Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第二课 祖孙情

    • méi shìit's not important; it's nothing; never mind; to have nothing to do; to be free; to be all right (out of danger or trouble)

    • mù wūlog cabin
  • 猎人 藏 在 小 木屋 里 。
    liè rén zàng zài xiǎo mù wū lǐ。
    The hunter hid in a log cabin.

    • shèn zhìeven; so much so that
  • 他 很 激动 , 甚至 连 话 都 说 不 出来 了 。
    Tā hěn jīdòng, shènzhì lián huà dōu shuō bu chūlái le.
    He was so excited that he couldn't utter a word.

    • bí jiāntip of the nose

    • yě māowildcat; stray cat

    • lǎo péng youold friend

    • xún zhǎoto seek; to look for
  • 他 在 寻找 参考书 。
    Tā zài xúnzhǎo cānkǎoshū.
    He's looking for a reference book.

    • guān cháto observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective
  • 小 男孩 趴 在 地上 观察 昆虫 。
    Xiǎo nánháir pā zài dìshang guānchá kūnchóng.
    The little boy is lying on the ground observing an insect.

    • yuàn zicourtyard
  • 院子 里 种 了 很多 花 。
    Yuànzi lǐ zhòngle hěn duō huā.
    There are many flowers in the yard.

    • gāo shānhigh mountain; alpine
  • 在 他 爬 上 高山 之前 , 他 不 知道 这座 山有 多 高 。
    Zài tā pá shàng gāoshān zhīqián, tā bù zhīdào zhè zuò shān yǒu duō gāo.
    Before he climbed the mountain, he didn't know how high the mountain was.

    • dà dāobroadsword; large knife; machete

    • léi shēngthunder

    • wū zihouse; room

    • zuò guǐ liǎnto pull a face; to grimace; to scowl

    • guǐ liǎnwry face; to grimace; to pull a face; comic face; face mask; devil mask

      • mó tuōmotor (transliteration); motorbike

      • mó tuō chēmotorbike; motorcycle

      • shuāswish, rustle

      • wén zimosquito

      • wú lùnno matter what or how; regardless of whether...
    • 无论如何 , 我 都 支持 你 。
      wú lùn rú hé, wǒ dōu zhī chí nǐ。
      I'll stand by you whatever happens.

      • shēng bìngto fall ill
    • 他 生病 , 向 老师 请假 一 天 。
      Tā shēngbìng, xiàng lǎoshī qǐngjià yītiān.
      He was sick and asked to take one day off from the teacher.

      • jīng xiàto frighten; to horrify; to terrify

      • wú shùcountless; numberless; innumerable
    • 天空 中 有 无数 的 星星 。
      tiān kōng zhòng yǒu wú shù de xīng xing。
      There are numberless stars in the sky.

      • zāopoor; in a mess; distillers' grains
    • 教室 被 弄 得 乱七八糟 。
      jiào shì bèi nòng de luàn qī bā zāo。
      The classroom was turned upside-down.
    • 糟糕更糟

      • chī diàoto eat up; to consume
    • 你 的 碗 里 还 剩下 一 小 口饭 , 快 吃掉 , 不要 浪费 。
      Nǐ de wǎn lǐ hái shèng xià yī xiǎokǒu fàn, kuài chī diào, bùyào làngfèi.
      There is still a small bite of rice left in your bowl, eat it quickly, don't waste it.

      • shòu guòreceived; trained
    • 该 旅行团 将 由 一名 受 过 专门 培训 过 的 护士 陪同 。
      gāi lu:3 xíng tuán jiàng yóu yī míng shòu guò zhuān mén péi xùn guò de hù shi péi tóng。
      The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse.

      • shǐ zhōngfrom beginning to end; all along
    • 她 始终 坚持 自己 的 信念 。
      tā shǐ zhōng jiān chí zì jǐ de xìn niàn。
      She always holds to her convictions.

      • bìng chuánghospital bed; sickbed

      • fǎn fùrepeatedly; over and over