Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十四课 老师,谢谢您

    • kǒng zǐConfucius (551-479 BC), Chinese thinker and social philosopher, also known as 孔夫子

    • tuóa sack, a bag opening at both ends

    • mǎ chēcart; chariot; carriage; buggy
  • 她 的 马车 是 院子 里 最 漂亮 的 。
    tā de mǎ chē shì yuàn zi lǐ zuì piào liang de。
    Her carriage was the most beautiful one in the yard.

    • duǒ bìto hide; to evade; to dodge; to take shelter; to avoid (difficulties)
  • 暴风雨 时 , 我 正在 树下 躲避 。
    bào fēng yǔ shí, wǒ zhèng zài shù xià duǒ bì。
    In the storm I took shelter under the tree.

    • yíng huǒ chóngfirefly; glowworm; lightning bug

    • méi maoeyebrow
  • 他 惊讶 地 竖起 了 眉毛 。
    tā jīng yà de shù qi le méi mao。
    His brows went up in surprise.

    • néng gòuto be capable of; to be able to; can
  • 这个 小 男孩 能够 数 到 一千 。
    zhè gè xiǎo nán hái néng gòu shuò dào yī qiān。
    The little boy can count up to a thousand.