Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第三课 美食小侦探

    • xué fèituition fee; tuition
  • 他 用 卖 报纸 赚来 的 钱 支付 学费 。
    Tā yòng mài bàozhǐ zhuàn lái de qián zhīfù xuéfèi.
    He used the money earned by selling newspapers to pay for tuition.

    • yī yàomedical care and medicines; medicine (drug); medical; pharmaceutical
  • 难民 苦 于 缺少 食物 和 医药 用品 。
    nàn mín kǔ yū quē shǎo shí wù huò yī yào yòng pǐn.
    The refugees are suffering for want of food and medical supplies.

    • shōu fèifee; charge
  • 有 的 高速公路 有 收费站 , 有 的 没有 。
    Yǒu de gāosù gōnglù yǒu shōufèi zhàn, yǒu de méiyǒu.
    Some expressways have toll stations, while some do not.

    • miǎn fèifree (of charge)
  • 我们 提供 免费 服务 。
    wǒ men tí gōng miǎn fèi fú wù。
    We provide gratis service.

    • cān jùtableware; dinner service
  • 她 在 收拾 餐具 。
    Tā zài shōushi cānjù.
    She's putting away the dinnerware.

    • wán jùplaything; toy
  • 他 很 喜欢 自己 的 玩具 , 玩完 了 会 把 它们 收 好 。
    Tā hěn xǐhuān zìjǐ de wánjù, wán wánliǎo huì bǎ tāmen shōu hǎo.
    He likes his toys very much and will collect them when they are finished.

    • wén jùstationery; item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc)
  • 就 快 开考 了 , 他 发现自己 没 带 文具盒 。
    Jiù kuài kāi kǎole, tā fāxiàn zìjǐ mò dài wénjù hé.
    I just started the exam and he found that he didn't have a pencil case.

    • jiā jùfurniture
  • 这套 红木 家具 一定 非常 昂贵 。
    zhè tào hóng mù jiā jù yī dìng fēi cháng áng guì。
    This set of mahogany furniture must be very expensive.

    • dào jùstage props
  • 她 负责 采购 电视 系列片 所 用 的 道具 。
    tā fù zé cǎi gòu diàn shì xì liè piān suǒ yòng de dào jù.
    She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series.

    • yǐn liàodrink; beverage
  • 她 把 食物 和 饮料 放 在 客人 面前 。
    tā bǎ shí wù huò yǐn liào fàng zài kè ren miàn qián。
    She set the foods and drink before the guest.

    • tiáo wèiseasoning; condiment; flavoring; dressing; essences

    • xiāng liàospice; flavoring; condiment; perfume
  • 在 她 的 印象 中 , 印度 的 香料 很 有 特色 。
    Zài tā de yìnxiàng zhōng, yìndù de xiāngliào hěn yǒu tèsè.
    In her impression, the spices of India are very distinctive.

    • cái liàomaterial; data; makings; stuff
  • 木头 是 很 好 的 建筑 材料 。
    Mùtou shì hěn hǎo de jiànzhù cáiliào.
    Wood is a very good construction material.

    • zī liàomaterial; resources; data; information; profile (Internet)
  • 我 上网 找 资料 。
    Wǒ shàngwǎng zhǎo zīliào. (also zai wangshang)
    I find information on the internet.

    • shōu cángto hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (internet)
  • 这幅 画 在 他 的 收藏 品 中 最为 珍贵 。
    zhè fú huà zài tā de shōu cáng pǐn zhòng zuì wéi zhēn guì
    The painting has pride of place in his collection.

    • shōu shito put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; to punish (colloquial); to manage
  • 出 门前 你 应该 把 房间 收拾 整齐 。
    chū mén qián nǐ yīng gāi bǎ fáng jiān shōu shi zhěng qí。
    You should straighten up your room before going out.

    • shōu jíto gather; to collect
  • 律师 收集 了 很多 的 证据 。
    Lǜshī shōují le hěn duō de zhèngjù.
    The lawyer collected a lot of evidence.

    • shōu huòto harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward
  • 在 收获 季节 里 农民 非常 忙碌 。
    zài shōu huò jì jié lǐ nóng mín fēi cháng máng lù.
    Farmers are very busy during (the) harvest.

    • shōu yínto receive payment
  • 目前 , 我 妹妹 在 一家 超市 当 收银 员 。
    mùqián , wǒ mèimei zài yī jiā chāoshì dāng shōu yín yuán .
    For the time being, my sister is an assistant in a supermarket.

    • shōu yín táicheckout counter; cashier's desk

    • líng qiǎohandy
  • 她 用 灵巧 的 手指 解开 了 金属线 。
    tā yòng líng qiǎo de shǒu zhǐ jiě kāi le jīn shǔ xiàn.
    With deft fingers she untangled the wire.

    • líng huóflexible; nimble; agile
  • 弹钢琴 需要 我们 有 灵活 的 手指 , 所以 平时 我们 要 多 练习 。
    Dàn gāngqín xūyào wǒmen yǒu línghuó de shǒuzhǐ, suǒyǐ píngshí wǒmen yào duō liànxí.
    Playing the piano requires us to have flexible fingers, so we usually have to practice more.

    • jī lingclever; quick-witted

    • xīn língbright; smart; quick-witted; heart; thoughts; spirit

    • xīn líng shǒu qiǎocapable; clever; dexterous

    • shǒu qiǎoto be skillful with one's hands; to be manually adroit

    • líng gǎninspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor

    • líng jīsudden inspiration; bright idea; clever trick
  • 她 灵机一动 , 想出 了 解决 问题 的 好 方法 。
    Tā língjī yīdòng, xiǎng chū liǎo jiějué wèntí de hǎo fāngfǎ.
    She took the opportunity to come up with a good way to solve the problem.

    • líng jī yī dònga bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave
  • 她 灵机一动 , 想出 了 解决 问题 的 好 方法 。
    Tā língjī yīdòng, xiǎng chū liǎo jiějué wèntí de hǎo fāngfǎ.
    She took the opportunity to come up with a good way to solve the problem.

    • yī dòngmake a move; triggered