Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十三课 汉字王国

    • hàn zìChinese character; Japanese: kanji; Korean: hanja; Vietnamese: hán tự
  • 我 认识 这个 汉字 。
    Wǒ rènshi zhè gè Hànzì.
    I know this Chinese character.

    • wén zìcharacter; script; writing; written language; writing style; phraseology
  • 这段 文字 可以 有 不同 的 解释 。
    zhè duàn wén zì kě yǐ yǒu bù tóng de jiě shì。
    This passage may be given several interpretations.

    • zì diǎndictionary; character dictionary

    • zì míletter puzzle
  • 爷爷 写 了 一首 诗当 字谜 , 谁 猜 对 了 给 谁 点心吃 。
    Yéyé xiěle yī shǒu shī dāng zìmí, shéi cāi duìle gěi shéi diǎnxīn chī.
    Grandpa wrote a poem as a crossword puzzle, who guessed who to eat for snacks.

    • hàn yǔChinese language

    • yīng yǔEnglish (language)

    • cí yǔword (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases); term (e.g. technical term); expression
  • 她 使用 的 词语 未免 太 陈旧 了 。
    tā shǐ yòng de cí yǔ wèi miǎn tài chén jiù le。
    She uses rather dated words and phrases.

    • yǔ yánlanguage
  • 你 会 说 几 种 语言 ?
    Nǐ huì shuō jǐ zhǒng yǔyán?
    How many languages do you speak?

    • jì lùto record; record (written account); record (in sports etc)
  • 他 创造 了 新 的 记录 。
    Tā chuàngzào le xīn de jìlù.
    He created a new record.

    • jì deto remember
  • 他 还 记得 七岁 那个 下午 , 他 和 爸爸 一起 坐 游乐园 的 小 火车 。
    Tā hái jìdé qī suì nàgè xiàwǔ, tā hé bàba yīqǐ zuò yóu lèyuán de xiǎo huǒchē.
    He still remembers the afternoon of the age of seven, he and his father took the small train in the amusement park.

    • jì zhěreporter; journalist
  • 记者 招待会 要 开始 了 。
    Jìzhě zhāodàihuì yào kāishǐ le.
    The press conference is about to begin.

    • rì jìdiary
  • 她 因 母亲 偷看 她 的 日记 而 生气 。
    tā yīn mǔ qīn tōu kàn tā de rì jì ér shēng qì。
    She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary.

    • xíng jūna march (army); to march

    • xíng rénpedestrian; traveler on foot; passer-by; official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor
  • 街上 的 行人 很多 。
    Jiēshang de xíngrén hěn duō. (also lushang)
    There are many pedestrians in the street.

    • xíng zǒuto walk

    • bù xíngto go on foot; to walk

    • lǚ xíngto travel; journey; trip
  • 他 喜欢 徒步旅行 。
    Tā xǐhuan túbù lǚxíng.
    He loves traveling on foot.

    • dà ménentrance; door; gate

    • fáng méndoor of a room

    • mén kǒudoorway; gate
  • 往常 放学 的 时候 , 爷爷 都 会 在 学校 门口 接 他 回家 。
    Wǎngcháng fàngxué de shíhòu, yéyé dūhuì zài xuéxiào ménkǒu jiē tā huí jiā.
    When he was out of school, Grandpa would pick him up at the school gate.

    • mén língdoorbell

    • mén piàoticket (for theater, cinema etc)
  • 他 用存 了 好 几周 的 零花钱 , 买 了 一张 游乐园 的 门票 。
    Tā yòng cúnle hǎojǐ zhōu de línghuā qián, mǎile yī zhāng yóu lèyuán de ménpiào.
    He bought a ticket to the amusement park with pocket money that had been stored for several weeks.