Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十四课 老师,谢谢您

    • tè biéespecially; special; particular; unusual
  • 我 特别 不 喜欢 洋葱 。
    wǒ tè bié bù xǐ huan yáng cōng。
    I especially dislike onions.

      • xiǎo xuéprimary school
    • 他 已经 到 了 应该 读书 的 年纪 , 明年 就要 开始 上 小学 了 。
      Tā yǐjīng dàole yīnggāi dúshū de niánjì, míngnián jiù yào kāishǐ shàng xiǎoxuéle.
      He has reached the age at which he should study, and he will start school next year.

        • yī wèione (person)

        • xìngsurname; family name
      • 请问 尊姓大名 ?
        qǐng wèn zūn xìng Dà míng?
        Would you give me your name?
      • 百姓老百姓姓名姓李

        • lǎo shīteacher
      • 老师 不 在 教室 。
        Lǎoshī bù zài jiàoshì.
        The teacher is not in the classroom.

        • wáng lǎo shīTeacher Wang

        • nián qīngyoung
      • 不少 年轻人 都 想 拥有 自己 的 住房 , 拥有 一个 自己 的 家 。
        Bù shào niánqīng rén dōu xiǎng yǒngyǒu zìjǐ de zhùfáng, yǒngyǒuyīgè zìjǐ de jiā.
        Many young people want to own their own homes and own a home.

        • é tóuforehead
      • 妈妈 亲 了 我 的 额头 。
        Māma qīnle wǒ de étóu.
        My mom kissed my forehead.

        • kuān kuānwide; broad

        • yǎn jingeye
      • 她 睁开 眼睛 。
        tā zhēng kāi[ bì shàng] yǎn jīng.
        She opened/closed her eyes.

          • dāngequal; to serve as; in the presence of
          • dàngproper; to regard as; pawn
        • 她 想 当 老师 。
          Tā xiǎng dāng lǎoshī.
          She wants to be a teacher.
        • 当时当兵当年当然当上当晚当中每当上当适当相当相当于应当当头烈日当空当空红运当头当了将来想当

          • step on; tread
        • 满 怀 信心 , 他们 踏上 了 征程 。
          Mǎnhuái xìnxīn, tāmen tàshangle zhēngchéng.
          With great confidence, they set out on their journey.
        • 脚踏踏板踏进踏上踏入踏上去脚踏车

          • qīng kuàilight and quick; brisk; spry; lively; effortless; relaxed; agile; blithe
        • 比赛 完毕 后 , 没有 了 负担 , 他 的 脚步 看起来 很 轻快 。
          Bǐsài wánbì hòu, méiyǒule fùdān, tā de jiǎobù kàn qǐlái hěn qīngkuài.
          After the game was over, there was no burden, and his footsteps looked very brisk.

          • jiǎo bùfootstep; step
        • 我们 加快 了 脚步 。
          wǒ men jiā kuài le jiǎo bù.
          We quickened our steps.

          • zǒu jìnto enter

          • jiào shìclassroom
        • 考试 结束 后 , 她 从 教室 前面 领回 了 书包 。
          Kǎoshì jiéshù hòu, tā cóng jiàoshì qiánmiàn lǐng huíle shūbāo.
          After the exam, she took the bag from the front of the classroom.

          • quán bānthe whole class
        • 学校 的 拔河比赛 , 只有 全班 齐心协力 , 才 有 可能 胜利 。
          Xuéxiào de báhé bǐsài, zhǐyǒu quán bān qíxīn xiélì, cái yǒu kěnéng shēng lì.
          In the tug-of-war competition of the school, only the whole class can work together to win.

          • tóng xuéto study at the same school; fellow student; classmate
        • 我们 是 同学 。
          wǒmen shì tóngxué .
          We're classmates.

          • dōuall; both
          • big city; capital
        • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
          yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
          Everything will be OK.
        • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

          • rè lièenthusiastic; ardent; warm
        • 大家 以 热烈 的 掌声 欢迎 她 。
          dà jiā yǐ rè liè de zhǎng shēng huān yíng tā.
          She was received with warm applause.

          • de(a particle used after an adverbial)
          • earth; land; place
        • 地毯 有点 脏 。
          Dìtǎn yǒudiǎn zāng.
          The carpet is a little dirty.
        • 满地本地天地间遍地离地场地小天地大地静静地地点草地上地面悄悄地地球远远地地上偷偷地地铁站建筑工地地图牢牢地地下呼呼地地下水坐地铁地下通道骄傲地地震快活地电邮地址特地来空地默默地猛地细心地目的地哪些地方沙地扫地有秩序地世界各地工地轻快地随地地方特地到特地各地细细地天地地铁田地地板外地草地营地地址种地地区洗地土地洗地板地洞轻轻地陆地伤心地深深地奥地利

          • gǔ zhǎngto applaud; to clap
        • 观众 热烈 地 鼓掌 。
          Guānzhòng rèliè de gǔzhǎng.
          The audience applauded warmly.

          • dì yīfirst; number one
        • 认识 到 犯了错 , 要 第一 时间 说 对不起 。
          Rènshì dào fànle cuò, yào dì yī shíjiān shuō “duìbùqǐ”.
          Realize that you made a mistake and say I'm sorry in the first place.

          • yī táng kèa lesson

          • hěn duōa lot of
        • 江边 有 很多 船 。
          Jiāngbiān yǒu hěn duō chuán.
          There are many ships at the river bank.

          • jī jíactive; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive
        • 他 对 学校 课外活动 一点 也 不 积极 。
          tā duì xué xiào kè wài huó dòng yī diǎn yě bù jī jí。
          He doesn't take an active part in many school activities.

          • jǔ shǒuto raise a hand; to put up one's hand (as signal)
        • 大家 在 会 上 踊跃 地 举手 发言 。
          Dàjiā zài huìshàng yǒngyuè de jǔshǒu fāyán.
          At the meeting, everyone raised their hands enthusiastically to speak.

          • huí dáto reply; to answer; the answer
        • 请 举手 回答 问题 。
          Qǐng jǔshǒu huídá wèntí.
          Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question.

          • wèn tíquestion; problem; issue; topic
        • 问题 解决 了 。
          Wèntí jiějué le.
          The problem has been solved.

          • jiàocall; shout; name
        • 你 叫 什么 名字 ?
          Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?
          What's your name?
        • 狂叫叫来沿街叫卖叫起来叫醒叫好惊叫名叫叫卖声大叫叫卖拍手叫好哇哇叫叫人叫住鸡叫

          • línforest; wood; jungle
        • 这 片 树林 很 茂密 。
          Zhè piàn shùlín hěn màomì.
          This forest is very thick.
        • 森林红树林热带雨林雨林竹林林中林西莉树林

          • zhànstand; station; stop
        • 车 到 站 了 。
          Chē dào zhàn le.
          The train has arrived at the station.
        • 站在巴士站地铁站太空站网站站立站起来

          • qǐ laito stand up; to get up; beginning; upward; bring together; preliminary judgement
        • 把手 举 起来 !
          bǎshǒu jǔqǐ lái !
          Hands up!

          • dī tóuto bow the head; to yield; to give in

          • yī shēng bù xiǎngto keep totally silent; noiselessly

          • fēn fēnone after another; in succession; one by one; continuously; diverse; in profusion; numerous and confused; pell-mell
        • 我们 纷纷 向 灾区 捐献 物品 。
          Wǒmen fēnfēn xiàng zāiqū juānxiàn wùpǐn.
          One after another, we donated goods to the disaster area.

          • yì lùnto comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
        • 她 喜欢 议论 邻居 们 的 是非 长短 。
          tā xǐ huan yì lùn lín jū men de shì fēi cháng duǎn。
          She loves to gossip to her neighbors.

          • jǐ gea few; several; how many
        • 我 买 了 几个 苹果 。
          Wǒ mǎile jǐ gè píngguǒ.
          I've bought a few apples.

          • bù yuē ér tóngto agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
        • 他们 不约而同 地 指出 了 逃犯 所 处 的 位置 。
          Tāmen bùyuē'értóng de zhǐchūle táofàn suǒ chǔ de wèizhì.
          They all pointed out the location of the fugitive.

          • hǎn dàoto yell

          • bù huìimprobable; unlikely; will not (act, happen etc); not able; not having learned to do sth

          • hold, handle
          • a handle
        • 请 把门 打开 。
          qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。
          Open the door, please.
        • 一把伞把手扫把拖把加把劲一把三把共用一把伞

          • chóng fùto repeat; to duplicate
        • 他 重复 了 几 遍 直到 记住 为止 。
          tā chóng fù le jǐ biàn zhí dào jì zhu wéi zhǐ.
          He repeated it several times over (ie again and again) until he could remember it.

          • yī biànone time (all the way through); once through

          • jiànsee; meet; view
        • 好久不见 了 。
          hǎo jiǔ bù jiàn le。
          Haven't seen you for ages.
        • 看不见瞧见人见人爱听不见意见遇见只见没见提意见看见不见再见梦见听见见义勇为见证见面常见好久不见见到

          • hái shior; still; nevertheless; had better
        • 现在 这里 树立 着 一座座 高楼 , 十 年 前 , 这里 还是 一片 荒地 。
          Xiànzài zhèlǐ shùlìzhe yīzuò zuò gāolóu, shí nián qián, zhèlǐ háishì yīpiàn huāngdì.
          There are now tall buildings here, and ten years ago, it was still a wasteland.

          • chū shēngto utter; to give voice
        • 小林 以为 老师 会 批评 他 , 低着头 不再 出 声 。
          Xiǎolín yǐwéi lǎoshī huì pīpíng tā, dīzhe tóu bù zài chū shēng.
          Xiaolin thought the teacher would criticize him, and lowered his head and stopped talking.

          • huī shǒuto wave (one's hand)
        • 他们 挥手 告别 。
          tā men huī shǒu gào bié.
          They waved farewell.

          • zuò xiato sit down
        • 我 觉得 头晕 , 得 坐下 来 。
          wǒ jué de tóu yūn, de zuò xia lái.
          I feel giddy; I must sit down.

          • qǐngrequest; engage; invite; please; treat
        • 请 坐 。
          Qǐng zuò.
          Please be seated.
        • 请求请教邀请请进请客请帖请问申请请来申请者请吃

          • qí tāother; (sth or sb) else; the rest
        • 他 把 其他 对手 淘汰 了 。
          Tā bǎ qítā duìshǒu táotài le.
          He knocked his opponents out of the race.

          • kè hòuAfter class

          • dàoto reach (a place); to; up to; considerate
        • 车 到 站 了 。
          Chē dào zhàn le.
          The train has arrived at the station.
        • 读到坚持到底特地到搬到不到要到了转到达到漂流到翻到带到到处跑到来走到到了冲到到时候活到得不到拉到得到飞到等到买到赶到亲眼看到回到摸到见到换到接到飘到轮到升到没想到钓到受到感受到听到坐到闻到爬到降到想到来到开到找到到处尝到直到推到喝到做到迟到挤到撞到感到吵到从早到晚遇到遇到困难放到到底扑到看不到捡到漂到看到到达扣到落到收到拾到学到碰到切到用到捉到感到惭愧真没想到

          • bàn gōngto handle official business; to work (esp. in an office)
        • 办公楼 突然 停电 了 , 电梯 也 停 了 下来 。
          Bàngōng lóu túrán tíngdiànle, diàntī yě tíngle xiàlái.
          The office building suddenly lost power and the elevator stopped.

          • bàn gōng shìoffice; business premises; bureau

          • I, me, my; we, our
        • 我 同意 。
          wǒ tóngyì .
          I agree.
        • 我们你追我跑我国我家我校我会我爱你带我去帮帮我

          • gāng cáijust now; a moment ago
        • 刚才 他 逛街 去 了 。
          Gāngcái tā guàngjiē qù le.
          He went shopping just now.

          • tí chūto raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to post (on a website); to withdraw (cash)

          • you; your; one person
        • 你好 !
          Nǐ hǎo!
        • 舍不得你你们你追我跑迷你你好你家我爱你祝你幸福带你去祝你们谢谢你们考考你祝你快乐爱护你

          • maparticle (question)
        • 你 有空 吗 ?
          Nǐ yǒukōng ma?
          Are you free?

          • shuō huàto speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell stories; talk; word
        • 小朋友 已经 睡 了 , 我们 说话 小声点 。
          Xiǎopéngyǒu yǐjīng shuìle, wǒmen shuōhuà xiǎoshēng diǎn.
          The children are already asleep, and we speak a little.

          • cāiguess; suspect
        • 猜猜 里面 是 什么 ?
          Cāicai lǐmiàn shì shénme?
          Guess what's inside.
        • 猜猜猜猜看猜谜语猜字谜

          • jiē zheto catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn
        • 你 是否 歇 够 了 可以 接着 干 了 ?
          nǐ shì fǒu xiē gòu le kě yǐ jiē著 gàn le?
          Are you rested enough to go on?

          • qí shíactually; in fact; really
        • 别 看 种菜 没 啥 , 其实 大有 学问 。
          biè kàn zhòng cài mò shá, qí shí dà yǒu xué wèn。
          Growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning.

          • xīn huìXinhui county and district of Jiangmen city 江门市, Guangdong

          • zhǐ shìmerely; simply; only; but
        • 象棋 不 只是 游戏 , 更是 智慧 的 较量 。
          Xiàngqí bù zhǐshì yóuxì, gèng shì zhìhuì de jiàoliàng.
          Chess is not just a game, it is a contest of wisdom.

          • yīn wèibecause; owing to; on account of
        • 因为 太 冷 , 她 感冒 了 。
          Yīnwèi tài lěng, tā gǎnmào le.
          It's so cold that she caught a cold.

          • méinone; not yet
          • sink; overflow
        • 没关系 。
          Never mind / no relation
        • 没用没人没话说没完有没有没见没来没钱并没没亮没听说过真没想到没听清楚话还没说完没有没关系淹没淹没农田从来没没意思从没没错没电没法没什么没事没想到

          • xìn xīnconfidence; faith (in sb or sth)
        • 一个 人 一定 要 对 自己 有 信心 。
          yī gè rén yī dìng yào duì zì jǐ yǒu xìn xīn。
          One has to be confident in himself.

          • bù gǎndare not
        • 那 小猫 爬 到 树 上 却 不敢 下来 。
          nà xiǎo māo pá dào shù shàng què bù gǎn xia lai。
          The little cat climbed to the top of the tree and became afraid to get down.

          • shuō chūto speak out; to declare (one's view)

          • dá ànanswer; solution
        • 这 是 正确 答案 。
          Zhè shì zhèngquè dá'àn.
          This is the correct answer.

          • kàn leread; seen

          • bù xíngwon't do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable

          • dá duì(usually used in the negative) to answer or reply to sb's question
        • 如果 你 答对 所有 的 题 , 就 可以 获得 五星 皇冠 。
          Rúguǒ nǐ dáduì suǒyǒu de tí, jiù kěyǐ huòdé wǔxīng huángguàn.
          If you answer all the questions correctly, you will get a five-star crown.

          • yáo tóuto shake one's head
        • 小狗 对 我 摇头摆尾 。
          Xiǎo gǒu duì wǒ yáotóu-bǎiwěi.
          The little dog is shaking its head and wagging its tail at me.

          • shuíwho; whom; someone
          • shéiwho (coll)
        • 谁 在 敲门 ?
          shéi zài qiāo mén?
          Who is knocking at the door?

          • xiǎngthink; want to; suppose; miss
        • 让 我 想一想 。
          ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng。
          Let me see.
        • 想想想象想要心想想一想想去想不起想着想不出回想起来想不起来共同理想真没想到将来想当边走边想左思右想想出理想不想幻想回想没想到梦想想到想法想起

          • dà jiāeveryone; influential family; great expert
        • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
          Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
          Everyone gathered together.

          • zhè me shuōso; given the condition; say it this way

          • zì jǐoneself; one's own
        • 请 介绍 你 自己 。
          Qǐng jièshào nǐ zìjǐ. (also qing ziwo jieshao yixia)
          Please introduce yourself.

          • also; as well as; too; either
        • 我 也 喝 咖啡 。
          Wǒ yě hē kāfēi.
          I'm drinking coffee too.
        • 也许再也也是再也不会再也不是

          • chéng rènto admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc); to acknowledge
        • 他 向 老师 承认 他 错 了 。
          Tā xiàng lǎoshī chéngrèn tā cuò le.
          He admitted his was wrong to the teacher.

          • zhèngupright; correct; exactly; main
        • 他 正在 开会 。
          tā zhèng zài kāi huì。
          He is in conference.
        • 正在反正真正正常正对正方形正好正面正确正是正要正方正对着

          • shàng kèto go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class
        • 学校 8 点 半 开始 上课 。
          xuéxiào 8 diǎn bàn kāishǐ shàngkè .
          School begins at eight-thirty.

          • líng shēngring; ringtone; bell stroke; tintinnabulation
        • 直到 听到 闹钟 的 铃声 我 才 醒来 。
          zhí dào tīng dào nào zhōng de líng shēng wǒ cái xǐng lái。
          I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock.

            • xiānfirst; before; earlier; in advance; ancestor
          • 小 女孩 先 上车 。
            Xiǎo nǚhái xiān shàngchē.
            The little girl gets on the bus first.
          • 争先恐后起先首先先辈先后先后顺序先生先贤优先争先祖先最先先买先去先用先要吴先生许先生

            • fàng xuéto dismiss students at the end of the school day
          • 放学 了 。
            Fàngxué le.
            School's out.

            • zàiexist; present; in the process of; at
          • 她 在 弹琴 。
            Tā zài tánqín.
            She's playing the piano.
          • 看在眼里满不在乎设在实在现在在场在乎在内在外早在自由自在自在排在放在在家坐在摆在连在一起披在留在趴在配在登在躺在住在挂在站在在世界上正在不在在不在不在乎缩在处在存在聚在一起

            • mén kǒudoorway; gate
          • 往常 放学 的 时候 , 爷爷 都 会 在 学校 门口 接 他 回家 。
            Wǎngcháng fàngxué de shíhòu, yéyé dūhuì zài xuéxiào ménkǒu jiē tā huí jiā.
            When he was out of school, Grandpa would pick him up at the school gate.

            • děnggrade; level; of the same; equal; wait
          • 他 在 耐心 地 等待 。
            Tā zài nàixīn de děngdài.
            He's waiting patiently.
          • 大小不等等着等等不等等不及等待等到等一等三等奖上等货三等等会儿

            • dì gěiPass to

            • yī gèone

            • xìn fēngenvelope
          • 这个 信封 封 得 很 严实 。
            zhè gè xìn fēng fēng de hěn yán shí。
            The envelope was firmly sealed.

            • huí jiāto return home
          • 我们 回家 了 。
            Wǒmen huíjiā le.
            We've returned home.

            • huí quto return; to go back

            • xiào ménschool gate
          • 放学 时 , 他们 排 成 两 条 队 , 手拉手 走出 校门 。
            Fàngxué shí, tāmen pái chéng liǎng tiáo duì, shǒu lāshǒu zǒuchū xiàomén.
            When they were out of school, they lined up in two teams and walked out of the school.

            • rěn bu zhùcannot help; unable to bear
          • 我 一 见到 冰淇淋 就 忍不住 想 吃 。
            wǒ yī xiàn dào bīng qí lìn jiù rěn bú zhù xiǎng jí。
            I can never resist an ice cream.

            • chāi kāito dismantle; to disassemble; to open up (sth sealed); to unpick

            • lǐ miàninside; interior

            • zhāngstretch; spread; expand; exaggerate; a sheet of
          • 请 给 我 一 张 纸 。
            Qǐng gěi wǒ yī zhāng zhǐ.
            Please give me a piece of paper.
          • 慌张神色慌张紧张夸张张飞张开纸张张老师一张几张一张白纸整张

            • shàng mianon top of; above-mentioned
          • 一块 岩石 从 上面 落下 。
            Yī kuài yánshí cóng shàngmiàn luòxià .
            A rock fell from above.

            • yīn yuèmusic
          • 他 有 音乐 天赋 。
            tā yǒu yīn yuè tiān fù。
            He has a gift for music.

            • yīn yuè jiāmusician

            • bèi duō fēnLudwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

            • lā xiăo tí qínto play the violin

            • xiǎo tí qínfiddle; violin

            • bèiblanket; by
          • 球 被 压扁 了 。
            Qiú bèi yābiǎn le.
            The ball deflated under pressure.
          • 被子被困

            • rèn wéito believe; to think; to consider; to feel
          • 我 认为 我 考 得 不错 。
            wǒ rèn wéi wǒ kǎo de bù cuò.
            I think I did OK in the exam.

            • jué bùin no way; not in the least; absolutely not

            • bù shìno; is not; not
            • bù shifault; blame

            • zuò qǔ jiācomposer; songwriter

            • cái liàomaterial; data; makings; stuff
          • 木头 是 很 好 的 建筑 材料 。
            Mùtou shì hěn hǎo de jiànzhù cáiliào.
            Wood is a very good construction material.

            • shēng wùorganism; living creature; life form; biological
          • 他 在 钻研 生物学 。
            tā zài zuān yán shēng wù xué。
            He is digging at biology.

            • shēng wù xuébiology

            • shēng wù xué jiābiologist

            • dá ěr wénCharles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of On the Origin of Species 物种起源; Darwin, capital of Australian Northern Territory 北领地

            • zì zhuànautobiography

            • xiě daoWrote

            • suǒ yǒuall; to have; to possess; to own
          • 所有 的 灯 都 熄灭 了 。
            suǒ yǒu de dēng dōu xī miè le。
            All the light went out.

            • pǔ tōngcommon; ordinary; general; average
          • 普通 的 白 玻璃 是 透明 的 。
            pǔ tōng de bái bō li shì tòu míng de。
            Plain glass is transparent.

            • give; and; attend
            • take part in; participate
          • 他 与 我 同龄 。
            Tā yǔ wǒ tónglíng.
            He and I are the same age.
          • 参与

            • cōng mingacute (of sight and hearing); clever; intelligent; bright; smart
          • 这 孩子 很 聪明 。
            Zhè háizi hěn cōngmíng.
            This child is smart.

            • zhān biānto have a connection with; to be close (to reality); to be relevant; to have one's hand in

            • kē xuéscience; scientific knowledge; scientific
          • 他们 计划 组织 一次 科学 考察 。
            tā men jì huà zǔ zhī yī cì kē xué kǎo chá。
            They planned to organize a scientific expedition.

            • kē xué jiāscientist

            • ài dí shēngEdison (name); Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), American inventor and businessman
          • 爱迪生 不是 个 优秀 的 学生 。
            àidíshēng bù shì ge yōuxiù de xuésheng .
            Edison was not a bright student.

            • xiǎo shí houin one's childhood

            • shí houtime; length of time; moment; period
          • 饭店 什么 时候 关门 ?
            Fàndiàn shénmeshíhou guān mén?
            When does the restaurant close?

            • fǎn yìngto react; to respond; reaction; response; reply; chemical reaction
          • 难以 估计 大家 的 反应 如何 。
            dà jiā de fǎn yìng rú hé nán yǐ gū jì。
            It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.

            • fēi chángunusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional
          • 他 感到 非常 孤独 。
            Tā gǎndào fēicháng gūdú.
            He feels very very lonely.

            • mànslow; defer; supercilious; tardiness
          • 与 快 相对 的 是 慢 。
            Yǔ kuài xiāngduì de shì màn.
            Fast is the opposite of slow.
          • 慢慢缓慢慢吞吞慢走放慢太慢

            • xué xíto learn; to study
          • 他 学习 上 进步 很快 。
            tā xué xí shàng jìn bù hěn kuài。
            He made rapid progress in his studies.

            • néng lìcapability; capable; able; ability
          • 他 用 自己 的 能力 , 渐渐 获得 了 大家 的 尊重 。
            Tā yòng zìjǐ de nénglì, jiànjiàn huòdéle dàjiā de zūnzhòng.
            With his own abilities, he gradually gained the respect of everyone.

            • jiào chāmediocre; rather poor; not specially good

            • wù lǐphysics; physical
          • 她 在 大学 期间 主修 数学 和 物理 。
            tā zài dà xué qī jiān zhǔ xiū shù xué huò wù lǐ。
            She majored in maths and physics at university.

            • wù lǐ xuéphysics

            • wù lǐ xué jiāphysicist

            • xué jiāscholar

            • ài yīn sī tǎnAlbert Einstein (1879-1955), famous Austrian physicist
          • 爱因斯坦 是 一位 卓越 的 科学家 。
            ài yīn sī tǎn shì yī wèi zhuó yuè de kē xué jiā。
            Einstein was a prominent scientist.

              • qī suìseven years old, seven years

              • rèn zìliterate; knowing how to read

              • niú dùnNewton (name); Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British mathematician and physicist

              • chéng jìachievement; performance records; grades
            • 你 的 学习 成绩 退步 了 。
              Nǐ de xuéxí chéngjì tuìbù le.
              You have fallen behind in your grades.

              • yī tuán zāochaos; bungle; complete mess; shambles

              • xìn zhǐletter paper; writing paper

              • xiǎo xīnto be careful; to take care
            • 路 滑 , 请 小心 。
              Lù huá, qǐng xiǎoxīn.
              The road is slippery, so please be careful.

              • zhé diéto fold

              • fàng jìnto put into

              • kǒu dàipocket; bag; sack
            • 他 的 手 放 在 裤子 口袋 里 。
              Tā de shǒu fàng zài kùzi kǒudai lǐ.
              He has his hand in his pocket.

                • yī miànone side; one aspect; simultaneously... (and...); one's whole face
              • 这块 布 哪 一面 是 正面 ?
                zhè kuài bù něi yī miàn shì zhèng miàn?
                Which is the right side of the cloth (ie the one intended to be seen)?

                • shēn shǒuto hold out a hand; to ask for sth
              • 我 伸手 到 桌子 那 端 去 拿 果酱 。
                wǒ shēn shǒu dào zhuō zi nà duān qù ná guǒ jiàng.
                I reached across the table for the jam.

                • mō zhetouching something

                • yī dàipocket

                • hǎo xiàngas if; to seem like
              • 天 好像 要 下雨 了 。
                Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le.
                It seems that it's going to rain!

                • lǐ bianinside

                • zhuāngdress; clothes; install; fill in; load; act
              • 我 假装 不 知道 。
                Wǒ jiǎzhuāng bù zhīdào.
                I pretended to be unaware of it.
              • 男扮女装男装女装时装唐装装扮装备装作包装袋女扮男装太空装装扮成装懂时装秀服装装满包装不懂装懂假装

                • shén mewhat?; who?; something; anything
              • 你 在 干什么 ?
                Nǐ zài gàn shénme?
                What are you doing?

                • bǎo bèitreasured object; treasure; darling; baby; cowry; good-for-nothing or queer character
              • 他 放 在 床 底下 的 小箱子 , 里面 藏 着 许多 宝贝 。
                Tā fàng zài chuáng dǐxia de xiǎo xiāngzi, lǐmiàn cángzhe xǔduō bǎobèi.
                He placed a small box under the bed, which contained many treasures.

                • shì deseems as if; rather like
              • 我 头疼 得要 裂开 似的 。
                wǒ tóu téng de yào liè kāi sì de。
                I've got a splitting headache.