Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第三课 美食小侦探

    • hǎi xiānseafood

    • qīng zhēngsteamed in broth

    • là jiāohot pepper; chili
  • 只要 有 辣椒 , 不管 吃 什么 , 他 都 能 吃 得 津津有味 。
    Zhǐyào yǒu làjiāo, bùguǎn chī shénme, tā dōu néng chī dé jīnjīnyǒuwèi.
    As long as there is chili, no matter what he eats, he can eat it with gusto.

    • dà xiāPrawn

    • cuì píCrispy

    • shāo jīroast chicken
  • 这家 饭店 的 烧鸡 很 有名 。
    Zhè jiā fàndiàn de shāo jī hěn yǒumíng.
    This restaurant's roast chicken is famous.

    • kǎo jīroast chicken

    • qīng chǎoto stir-fry; to saute

    • jiān dànfried egg

    • mǎ lái fēng guāngMalay scenery; (food) Sambal kangkong

    • fēng guāngscene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-regarded; to be well-off; grand (dialect); impressive (dialect)

    • suān là tānghot and sour soup; sour and spicy soup

    • xián càisalted vegetables; pickles

    • chǎo miànstir-fried noodles; chow mein

    • dàn chǎo fànEgg Fried Rice

    • pí dànthousand-year old eggs; preserved eggs

    • shòu ròulean meat

    • shòu ròu zhōuLean porridge

    • bàn jiàhalf price

    • gā lícurry
  • 有 咖喱 的 菜 配 米饭 最 妙 。
    yǒu gā lí de cài pèi mǐ fàn zuì miào.
    Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.

    • xiāo fèito consume

    • zèng sòngto present as a gift
  • 我们 班 向 学校 赠送 了 一幅 画 。
    wǒ men bān xiàng xué xiào zèng sòng le yī fú huà。
    Our class presented the school with a picture.