Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第一课 加油!加油!


    • fǎng tánto visit and discuss; to interview

    • yā lìpressure
  • 他 承受 着 很 大 的 工作 压力 。
    Tā chéngshòuzhe hěn dà de gōngzuò yālì.
    He's under a lot of pressure at work.

    • kè fú(try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure
  • 你们 克服 了 这么 大 的 困难 , 值得 表扬 。
    nǐ men kè fú le zhè me dà de kùn nan, zhí de biǎo yáng。
    It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.

    • zhàn shèngto prevail over; to defeat; to surmount

    • duàn liànto engage in physical exercise; to work out; to toughen; to temper
  • 她 为了 健康 锻炼身体 。
    Tā wèile jiànkāng duànliàn shēntǐ.
    She exercises for her health.

    • cè yàntest; to test
  • 她 驾驶 测验 没 合格 。
    tā jià shǐ cè yàn mò hé gé.
    She hasn't passed her driving test yet.

    • yán géstrict; stringent; tight; rigorous
  • 这个 老师 对 学生 很 严格 。
    Zhè gè lǎoshī duì xuésheng hěn yángé.
    This teacher is very strict with the students.

    • yāo qiúto request; to require; to stake a claim; to ask; to demand
  • 老师 要求 大家 穿着 运动衣 上 体育课 。
    Lǎoshī yāoqiú dàjiā chuānzhuó yùndòng yī shàng tǐyù kè.
    The teacher asked everyone to wear sportswear for physical education classes.

    • qín fènhardworking; diligent
  • 成功 来自 勤奋 。
    chéng gōng lái zì qín fèn。
    Success comes with industry.

    • lǎn duòidle; lazy
  • 我 不 喜欢 懒惰 的 孩子 。
    Wǒ bù xǐhuan lǎnduòde háizi.
    I don't like lazy children.

    • mù biāotarget; goal; objective
  • 我 逐步 实现 了 自己 的 目标 。
    Wǒ zhúbù shíxiàn le zìjǐ de mùbiāo.
    I realized my goal step by step.

    • gè gèeach one individually; each and every

    • lín shíat the instant sth happens; temporary; interim; ad hoc

    • lín shí bào fó jiǎolit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; making a hasty last-minute effort

    • bào fó jiǎolit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; panic measures in place of timely preparation

    • dòng lìpower; motion; propulsion; force

    • miàn duìto confront; to face
  • 请 大家 面对 镜头 。
    Qǐng dàjiā miànduì jìngtóu.
    Everyone please face the camera.