Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 5B ‣ 第十六课 语言的力量

      • yǔ yánlanguage
    • 你 会 说 几 种 语言 ?
      Nǐ huì shuō jǐ zhǒng yǔyán?
      How many languages do you speak?

      • shāng rénto injure sb

      • lì jiànsharp sword

      • tóng yàngsame; equal; equivalent
    • 使 我 惊讶 的 是 , 他 又 犯 了 同样 的 错误 。
      shǐ wǒ jīng yà de shì, tā yòu fàn le tóng yàng de cuò wù。
      To my dismay, he made the same mistakes.

      • gǎn juéto feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception
    • 我 今天 感觉 好多 了 。
      wǒ jīntiān gǎnjué hǎo duō le .
      I feel much better today.

      • wán quáncomplete; whole; totally; entirely
    • 现在 的 新加坡 , 和 几十年 前 的 样子 已经 完全 不 一样 了 。
      Xiànzài de xīnjiāpō, hé jǐ shí nián qián de yàngzi yǐjīng wánquán bù yīyàngle.
      Singapore is now completely different from what it was decades ago.

      • jīn pí lì jìnbody weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired; spent
    • 我 已 筋疲力尽 了 !
      wǒ yǐ jīn pí lì jìn le!
      I'm exhausted!

      • gè zìeach; respective; apiece
    • 聚会 之后 我们 回到 各自 的 房间 。
      jù huì zhī後 wǒ men huí dào gè zi de fáng jiān.
      After the party we all went off to our respective rooms.

      • qíng xingcircumstances; situation
    • 我们 初次 见面 的 情形 时常 浮现 于 我 的 脑海 。
      wǒ men chū cì jiàn miàn de qíng xing shí cháng fú xiàn yū wǒ de nǎo hǎi.
      Our first meeting often recurs to me/my mind.

      • xiāng fǎnopposite; contrary
    • 你 可能 是 对 的 , 但 我 和 你 意见 相反 。
      nǐ kěnéng shì duì de, dàn wǒ hé nǐ yìjiàn xiāngfǎn.
      You may be right, but I am against your ideas.

      • xiào mī mībeaming; all smiles
    • 他 今天 看上去 总是 笑眯眯 的 , 反而 让 人 恐惧 。
      Tā jīntiān kàn shàngqù zǒng shì xiàomīmī de, fǎn'ér ràng rén kǒngjù.
      He seems to be always smiling today, but it is scary.

      • kuā jiǎngto praise; to applaud; to compliment
    • 老师 夸奖 他 学习 进步 了 。
      Lǎoshī kuājiǎng tā xuéxí jìnbù le.
      The teacher praised him for his improved studies.

      • dé yìproud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent
    • 他 终于 获得 了 驾驶执照 , 这 使 他 颇 为 得意 。
      tā zhōng yū huò dé le jià shǐ zhí zhào, zhè shǐ tā pō wèi dé yì.
      He is at last the proud possessor of a driving-licence.

      • xià huínext chapter; next time

      • huà yǔwords; speech; utterance; discourse

      • bāo hánto contain; to embody; to include
    • 这 本 书 包含 你 所 需 的 一切 资料 。
      zhè běn shū bāo hán nǐ suǒ xū de yī qiè zī liào。
      This book contains all the information you need.

      • nóng hòudense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color)
    • 整鸡炖 出来 的 汤 很 浓厚 , 喝 到 嘴里 很 温暖 。
      Zhěng jī dùn chūlái de tāng hěn nónghòu, hē dào zuǐ lǐ hěn wēnnuǎn.
      The whole chicken stewed soup was very thick and it was very warm to the mouth.

      • tā rénanother; sb else; other people
    • 多 表扬 赞美 他人 , 自己 也 会 很 快乐 。
      Duō biǎoyáng zànměi tārén, zìjǐ yě huì hěn kuàilè.
      Praise and praise others, and you will be happy.

      • jiàn lìto establish; to set up; to found
    • 他们 之间 建立 了 深厚 的 友谊 。
      Tāmen zhījiān jiànlìle shēnhòu de yǒuyì.
      They have developed a deep friendship.

      • hé xiéharmonious; harmony; (euphemism) to censor
    • 天空 和 大海 构成 了 一幅 和谐 的 画面 。
      tiān kōng huò dà hǎi gòu chéng le yī fú hé xié de huà miàn。
      The sky and the sea make a harmonious picture.

      • duì fāngcounterpart; other person involved; opposite side; other side; receiving party
    • 她 答应 与 对方 合作 。
      Tā dāying yǔ duìfāng hézuò.
      She agreed to cooperate with the other party.

      • yǒu yì shíconscious

      • yì shíconsciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize

        • gù jíto take into consideration; to attend to

        • bàng qiúbaseball

        • jǐn guǎndespite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating
      • 尽管 我 努力 劝说 , 他 还是 不 同意 。
        jǐn guǎn wǒ nǔ lì quàn shuō, tā hái shì bù tóng yì。
        In spite of my efforts at persuasion, he wouldn't agree.

        • yán lìsevere; strict
      • 对 这些 孩子 的 处罚 过于 严厉 。
        duì zhè xie hái zi de chǔ fá guò yū yán lì.
        The punishments inflicted on the children were too severe.

        • bù xíngwon't do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable

        • yǔ qìtone; manner of speaking; mood

        • tái gāoto raise (price etc)

        • kěn dìngto be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative; to approve; approval; recognition
      • 她 肯定 超过 80 岁 了 。
        tā kěndìng chāoguò 80 suì le.
        She's surely over eighty?.

        • biǎo xiànto show; to show off; to display; to manifest; expression; manifestation; show; display; performance (at work etc); behavior
      • 他 在 比赛 中 表现 得 很 出色 。
        Tā zài bǐsài zhōng biǎoxiànde hěn chūsè.
        In the competition, he performed very well.

        • tí chūto raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to post (on a website); to withdraw (cash)

        • jiē shòuto accept; to receive
      • 我 接受 你 的 挑战 。
        Wǒ jiēshòu nǐ de tiǎozhàn.
        I accept your challenge.

        • jié chūoutstanding; distinguished; remarkable; prominent; illustrious
      • 他 被 公认 为 现代 最 杰出 的 作家 之一 。
        tā bèi gōng rèn wèi xiàn dài zuì jié chū de zuò jiā zhī yī。
        He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.

        • néng gòuto be capable of; to be able to; can
      • 这个 小 男孩 能够 数 到 一千 。
        zhè gè xiǎo nán hái néng gòu shuò dào yī qiān。
        The little boy can count up to a thousand.

        • kǎo lǜto think over; to consider; consideration
      • 你 的 提议 值得 考虑 。
        nǐ de tíyì zhíde kǎolǜ .
        Your proposal is worthy of being considered.

        • chūn fēngspring breeze
      • 春风 吹 过 , 山坡 上 一下子 开满 了 野花 。
        Chūnfēng chuīguò, shānpō shàng yīxià zi kāi mǎnle yěhuā.
        The spring breeze blew, and the hillside was full of wildflowers.