Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十三课 汉字王国

    • jiǎfirst; shell; armor
  • 满 90 分 的 学生 评为 甲等 。
    mǎn90 fèn de xué sheng píng wèi jiǎ děng.
    Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A.
  • 穿山甲甲骨甲骨文五甲

    • gè wèieverybody (a term of address)
  • 各位 听众 , 晚上 好 !
    gè wèi tīng zhòng, wǎn shang hào!
    Good evening to all our listeners!

    • second
  • 他们 是 合作 的 乙方 。
    Tāmen shì hézuò de yǐfāng.
    They are Party B in this cooperative project.
  • 乙班五乙

    • xiàng shengcomic dialog; sketch; crosstalk

    • shàng táito rise to power (in politics); to go on stage (in the theater)

    • hǎo yònguseful; serviceable; effective; handy; easy to use

    • bù xíngwon't do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable

    • néng lìcapability; capable; able; ability
  • 他 用 自己 的 能力 , 渐渐 获得 了 大家 的 尊重 。
    Tā yòng zìjǐ de nénglì, jiànjiàn huòdéle dàjiā de zūnzhòng.
    With his own abilities, he gradually gained the respect of everyone.

    • bù xǔnot to allow; must not; can't

    • shuō le suànto have the final say; to be the one in charge

    • dà cāngreat meal; banquet

    • máo bìngfault; defect; shortcomings; ailment
  • 我 挑不出 他 的 毛病 。
    wǒ tiāo bù chū tā de máobìng .
    I can't find fault with him.

      • shēng bìngto fall ill
    • 他 生病 , 向 老师 请假 一 天 。
      Tā shēngbìng, xiàng lǎoshī qǐngjià yītiān.
      He was sick and asked to take one day off from the teacher.

      • jí géto pass a test
    • 我 不好意思 告诉 她 我 不及格 。
      wǒ bù hǎo yì si gào su tā wǒ bù jí gé。
      I was too ashamed to tell her that I had failed.

      • chū guóto go abroad; to leave the country; emigration
    • 如果 你 想 出国 旅行 , 你 必须 先 申请 护照 。
      Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng chūguó lǚxíng, nǐ bìxū xiān shēnqǐng hùzhào.
      If you want to travel abroad, you must first apply for a passport.

      • shuō chūto speak out; to declare (one's view)

      • nà gethat one; also pr. [nei4 ge5]

        • yán zhònggrave; serious; severe; critical
      • 他 病 得 很 严重 。
        Tā bìng de hěn yánzhòng. (also ta de bing)
        He is seriously ill.

        • bù zhì yúunlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as

        • zhì yúas for; as to; to go so far as to

        • chū sèremarkable; outstanding

        • dǐng jiānpeak; apex; world best; number one; finest (competitors); top (figures in a certain field)

        • kě kǒutasty; to taste good
      • 奶酪 蛋糕 非常 可口 。 要 不要 来 一块 ?
        nǎi lào dàn gāo fēi cháng kě kǒu。 yào bu yào lái yī kuài?
        The cheesecake is very tasty. Can I bring you a piece?


        • biàn yíconvenient
        • pián yismall advantages; to let sb off lightly; cheap; inexpensive
      • 这 件 衣服 很 便宜 。
        Zhè jiàn yīfu hěn piányi.
        This piece of clothing is very cheap.

        • force; compel
      • 不能 逼 孩子 学习 。
        Bù néng bī háizi xuéxí.
        Children shouldn't be forced to study.

        • nǎ gewhich; who