Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十三课 汉字王国

    • jiǎfirst; shell; armor
  • 满 90 分 的 学生 评为 甲等 。
    mǎn90 fèn de xué sheng píng wèi jiǎ děng.
    Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A.
  • 穿山甲甲骨甲骨文五甲

    • gè wèieverybody (a term of address)
  • 各位 听众 , 晚上 好 !
    gè wèi tīng zhòng, wǎn shang hào!
    Good evening to all our listeners!

    • guān zhòngspectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc)
  • 好戏 就要 开场 了 , 台下 坐 满 了 观众 。
    Hǎo xì jiù yào kāichǎngle, tái xià zuò mǎnle guānzhòng.
    The good show is about to start, and the audience is full of audience.

    • dà jiāeveryone; influential family; great expert
  • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
    Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
    Everyone gathered together.

    • second
  • 他们 是 合作 的 乙方 。
    Tāmen shì hézuò de yǐfāng.
    They are Party B in this cooperative project.
  • 乙班五乙

    • xiàn zàinow; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays
  • 现在 的 新加坡 , 和 几十年 前 的 样子 已经 完全 不 一样 了 。
    Xiànzài de xīnjiāpō, hé jǐ shí nián qián de yàngzi yǐjīng wánquán bù yīyàngle.
    Singapore is now completely different from what it was decades ago.

    • yóucause; because of; by; from; follow
  • 这 件 事情 由 他 负责 。
    Zhèjiàn shìqing yóu tā fùzé.
    This matter is his responsibility.
  • 自由理由由于自由自在

      • biǎo yǎnplay; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate
    • 马戏 表演 非常 吸引 人 。
      mǎ xì biǎo yǎn fēi cháng xī yǐn rén.
      The fascinations of the circus are endless.

      • wǒ menwe; us; ourselves; our
    • 我们 是 朋友 。
      Wǒmen shì péngyou.
      We're friends.

      • yī duànA paragraph; A period; a portion

      • xiàng shengcomic dialog; sketch; crosstalk

      • jīn tiāntoday; at the present; now
    • 今天 刮 大风 。
      Jīntiān guā dàfēng.
      It's very windy today.

      • tiān qìweather
    • 今天 天气 很好 。
      jīntiān tiānqì hěn hǎo .
      The weather is very good today.

      • zěn mehow?; what?; why?
    • 你 打算 怎么办 ?
      nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
      What're you going to do?

      • zěn me yànghow?; how about?; how was it?; how are things?

      • zěn me huí shìwhat's the matter?; what's going on?; how could that be?; how did that come about?; what's it all about?

      • cóngfollow; from
    • 水 从 洞口 流出 。
      shuǐ zòng Dòng kǒu liú chū。
      Water sluiced out of the hole.
    • 从这以后从前从来从此从来不从来没病从口入从不从军从没从小自从从此以后从早到晚

      • shàng táito rise to power (in politics); to go on stage (in the theater)

      • dào xiàn zàiup until now; to date

      • chú lebesides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except (for)
    • 那儿 除了 我 , 一 个 人 都 没有 。
      nàr, chúle wǒ, yī gè rén dōu méiyǒu .
      Other than me, there was no one there.

      • word; character
    • 写 汉字 很 难 。
      Xiě Hànzì hěn nán.
      Writing Chinese is very difficult.
    • 写字汉字字谜金字塔方块字金字名字认字十字十字路口识字同音字文字字典字句大字练字一字排开猜字谜新字几行字

      • shuō guòsaid

      • bié deelse; other
    • 除了 学习 , 妈妈 希望 小贝 还 能 有 别的 爱好 。
      Chúle xuéxí, māmā xīwàng xiǎo bèi hái néng yǒu bié de àihào.
      In addition to learning, Mom hopes that Beckham can have other hobbies.

      • hǎo yònguseful; serviceable; effective; handy; easy to use

      • āah; oh
    • 着火 了 ! 快 跑 啊 !
      zhāohuǒ le ! kuài pǎo ā !
      Fire! Run!

      • guānglight; honour; smooth; bare; finish
    • 午餐 全 吃 光 了 。
      Wǔcān quán chīguāng le.
      The lunch has been eaten up.
    • 阳光亮光荧光棒光线充足波光发光风光光碟光明光线光阴光阴似箭火光泪光李光耀目光时光星光荧光用光争光烛光吃光金光金光四射闪闪发光小光灯光

      • bù xíngwon't do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable

      • dāng ránonly natural; as it should be; certainly; of course; without doubt
    • 朋友 有 困难 , 当然 要 帮忙 。
      Péngyou yǒu kùnnan, dāngrán yào bāngmáng. (also bangzhu)
      When a friend has trouble, of course one needs to help.

      • huá wénChinese language; Chinese script
    • 为了 能 在 华文 课 上 完成 一次 流畅 的 演讲 , 他 整个 周末 都 在 家里 练习 。
      Wèile néng zài huáwén kè shàng wánchéngyīcì liúchàng de yǎnjiǎng, tā zhěnggè zhōumò dōu zài jiālǐ liànxí.
      In order to complete a smooth speech in the Chinese class, he practiced at home throughout the weekend.

      • néng lìcapability; capable; able; ability
    • 他 用 自己 的 能力 , 渐渐 获得 了 大家 的 尊重 。
      Tā yòng zìjǐ de nénglì, jiànjiàn huòdéle dàjiā de zūnzhòng.
      With his own abilities, he gradually gained the respect of everyone.

      • hěnvery; quite; highly
    • 花 很 香 。
      Huā hěn xiāng.
      The flowers are fragrant.
    • 很多很快很远很少很久很大很苦很厚很有很多年很熟很脏很着急很胖很瘦很重很棒很忙很贵很旧很久以前很穷很美很久很久变化很大

      • qiángstrong; by force; better
      • qiǎngstrive
    • 他 的 身体 很 强壮 。
      Tā de shēntǐ hěn qiángzhuàng.
      His body is very strong.
    • 强壮坚强强烈强盛顽强小强增强自强增强体质

      • zhè yàngthis kind of; so; this way; like this; such
    • 大热天 从 室外 回家 , 不要 马上 用 冷水 冲凉 , 这样 容易 中暑 。
      Dà rètiān cóng shìwài huí jiā, bùyào mǎshàng yòng lěngshuǐ chōngliáng, zhèyàng róngyì zhòngshǔ.
      Go home from a hot day, don't wash it with cold water right away, it is easy to heat stroke.

      • kāi shǐto begin; beginning; to start; initial
    • 新 学期 开始 了 。
      Xīn xuéqī kāishǐ le.
      The new semester has started.

      • bù xǔnot to allow; must not; can't

      • shuō le suànto have the final say; to be the one in charge

      • shūtransport; lose
    • 卡车 是 常见 的 运输 工具 。
      Kǎchē shì chángjiàn de yùnshū gōngjù.
      Trucks are common transportation tools.
    • 输给不输给

      • qǐngrequest; engage; invite; please; treat
    • 请 坐 。
      Qǐng zuò.
      Please be seated.
    • 请求请教邀请请进请客请帖请问申请请来申请者请吃

      • chīto eat; to suffer
    • 我 在 吃 早餐 。
      Wǒ zài chī zǎocān.
      I'm eating my breakfast.
    • 爱吃鱼边走边吃吃得下大吃一惊吃饱吃不下吃掉吃饭吃喝吃惊吃苦吃苦耐劳吃力吃奶吃药好吃贪吃偷吃小吃吃吃喝喝吃光小吃摊不吃吃完饭吃零食吃不完吃了一惊请吃

      • dà cāngreat meal; banquet

      • hā hā(onom.) laughing out loud
    • 他 哈哈大笑 以 遮掩 紧张 的 心情 。
      tā hā hā dà xiào yǐ zhē yǎn jǐn zhāng de xīn qíng.
      He laughed to cover (ie hide) his nervousness.

      • hǎo jiǔquite a while
    • 我 已经 好久 没有 读 到 过 这样 好 的 书 了 。
      wǒ yǐ jīng hǎo jiǔ méi yǒu dú dào guò zhè yàng hǎo de shū le。
      I've not read such a good book for many a long day.

      • bù jiànnot to see; not to meet; to have disappeared; to be missing
    • 我 的 钥匙 不见 了 。
      Wǒde yàoshi bù jiàn le.
      My keys have disappeared.

      • rèn shito know; to recognize; to be familiar with; to get acquainted with sb; knowledge; understanding; awareness; cognition
    • 很 高兴 认识 你 。
      hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ。
      It's nice meeting you.

      • máo bìngfault; defect; shortcomings; ailment
    • 我 挑不出 他 的 毛病 。
      wǒ tiāo bù chū tā de máobìng .
      I can't find fault with him.

      • gēnheel; follow; accompany; with
    • 请 跟 我 来 。
      Qǐng gēn wǒ lái.
      Please come with me.
    • 跟着翻跟头高跟鞋跟头紧跟跟斗

      • shuō huàto speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell stories; talk; word
    • 小朋友 已经 睡 了 , 我们 说话 小声点 。
      Xiǎopéngyǒu yǐjīng shuìle, wǒmen shuōhuà xiǎoshēng diǎn.
      The children are already asleep, and we speak a little.

      • jiù shì(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
    • 时间 就是 金钱 。
      shí jiān jiù shì jīn qián。
      Time is money.

      • bì xūto have to; must; compulsory; necessarily
    • 军人 必须 服从 命令 。
      jūn rén bì xū fú cóng mìng lìng.
      Soldiers must obey orders.

      • zài láiCome again

      • nǐ hǎo mahow are you; how are you doing

        • yǐ qiánbefore; formerly; previous; ago
      • 我 以前 从没 见 过 她 。
        wǒ yǐqián cóng méi jiànguo tā.
        I have never, ever seen her before.

        • chà bu duōalmost; nearly; more or less; about the same; good enough; not bad
      • 那辆 车 跟 新 的 差不多 。
        nà liàng jū gēn xīn de cī bù duō.
        The car is pretty nearly new.

        • shēn tǐ(human) body; health
      • 外婆 的 身体 很好 。
        Wàipó de shēntǐ hěn hǎo.
        Grandma is very healthy.

        • shēng bìngto fall ill
      • 他 生病 , 向 老师 请假 一 天 。
        Tā shēngbìng, xiàng lǎoshī qǐngjià yītiān.
        He was sick and asked to take one day off from the teacher.

        • chéng jìachievement; performance records; grades
      • 你 的 学习 成绩 退步 了 。
        Nǐ de xuéxí chéngjì tuìbù le.
        You have fallen behind in your grades.

        • bù jíto fall short of; not as good as; too late

        • jí géto pass a test
      • 我 不好意思 告诉 她 我 不及格 。
        wǒ bù hǎo yì si gào su tā wǒ bù jí gé。
        I was too ashamed to tell her that I had failed.

        • bà ba(informal) father
      • 我 爸爸 很 忙 。
        wǒ bàba hěn máng .
        My papa is busy.

        • mā mamama; mommy; mother
      • 妈妈 在 哄 孩子 。
        Māma zài hǒng háizi.
        The mother tries to comfort the baby.

        • chū guóto go abroad; to leave the country; emigration
      • 如果 你 想 出国 旅行 , 你 必须 先 申请 护照 。
        Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng chūguó lǚxíng, nǐ bìxū xiān shēnqǐng hùzhào.
        If you want to travel abroad, you must first apply for a passport.

        • duìfacing; pair; correct; respond; fit
      • 你 做 对 了 。
        Nǐ zuòduì le.
        You've done the right thing.
      • 对面对象对照对折对准反对面对一对正对正对着对着说得对背对认真对待对手对付绝对面对面对抗不对答对对岸对不起对待对方对话对联

        • wèi lein order to; for the purpose of; so as to
      • 为了 买 喜欢 的 糖果 , 她 跑 了 两公里 去 新开 的 糖果店 。
        Wèile mǎi xǐhuān de tángguǒ, tā pǎole liǎng gōnglǐ qù xīn kāi de tángguǒ diàn.
        In order to buy favorite candy, she ran two kilometers to the newly opened candy store.

        • yíngwin; gain
      • 这 次 的 竞赛 , 蓝 队 赢 了 。
        Zhè cì de jìngsài, lánduì yíng le.
        In this competition, the blue team won.
      • 赢得

        • he; him; some other
      • 他 是 谁 ?
        Tā shì shéi?
        Who is he?
      • 其他他们他人他家

        • pīnput together; go all out in doing
      • 他 拼命 奔跑 去 追赶 公共汽车 。
        tā pīn mìng bēn pǎo qù zhuī gǎn gōng gòng qì chē.
        He ran like fury to catch the bus.
      • 拼命拼图比拼大比拼拼过拼拼

        • fǎn zhènganyway; in any case; to come over from the enemy's side
      • 不管 你 怎么 说 ( 对 我 来说 ) 都 无所谓 , 反正 我 不 去 。
        bù guǎn nǐ zěn mó shuō( duì wǒ lái shuō) dōu wú suǒ wèi, fǎn zhèng wǒ bù qù.
        It makes no difference (to me) what you say: I'm not going.

        • shuō chūto speak out; to declare (one's view)

        • chū láito come out; to appear; to arise
        • chu lai(after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discern or detect)
      • 香味 从 厨房 飘 了 出来 。
        xiāng wèi zòng chú fáng piāo le chū lai.
        Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.

        • nà gethat one; also pr. [nei4 ge5]

          • yī shēngdoctor
        • 医生 在 给 他 打针 。
          Yīshēng zài gěi tā dǎzhēn.
          The doctor is giving him an injection.

          • yàomedication; drug
        • 请 医生 开 点 咳嗽 药 。
          qǐng yī shēng kāi diǎn ké sou yào.
          Ask the doctor to prescribe something for that cough.
        • 医药费吃药弹药药材药丸医药药费

          • gèngeven more
          • gēngto change; a unit of two hours
        • 落日 使 景色 更美 。
          luò rì shǐ jǐng sè gèng měi。
          The setting sun glorified the scene.
        • 更加半夜三更打更三更半夜五更更快更好更糟更多更早

          • yán zhònggrave; serious; severe; critical
        • 他 病 得 很 严重 。
          Tā bìng de hěn yánzhòng. (also ta de bing)
          He is seriously ill.

          • hái bù rúto be better off ...; might as well ...

          • bù rúnot equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it would be better to
        • 与其 让 自己 失败 后 垂头丧气 , 不如 此刻 努力 , 争取 成功 。
          Yǔqí ràng zìjǐ shībài hòu chuítóusàngqì, bùrú cǐkè nǔlì, zhēngqǔ chénggōng.
          Instead of letting yourself fail, you will be downcast, not so hard, and strive for success.

          • ne(particle.) ne
          • woollen cloth
        • 接下来 怎么 做 呢 ?
          Jiēxiàlái zěnme zuò ne?
          What to do next (about this)?

          • zhēn shiit's really
        • 你 真 是 个 好孩子 ! , 她 常听到 别人 这么 夸小浩 。
          “Nǐ zhēnshi gè hǎo háizi!”, Tā cháng tīng dào biérén zhème kuā xiǎo hào.
          You are such a good boy! She often heard others praise such a small Hao.

          • gào suto tell; to inform; to let know
        • 我 告诉 你 一 个 秘密 。
          Wǒ gàosu nǐ yī gè mìmì.
          I'll tell you a secret.

          • bù zhì yúunlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as

          • zhì yúas for; as to; to go so far as to

          • ba(imperative)
          • crack; bar
        • 我们 去 踢球 吧 。
          Wǒmen qù tīqiú ba.
          Let's go play soccer.

          • jì deto remember
        • 他 还 记得 七岁 那个 下午 , 他 和 爸爸 一起 坐 游乐园 的 小 火车 。
          Tā hái jìdé qī suì nàgè xiàwǔ, tā hé bàba yīqǐ zuò yóu lèyuán de xiǎo huǒchē.
          He still remembers the afternoon of the age of seven, he and his father took the small train in the amusement park.

          • yī zhístraight (in a straight line); continuously; always; from the beginning of ... up to ...; all along
        • 我 一直 想见 你 。
          wǒ yīzhí xiǎng jiàn nǐ. (also jiandao)
          I continuously want to (see/be with) you.

          • dōuall; both
          • big city; capital
        • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
          yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
          Everything will be OK.
        • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

          • bù cuòcorrect; right; not bad; pretty good
        • 你 的 眼力 不错 。
          nǐ de yǎn lì bù cuò。
          You've made a good choice.

          • òoh
          • óah
          • éto recite
        • 哦 , 我 很 抱歉 。
          ò , wǒ hěn bàoqiàn .
          Oh, I'm sorry.

          • yōu xiùoutstanding; excellent
        • 他 的 成绩 很 优秀 。
          Tā de chéngjì hěn yōuxiù.
          His grades are outstanding.

          • chū sèremarkable; outstanding

          • dǐng jiānpeak; apex; world best; number one; finest (competitors); top (figures in a certain field)

          • bàngstick; excellent
        • 嘿 , 这个 消息 太棒了 !
          hēi, zhè gè xiāo xi tài bàng le!
          Hey, the news's terrific/great!
        • 烟花棒荧光棒棒极了冰棒金箍棒铁棒真棒接力棒太棒了很棒

          • gòuenough; reach for
        • 他们 挣 的 钱 够 用 了 。
          tā men zhèng de qián gòu yòng le。
          Their earnings are adequate to their needs.
        • 能够足够不够够快

          • rú guǒif; in case; in the event that
        • 如果 可能 的话 , 我 想 环游 世界 。
          rúguǒ kěnéng dehuà , wǒ xiǎng huányóu shìjiè .
          If possible, I'd like to travel around the world.

          • de huàif (coming after a conditional clause); one's words
        • 换成 是 你 的话 , 你 会 把 苹果 分享 给 朋友 吗 ?
          Huàn chéng shì nǐ de huà, nǐ huì bǎ píngguǒ fēnxiǎng gěi péngyǒu ma?
          If you change it to be yours, would you share Apple with a friend?

          • zuò càito cook; cooking
        • 妈妈 用 煎锅 做菜 。
          Māma yòng jiānguō zuòcài.
          My mom is cooking with a frying pan.

          • yào shuōas for; when it comes to

          • she; her
        • 她 在 家 吗 ?
          Tā zài jiā ma? (also jiali)
          Is she at home?
        • 她们

          • kě bǐcomparable

          • wài miànsurface; exterior; external appearance
          • wài mianoutside
        • 外面 风大 , 请 随手关门 。
          Wàimiàn fēng dà, qǐng suíshǒu guānmén.
          The outside is big, please close the door.

          • mǎi láiBought

          • kě kǒutasty; to taste good
        • 奶酪 蛋糕 非常 可口 。 要 不要 来 一块 ?
          nǎi lào dàn gāo fēi cháng kě kǒu。 yào bu yào lái yī kuài?
          The cheesecake is very tasty. Can I bring you a piece?

          • méi yǒuhaven't; hasn't; doesn't exist; to not have; to not be
        • 街上 没有 人 。
          Jiēshang méiyǒu rén.
          There's nobody in the street.

          • xiāngfragrant; soundly; popular; well liked
        • 玫瑰 真 香 !
          Méigui zhēn xiāng!
          The roses smell very fragrant.
        • 香皂香蕉叶真香香灰莉香香香香甜甜香香的香味香蕉芳香花香清香五香五香粉香肠香料香喷喷香甜

          • yíng yǎngnutrition; nourishment
        • 我们 的 身体 需要 充足 的 营养 。
          wǒ men de shēn tǐ xū yào chōng zú de yíng yǎng。
          Our bodies need adequate nutrition.

          • wèi shēnghealth; hygiene; sanitation
        • 坚持 好 的 卫生习惯 , 我们 才 不 容易 生病 。
          Jiānchí hǎo de wèishēng xíguàn, wǒmen cái bù róngyì shēngbìng.
          Adhere to good hygiene habits, we are not easy to get sick.

          • gān jìngclean; neat
        • 客厅 很 干净 。
          Kètīng hěn gānjìng.
          The living room is very clean.


          • biàn yíconvenient
          • pián yismall advantages; to let sb off lightly; cheap; inexpensive
        • 这 件 衣服 很 便宜 。
          Zhè jiàn yīfu hěn piányi.
          This piece of clothing is very cheap.

          • méi wánEndless; unsettled

            • xià qùto go down; to descend; to go on; to continue; (of a servant) to withdraw

            • chòusmelly; disreputable
            • xiùscent; smells
          • 那条 鱼 腐烂 得 发 臭 了 。
            nà tiáo yú fǔ làn de fà xiù le.
            That rotten fish stinks.
          • 臭味臭臭

            • yě shìbe also
          • 他 既 是 音乐家 也 是 指挥家 。
            Tā jì shì yīnyuèjiā yě shì zhǐhuījiā.
            He is both a musician and a conductor.

            • bèiblanket; by
          • 球 被 压扁 了 。
            Qiú bèi yābiǎn le.
            The ball deflated under pressure.
          • 被子被困

            • force; compel
          • 不能 逼 孩子 学习 。
            Bù néng bī háizi xuéxí.
            Children shouldn't be forced to study.

            • nǎ gewhich; who

            • woman; daughter
          • 她 是 我 的 女儿 。
            Tā shì wǒ de nǚ'ér.
            She's my daughter.
          • 女英雄女儿仙女妇女男扮女装女孩女孩子女生女士女娲女装女扮男装女娲补天小女孩

            • jiā shàngplus; to put in; to add; to add on; to add into; in addition; on top of that

            • son; person; seed; suffix for nouns; first
          • 这 是 本子 。
            Zhè shì běnzi.
            This is a notebook.
          • 种子句子刷子游子叶子扣子儿子爪子鞋子拉肚子包子柱子房子脸红脖子粗杯子子弹篮子笼子辈子子孙孩子驴子辫子子子孙孙一下子男孩子脖子乖孩子果子男子叉子好孩子盒子脑子肠子石子瓶子女孩子车子踢毽子胆子牌子虫子小猴子本子旗子带子肉包子领子茄子电子游子吟院子圈子电子书脑子里袋子绕圈子碟子新房子筷子日子豆子一面镜子竹子梳子疯子小房子被子孙子斧子盖房子父子小兔子裤子台子盖子电子词典裙子童子鸽子肚子饿摊子童子军格子小鸭子例子兔子个子小石子帽子袜子公子捏着鼻子肚子位子刮胡子大柱子扇子蚊子罐子绳子屋子果子狸棍子小孩子猴子柜子袖子胡子王子鸭子坏孩子狮子毽子样子一辈子台子上鼻子金子村子椅子占位子桌子镜子盘子银子

            • bèndull; foolish
          • 穿着 这双 笨重 的 鞋 走路 真 难受 。
            chuān zhuó zhè shuāng bèn zhòng de xié zǒu lù zhēn nán shòu。
            It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.
          • 真笨

            • liánlink; join; even; a company in army
          • 铁路 把 城市 连 起来 。
            Tiělù bǎ chéngshì liánqǐlái.
            Railroads connect cities.
          • 连忙一连串连环画接二连三连串连环连接连连连声连续连续剧连衣裙一连连成一片连在一起连接起来连成连衣一连几天

            • zhè gethis; this one

            • bù huìimprobable; unlikely; will not (act, happen etc); not able; not having learned to do sth

            • niànthink of; thought; read aloud; read; study
          • 我 很 想念 你 。
            Wǒ hěn xiǎngniàn nǐ. (no nian, more intimate)
            I miss you very much. (no intimate)
          • 纪念纪念册挂念怀念纪念品纪念邮票念头周年纪念念一念念道

            • bù zhīnot to know; unaware; unknowingly; fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc)

            • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
          • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
            wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
            I have no idea what to do.

            • cōng mingacute (of sight and hearing); clever; intelligent; bright; smart
          • 这 孩子 很 聪明 。
            Zhè háizi hěn cōngmíng.
            This child is smart.

            • zǒuwalk; go; travel; leave
          • 走 , 去 逛街 。
            Zǒu, qù guàng jiē.
            Let's go shopping.
          • 走来走到抢走了走下走累走回飘走逃走扛走走路边走边吃走廊边走边想搬走临走前带走吸走行走临走溜走慢走拿走抢走太空行走走出走错走过走进走去走向偷走走遍走上走走往前走向前走走来走去