Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第二课 祖孙情

    • mín zhòngpopulace; masses; the people
  • 街上 聚集 了 很多 民众 。
    Jiēshang jùjíle hěn duō mínzhòng.
    Many people have gathered in the street.

    • gōng zhòngpublic
  • 公众 的 利益 高于 个人 的 利益 。
    gōng zhòng de lì yì gāo yū gè rén de lì yì.
    The needs of the community must take precedence over (ie must be met before) individual requirements.

    • guān zhòngspectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc)
  • 好戏 就要 开场 了 , 台下 坐 满 了 观众 。
    Hǎo xì jiù yào kāichǎngle, tái xià zuò mǎnle guānzhòng.
    The good show is about to start, and the audience is full of audience.

    • zhòng réneveryone

    • qún zhòngmass; multitude; the masses

    • zēng jiāto raise; to increase
  • 货物 出口 增加 了 。
    Huòwù chūkǒu zēngjiā le.
    The export of goods has increased.

    • zēng tiānto add; to increase
  • 彩旗 给 这次 盛会 增添 了 欢乐 的 气氛 。
    cǎi qí jǐ zhè cì shèng huì zēng tiān le huān lè de qì fēn.
    The colourful flags added to the gaiety of the occasion.

    • zēng qiángto increase; to strengthen

    • zēng jìnto promote; to enhance; to further; to advance (a cause etc)
  • 锻炼 可 增进 健康 。
    duàn liàn kě zēng jìn jiàn kāng。
    Exercise promotes health.

    • yǒu zēng wú jiǎnto increase or get worse steadily (idiom)

    • jīng yàamazed; astonished; to surprise; amazing; astonishment; awe
  • 我 听到 这个 消息 很 惊讶 。
    wǒ tīng dào zhè gè xiāoxi hěn jīngyà .
    I was very surprised to hear the news.

    • jīng qíto be amazed; to be surprised; to wonder
  • 我 对 在 那儿 见到 他 感到 很 惊奇 。
    wǒ duì zài nà r xiàn dào tā gǎn dào hěn jīng qí。
    I was surprised at seeing him there.

    • jīng xiàto frighten; to horrify; to terrify

      • jīng tiān dòng dìworld-shaking (idiom)

      • dà chī yī jīngto have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled; gobsmacked
    • 我 正在 成人 学校 补习 法语 , 到 时 好 让 他们 大吃一惊 。
      wǒ zhèng zài chéng rén xué xiào bǔ xí fǎ yǔ, dào shí hào ràng tā men dà chī yī jīng。
      I'm brushing up on my French at adult school just to surprise them.

      • chī jīngto be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed
    • 她 才 读 小学 , 却 已 读 过 这么 多 的 书 , 大家 都 很 吃惊 。
      Tā cái dú xiǎoxué, què yǐ dúguò zhème duō de shū, dàjiā dōu hěn chījīng.
      She only read elementary school, but she has read so many books, everyone is very surprised.

      • jiā tíngfamily; household
    • 每当 感到疲倦 时 , 家庭 是 他 最 温暖 的 依靠 。
      Měi dāng gǎndào píjuàn shí, jiātíng shì tā zuì wēnnuǎn de yīkào.
      Whenever you feel tired, the family is his warmest reliance.

      • jiā wùhousehold duties; housework
    • 他们 平等 分担 家务 。
      tā men píng děng fēn dān jiā wù.
      They share the housework equally between them.

      • jiā zhǎnghead of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child
    • 到 了 学校 开放日 , 家长 们 会 来到 学校 , 和 孩子 们 一起 上课 。
      Dàole xuéxiào kāifàng rì, jiāzhǎngmen huì lái dào xuéxiào, hé háizimen yīqǐ shàngkè.
      On the school open day, parents will come to the school to attend classes with the children.

      • jiā xiānghometown; native place
    • 总 有 一 天 我 会 回到 家乡 。
      zǒng yǒu yī tiān wǒ kuài huí dào jiā xiāng。
      I can come back to my hometown some day.

      • guó jiācountry; nation; state
    • 这 是 哪个 国家 的 货币 ?
      Zhè shì nǎ gè guójiā de huòbì?
      Which country's currency is this?

      • bǎo jiā wèi guóguard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense

      • wèi guóto defend one's country

      • bào yǔtorrential rain; rainstorm

      • léi zhèn yǔthunder shower

      • zhèn yǔshower

      • qīng péna downpour; rain bucketing down
    • 倾盆大雨 弄湿 了 她 的 鞋袜 。
      Qīngpén dàyǔ nòng shīle tā de xié wà.
      The downpour dampened her shoes and socks.

      • qīng pén dà yǔa downpour; rain bucketing down; fig. to be overwhelmed (with work or things to study)
    • 突然 下 起 了 倾盆大雨 , 她 没 带 伞 , 淋成 了 落汤鸡 。
      Túrán xià qǐle qīngpén dàyǔ, tā mò dài sǎn, lín chéngle luòtāngjī.
      Suddenly there was a downpour, she did not bring an umbrella, and she became a chicken.

      • dà yǔheavy rain

      • zhē fēng dǎng yǔshelter from the rain
    • 在 他 遇到困难 的 时候 , 是 他 的 家庭 为 他 遮风挡雨 。
      Zài tā yù dào kùnnán de shíhòu, shì tā de jiātíng wèi tā zhē fēngdǎng yǔ.
      When he was in trouble, his family sheltered him from the wind.

      • yǔ jìrainy season

      • yǔ guò tiān qíngsky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom); every cloud has a silver lining (idiom)