Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十四课 老师,谢谢您

    • zuǒ shǒuleft hand; left-hand side

    • guó wàiabroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign
  • 我 很 想到 国外 去 读书 。
    wǒ hěn xiǎng dào guó wài qù dú shū。
    I have a good mind to study abroad.

    • tí wènto question; to quiz; to grill
  • 不能 忽视 大家 的 提问 。
    Bù néng hūshì dàjiā de tíwèn.
    People's questions shouldn't be ignored.

    • wǎng wǎngoften; frequently

    • shí jìactual; reality; practice
  • 朋友 担心 找 她 聊天 , 会 影响 她 的 学习 , 但 实际上 , 这 是 她 难得 的 休闲 时光 。
    Péngyǒu dānxīn zhǎo tā liáotiān, huì yǐngxiǎng tā de xuéxí, dàn shíjì shang, zhè shì tā nándé de xiūxián shíguāng.
    My friend worried that chatting with her would affect her study, but in fact, this is her rare leisure time.

    • shí jì shàngin fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice
  • 他 实际上 不 懂 英语 。
    tā shí jì shàng bù dǒng Yīng yǔ。
    He knew practically no English.

    • qí dǎoto pray; to say one's prayers; prayer
  • 他们 为 早日 结束 苦难 而 祈祷 。
    tā men wèi zǎo rì jié shù kǔ nàn ér qí dǎo.
    They prayed (to God) for an end to their sufferings/for their sufferings to end.

    • qiān wànten million; countless; many; one must by all means
  • 这 是 一个 秘密 , 你 千万 不要 告诉 别人 。
    Zhè shì yīgè mìmì, nǐ qiān wàn bùyào gàosù biérén.
    This is a secret, you must never tell others.

    • hùn le guò qùpass through by cheating
  • 他 低着头 , 跟着 人群 混 了 过去 。
    Tā dīzhe tóu, gēnzhe rénqún hùnle guòqù.
    He lowered his head and followed the crowd.

    • zì ránnature; natural; naturally
  • 磁力 是 一种 自然现象 。
    cí lì shì yī zhòng zì rán xiàn xiàng。
    Magnetism is a natural phenomenon.

    • piān piān(indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal); unfortunately; against expectations
  • 我们 正要 去 度假 , 他 却 偏偏 摔断 了 腿 。
    wǒ men zhèng yào qù dù jià, tā què piān piān shuāi duàn le tuǐ。
    He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday.

    • wēngbuzz; hum
  • 他 听到 的 唯一 的 声音 就是 那台 机器 的 嗡嗡声 。
    tā tīng dào de wéi yī de shēng yīn jiù shì nà tái jī qì de wēng wēng shēng。
    The only sound he heard was the hum of the machine.

    • míng míngobviously; plainly; undoubtedly; definitely
  • 我 明明 七 点 就 出门 了 , 怎么 会 又 迟到 了 呢 ?
    Wǒ míngmíng qī diǎn jiù chūménle, zěnme huì yòu chídàole ne?
    I obviously went out at seven, how could I be late again?

    • bù dǒng zhuāng dǒngto pretend to understand when you don't

    • fā tàngburning hot

    • mào hànsweating
  • 中午 时 , 大家 都 热得直 冒汗 。
    Zhōngwǔ shí, dàjiā dōu rè dé zhí mào hàn.
    At noon, everyone was sweating hot.

    • hèn bu dewishing one could do sth; to hate to be unable; itching to do sth
  • 我 晕船 , 恨不得 立刻 上岸 。
    wǒ yùn chuán, hèn bù dé lì kè shàng àn.
    I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land.

    • dì dònga dug-out; a burrow
  • 他 羞愧 极了 , 恨不得 找 个 地洞 钻进去 。
    Tā xiūkuì jíle, hènbudé zhǎo gè dìdòng zuān jìnqù.
    He was so ashamed that he couldn't wait to find a hole in it.

    • lù xùin turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit

    • dú zìalone
  • 儿子 独自 一 人 在 玩 。
    ?rzi dúzì yīrén zài wán.
    My son is playing by himself.

    • wěi quto feel wronged; to cause sb to feel wronged; grievance
  • 她 的 眼 里 流露出 受 委屈 的 神情 。
    tā de yǎn lǐ liú lù chū shòu wěi qū de shén qíng.
    Her eyes took on a hurt expression.

      • xīn tóuheart; thoughts; mind

      • wēn nuǎnwarm
    • 花园 里 的 空气 又 温暖 又 芬芳 。
      huā yuán lǐ de kōng qì yòu wēn nuǎn yòu fēn fāng。
      The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.

      • wēn róugentle and soft; tender
    • 她 对 孩子 和 动物 总是 很 温柔 。
      tā duì hái zi huò dòng wù zǒng shì hěn wēn róu。
      She always shows kindness to children and animals.

      • fán shìeach and every; every; all; any
    • 凡是 好 的 东西 我们 都 要 保留 。
      Fánshì hǎo de dōngxi wǒmen dōu yào bǎoliú.
      We should keep all good things.

      • yòu shǒuright hand; right-hand side

      • yuē dìngto agree on sth (after discussion); to conclude a bargain; to arrange; to promise; to stipulate; to make an appointment; stipulated (time, amount, quality etc); an arrangement; a deal; appointment; undertaking; commitment; understanding; engagement; stipulation
    • 如果 明天 是 晴天 , 或许 我们 约定 了 很 久 的 足球 比赛 , 可以 成功 开赛 了 。
      Rúguǒ míngtiān shì qíngtiān, huòxǔ wǒmen yuēdìngle hěnjiǔ de zúqiú bǐsài, kěyǐ chénggōng kāisàile.
      If tomorrow is sunny, maybe we have a long-awaited football match and we can start the race successfully.

      • cóng cǐfrom now on; since then; henceforth
    • 考试 结束 后 , 他们 去 了 不同 的 学校 , 从此 失去 了 联系 。
      Kǎoshì jiéshù hòu, tāmen qù liǎo bùtóng de xuéxiào, cóngcǐ shī qùle liánxì.
      After the exam, they went to different schools and lost contact.

      • fàng xīnto feel relieved; to feel reassured; to be at ease
    • 他 很 诚实 , 我 放心 他 做 的 事 。
      Tā hěn chéngshí, wǒ fàngxīn tā zuò de shì.
      He is very honest - I have confidence in his work.

      • huī fùto reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate
    • 这 男孩 已 彻底 恢复 健康 。
      zhè nán hái yǐ chè dǐ huī fù jiàn kāng。
      The boy has quite recovered.

      • zì xìnto have confidence in oneself; self-confidence
    • 她 显得 很 自信 。
      tā xiǎn de hěn zì xìn.
      She appeared/seemed very confident.

      • cì shùfrequency; number of times; ordinal number
    • 随着 上课 的 次数 越来越 多 , 他 讲课 的 经验 也 越来越 丰富 了 。
      Suízhe shàngkè de cìshù yuè lái yuè duō, tā jiǎngkè de jīngyàn yě yuè lái yuè fēngfùle.
      As the number of classes has increased, his experience in lectures has become more and more abundant.

      • xiāng yùto meet; to encounter; to come across

      • xīn zhào bù xuāna tacit mutual understanding