Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十五课 想当一棵树

    • niǎo rbird

    • jiù yàowill; shall; to be going to
  • 明天 就要 期末考 了 , 她 捧 着 书 , 急得 像 热锅上的蚂蚁 。
    Míngtiān jiù yào qímò kǎole, tā pěngzhe shū, jí dé xiàng rè guō shàng de mǎyǐ.
    Tomorrow, I will take the final exam. She holds the book and is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

    • míng niánnext year
  • 我 好 想 明年 暑假 去 一趟 欧洲 。
    wǒ hào xiǎng míng nián shǔ jià qù yī tàng ōu zhōu。
    I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.

    • yuán yěplain; open country

    • róng huàto melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse

    • shù zhuāngtree stump

    • zhè rhere

    • fá mùto cut wood; tree-felling; lumbering

    • fǔ ziaxe; hatchet

      • a saw; cut with saw
    • 他们 把 原木 锯 成 一块块 厚 板 。
      tā men bǎ yuán mù jù chéng yī kuài kuài hòu bǎn。
      They are sawing a log into planks.

      • mù touslow-witted; blockhead; log (of wood, timber etc)

      • luò zàifall in

      • xiān shengMister (Mr.); teacher; husband; doctor (dialect)
    • 刘 先生 教 历史 。
      Liú xiānsheng jiāo lìshǐ.
      Mr. Liu teaches history.

      • nǎ rwhere?; wherever; anywhere
    • 我 知道 他 住 哪儿 。
      wǒ zhīdào tā zhù nǎr .
      I know where he lives.

      • chǎng zi(coll.) factory; mill; yard; depot

      • zuò chéngmake into

      • huǒ cháimatch (for lighting fire)

      • yóu dēngoil lamp
    • 油灯 发出 柔和 的 亮光 。
      yóu dēng fā chū róu hé de liàng guāng。
      The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.

      • diǎn ránto ignite; to set on fire; aflame

      • dēng huǒlights