Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十四课 老师,谢谢您

      • shǒu zhuóbracelet

      • shèng dànChristmas; birthday of reigning Emperor; Confucius' birthday
    • 每当 圣诞节 来临 , 朋友 之间 会互 送 礼物 。
      Měi dāng shèngdàn jié láilín, péngyǒu zhī jiān huì hù sòng lǐwù.
      Whenever Christmas comes, friends will give each other gifts.

      • shèng dàn jiéChristmas time; Christmas season; Christmas
    • 你 有 过 圣诞节 的 习俗 吗 ?
      nǐ yǒu guò Shèng dàn jié de xí sú ma?
      Do you observe Christmas?

      • xiǎo jieyoung lady; miss; (slang) prostitute
    • 王 小姐 在 哪里 ?
      Wáng xiǎojiě zài nǎli?
      Where is Ms. Wang?

      • pǔ tōngcommon; ordinary; general; average
    • 普通 的 白 玻璃 是 透明 的 。
      pǔ tōng de bái bō li shì tòu míng de。
      Plain glass is transparent.

      • jìng shàngyours truly; yours sincerely (at the end of a letter)
    • 在 给 老师 的 信 最后 , 他 写 道 : “ 学生 小雨 敬 上 ” 。
      Zài gěi lǎoshī de xìn zuìhòu, tā xiě dào:“Xuéshēng xiǎoyǔ jìng shàng”.
      At the end of his letter to the teacher, he wrote, Sir Xiaoyu, student.

      • gēn běnfundamental; basic; root; simply; absolutely (not); (not) at all
    • 他 说 的话 根本 毫无 意义 。
      tā shuō dehuà gēnběn háowú yìyì .
      What he says makes no sense at all.

      • hé qúnto fit in; to get on well with others; sociable; to form a social group for cooperation

      • bù gòunot enough; insufficient; inadequate

      • qí tāother; (sth or sb) else; the rest
    • 他 把 其他 对手 淘汰 了 。
      Tā bǎ qítā duìshǒu táotài le.
      He knocked his opponents out of the race.

      • lì jíimmediately
    • 他们 要求 立即 付款 。
      tā men yāo qiú lì jí fù kuǎn。
      They demand prompt payment.

      • shēn pángbeside a person

      • qīng shēngquietly; softly; neutral tone; light stress
    • 我们 轻声 谈话 , 以免 吵醒 婴儿 。
      wǒ men qīng shēng tán huà, yǐ miǎn chǎo xǐng yīng ér.
      We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby/for fear (that) we might wake the baby.

      • shǒu shàngon hand

      • yǎn kuàngeye socket; rim of the eye


      • shī rùnmoist

      • dàng ànfile; record; archive

      • jīn hòuhereafter; henceforth; in the future; from now on

      • àn shíon time; before deadline; on schedule
    • 从 他 家 到 学校 很 远 , 他 每天 必须 很早 起床 , 才能 按时 赶到 学校 。
      Cóng tā jiā dào xuéxiào hěn yuǎn, tā měitiān bìxū hěn zǎo qǐchuáng, cáinéng ànshí gǎn dào xuéxiào.
      From his home to the school, he had to get up very early every day to get to school on time.

      • jiā jìngfamily financial situation; family circumstances
    • 他们 的 家境 很 贫寒 。
      Tāmen de jiājìng hěn pínhán.
      Their family is very poor.

      • néng gòuto be capable of; to be able to; can
    • 这个 小 男孩 能够 数 到 一千 。
      zhè gè xiǎo nán hái néng gòu shuò dào yī qiān。
      The little boy can count up to a thousand.

      • dé bìngto fall ill; to contract a disease

      • zhòng bìngserious illness
    • 你 曾经 得 过 重病 吗 ?
      nǐ céngjīng děi guòzhòng bìng ma ?
      Have you ever had any serious illness?

      • huó polively; vivacious; brisk; active
    • 他 性格 活泼 。
      Tā xìnggé huópō.
      He has a lively personality.

      • jiǎn zhísimply; at all; practically
    • 假期 简直 是 一晃而过 。
      jià qī jiǎn zhí shì yī huàng ér guò。
      The holidays simply sped by.

      • fàng guòto let off; to let slip by; to let sb get away with sth

      • rèn héany; whatever; whichever; whatsoever
    • 他 不愿 做出 任何 承诺 。
      tā bù yuàn zuò chū rèn hé chéng nuò。
      He would not commit himself in any way.

      • quán lìwith all one's strength; full strength; all-out (effort); fully (support)

      • xué qīterm; semester

      • kǎo shàngto pass a university entrance exam

      • xiě xìnto write a letter
    • 请 写信 告诉 我 你们 学校 的 情况 。
      qǐng xiěxìn gàosu wǒ nǐmen xuéxiào de qíngkuàng.
      Please write to tell me your situation at school.

      • jiù yàowill; shall; to be going to
    • 明天 就要 期末考 了 , 她 捧 着 书 , 急得 像 热锅上的蚂蚁 。
      Míngtiān jiù yào qímò kǎole, tā pěngzhe shū, jí dé xiàng rè guō shàng de mǎyǐ.
      Tomorrow, I will take the final exam. She holds the book and is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

      • jié hūnto marry; to get married
    • 姐姐 要 结婚 了 , 家里 张灯结彩 , 一副 喜气洋洋 的 景象 。
      Jiějiě yào jiéhūnle, jiā lǐ zhāng dēng jiécǎi, yī fù xǐqìyángyáng de jǐngxiàng.
      My sister is getting married, and her family’s lights are bright and a happy scene.

      • hūn lǐwedding ceremony; wedding
    • 明天 我 要 参加 朋友 的 婚礼 。
      Míngtiān wǒ yào cānjiā péngyou de hūnlǐ.
      Tomorrow, I'll attend a friend's wedding ceremony.

      • wèi zhiposition; place; seat
    • 他们 标明 每艘 船 的 新 位置 。
      tā men biāo míng měi sōu chuán de xīn wèi zhi。
      They plotted the new position of each vessel.

      • lái bīnguest; visitor
    • 大会 议程 首先 是 向 来宾 致 欢迎 辞 。
      dà huì yì chéng shǒu xiān shì xiàng lái bīn zhì huān yíng cí.
      The proceedings will begin with a speech to welcome the guests.