒu zhǔn bèi diǎn cài le。
    Asking if a diner is ready to order.

    • xíng jūna march (army); to march

    • kǒu lìngoral command; a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts); password (used by sentry)

    • jī lèichicken ribs; sth of little value or interest; sth of dubious worth that one is reluctant to give up; to be physically weak

    • shuō dàoto state; to say (the quoted words)
    • shuō daoto discuss; reason (behind sth)

    • yíng fángbarracks; living quarters

    • xíng liluggage
  • 他 把 包 放 在 行李架 上 。
    tā bǎ bāo fàng zài xíng li jià shàng。
    He put his bag on the luggage rack.

    • méi shén menothing; it doesn't matter; it's nothing; never mind
  • 没什么 大不了 的 。
    mò shén me dà bù liǎo de。
    Think nothing of it.

    • kě xīit is a pity; what a pity; unfortunately
  • 那么 多 食物 都 浪费 了 , 看 着 觉得 可惜 。
    nà mó duō shí wù dōu làng fèi le, kàn著 jué de kě xī.
    What a pity to see all that food go to waste.

    • zhí deto be worth; to deserve
  • 你 的 提议 值得 考虑 。
    nǐ de tíyì zhíde kǎolǜ .
    Your proposal is worthy of being considered.

    • xiǎng yàoto want to; to feel like; to fancy; to care for sb; desirous of
  • 你 想要 拿 到 好 的 成绩 , 就 必须 勤奋 。
    Nǐ xiǎng yào ná dào hǎo de chéng jī, jiù bìxū qínfèn.
    If you want to get good grades, you must be diligent.


    • tuì bīngretreat; withdraw the army

    • xià lìngto give an order; to command
  • 我们 的 船长 下令 调整 风帆 , 顺风 行驶 。
    wǒ men de chuán zhǎng xià lìng tiáo zhěng fēng fán, shùn fēng xíng shǐ。
    Our captain ordered us to square away and sail before the wind.