Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第三课 美食小侦探

    • cān jùtableware; dinner service
  • 她 在 收拾 餐具 。
    Tā zài shōushi cānjù.
    She's putting away the dinnerware.

    • shú liànpracticed; proficient; skilled; skillful
  • 他 干 这 工作 很 熟练 。
    tā gàn zhè gōng zuò hěn shú liàn.
    He performed the job with practised skill.

    • mǐ lìgrains of rice

    • líng qiǎohandy
  • 她 用 灵巧 的 手指 解开 了 金属线 。
    tā yòng líng qiǎo de shǒu zhǐ jiě kāi le jīn shǔ xiàn.
    With deft fingers she untangled the wire.

    • zhǐ chūto indicate; to point out
  • 老师 指出 了 这个 学生 的 错误 。
    Lǎoshī zhǐchū le zhè gè xuésheng de cuòwù.
    The teacher pointed out this student's mistake.

    • cháng qīlong term; long time; long range (of a forecast)

    • tóu nǎobrains; mind; skull; (fig.) gist (of a matter); leader; boss
  • 她 很 有 头脑 。
    tā hěn yǒu tóu nǎo。
    She has a good brain.

    • mǐn jiénimble; quick; shrewd
  • 他 身手 敏捷 。
    Tā shēnshǒu mǐnjié.
    He's very agile.

    • zhī qiánbefore; prior to; ago; previously; beforehand
  • 过年 之前 , 每家 都 会 做 一次 大扫除 , 干干净净 地 迎接 新年 。
    Guònián zhīqián, měi jiā dūhuì zuò yīcì dàsǎochú, gàn gānjìng jìng dì yíngjiē xīnnián.
    Before the New Year, every family will do a cleanup to clean the New Year.

    • chuán shuōlegend; folklore; tradition; it is said; they say that...
  • 这个 东方 传说 很 吸引 人 。
    zhè gè dōng fāng chuán shuō hěn xī yǐn rén。
    This oriental legend is fascinating.

    • dà yǔYu the Great (c. 21st century BC) mythical leader who tamed the floods

    • huáng héYellow River or Huang He
  • 黄河 比 珠江 长 。
    Huánghé bǐ Zhūjiāng cháng.
    The Yellow River is longer than the Pearl River.

    • hé dàoriver way; course of a river

    • dǔ sèto block; to stop; blockage

    • yǐn fāto lead to; to trigger; to initiate; to cause; to evoke (emotions)

    • shuǐ zāiflood; flood damage
  • 这里 遭受 了 水灾 。
    Zhèli zāoshòule shuǐzāi.
    This area has been hit by a flood.

    • zhì lǐto govern; to administer; to manage; to control; governance

    • yòng cānto eat a meal
  • 他们 全家 在 野外 用餐 。
    Tāmen quánjiā zài yěwài yòngcān.
    Their whole family went on a picnic.

    • rè tānghot soup

    • lǎo bǎi xìngordinary people; the person in the street


    • mó fǎngto imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model
  • 小孩子 很 喜欢 模仿 大人 。
    Xiǎo háizi hěn xǐhuan mófǎng dàrén.
    Kids like to imitate adults.

    • lì rúfor example; for instance; such as
  • 很多 东西 使 水污染 , 例如 轮胎 、 垃圾 和 塑胶袋 。
    hěn duō dōng xi shǐ shuǐ wū rǎn, lì rú lún tāi、垃圾 huò sù jiāo dài。
    Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags.

    • yù shíprecious stones; jade and stone
  • 古代 人们 常常 用 玉石 做 筷子 和 饰品 。
    Gǔdài rénmen chángcháng yòng yùshí zuò kuàizi hé shìpǐn.
    Ancient people often used jade to make chopsticks and ornaments.

    • jù shuōit is said that; reportedly
  • 据说 山上 的 天气 变化 很快 。
    jùshuō shān shàng de tiānqì biànhuà hěn kuài .
    It is said that the weather in the mountain changes easily.

    • hǎo chubenefit; advantage; gain; profit; also pr. [hao3 chu4]
  • 这么 做 有 什么 好处 吗 ?
    zhème zuò yǒu shénme hǎochu ma? (no shenme is lazy)
    Is there benefit in doing it this way?

    • jiǎn yànto inspect; to examine; to test

    • yǒu dúpoisonous

    • guān yúpertaining to; concerning; with regard to; about; a matter of
  • 她 写 了 一本 关于 舞蹈 的 书 。
    tā xiě le yī běn guān yū wǔ dǎo de shū.
    She has written a book on (the) dance.

    • cái zhǔrich man; moneybags

    • zhēng duóto fight over; to contest; to vie over

    • cái chǎnproperty; assets; estate
  • 她 继承 了 一 大 笔 财产 。
    tā jí chéng le yī dà bǐ cái chǎn.
    She inherited a large fortune.

    • bù fèi chuī huī zhī lìas easy as blowing off dust; effortless; with ease

    • chuī huī zhī lìas easy as pie


    • shǐ jìnto exert all one's strength
  • 别 那么 使劲 扯 书页 , 会 撕破 的 。
    biè nà mó shǐ jìn chě shū yè, nà kuài sī pò de。
    Don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.


    • xī fāngthe West; the Occident; Western countries

    • qiāo jīto pound; to rap

    • zhǐ xiàngto point towards; aimed at; facing; the direction indicated

    • tā rénanother; sb else; other people
  • 多 表扬 赞美 他人 , 自己 也 会 很 快乐 。
    Duō biǎoyáng zànměi tārén, zìjǐ yě huì hěn kuàilè.
    Praise and praise others, and you will be happy.

    • wǔ huā bā ménmyriad; all kinds of; all sorts of

    • shōu cángto hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (internet)
  • 这幅 画 在 他 的 收藏 品 中 最为 珍贵 。
    zhè fú huà zài tā de shōu cáng pǐn zhòng zuì wéi zhēn guì
    The painting has pride of place in his collection.

    • yì shù pǐnart piece; work of art

      • qīn péng hǎo yǒufriends and family; kith and kin

      • hǎo yǒuclose friend; pal; (social networking website) friend

      • yī bèi zi(for) a lifetime

      • bèi ziall one's life; lifetime

      • hǎo shìgood action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, a fine thing indeed); charity; happy occasion; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of the dead
      • hào shìto be meddlesome
    • 帮助 盲人 过 马路 是 做 好事 。
      bāng zhù máng rén guò mǎ lù shì zuò hǎo shì.
      It is an act of kindness/a kind act to help a blind man across the street.

      • wěi dàgreat; mighty; large
    • 伟大 的 画家 总是 走 在 时代 的 前头 。
      wěi dà de huà jiā zǒng shì zǒu zài shí dài de qián tou。
      A great painter is usually ahead of his time.

      • tǐ xiànto embody; to reflect; to incarnate

      • zhì huìwisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence
    • 她 的 智慧 比 我们 猜想 的 要 高 。
      tā de zhì huì bì wǒ men cāi xiǎng de yào gāo。
      She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.