Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第三课 美食小侦探

    • bié yǒu fēng wèi

    • fēng wèilocal flavor; local style

    • hǎi nánHainan Province, in the South China Sea, short name 琼, capital Haikou 海口; Hainan Island; Hainan District of Wuhai City 乌海市, Inner Mongolia; Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 海南藏族自治州, Qinghai

    • fàn tuánonigiri (Japanese rice-ball snack)

    • xiāng pēn pēndelicious; savory
  • 小老鼠 请 大家 吃 香喷喷 的 花生 。
    Xiǎo lǎoshǔ qǐng dàjiā chī xiāngpēnpēn de huāshēng.
    The little mouse invites everyone to eat fragrant peanuts.

    • gǔn gǔnto surge on; to roll on

    • pèi shàngmix; compound; match; be qualified

    • jī ròuchicken meat

    • yuán zìto originate from

    • hǎi nán dǎoHainan Island in South China Sea

    • féng nián guò jiéat the Chinese New Year or other festivities

    • guò jiéto celebrate a festival; after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over)
  • 过节 的 时候 , 各式各样 的 烟花 在 空中 绽放 。
    Guòjié de shíhòu, gè shì gè yàng de yānhuā zài kōngzhōng zhànfàng.
    During the festival, a variety of fireworks bloom in the air.

    • biǎo dáto voice (an opinion); to express; to convey
  • 我们 用 词句 来 表达 思想 。
    wǒ men yòng cí jù lái biǎo dá sī xiǎng。
    We express our thought by means of words.

    • tuán yuánto have a reunion
  • 爷爷 盼望 着 有 一天 全家 能 团圆 , 一起 过 新年 。
    Yéyé pànwàngzhe yǒu yītiān quánjiā néng tuányuán, yīqǐguò xīnnián.
    Grandpa is looking forward to the day when the whole family can reunite and celebrate the New Year together.

    • biǎn dancarrying pole; shoulder pole
  • 小 和尚 用 扁担 挑起 两 个 水桶 , 下山 打水 去 了 。
    Xiǎo héshàng yòng biǎndan tiǎo qǐ liǎng gè shuǐtǒng, xiàshān dǎ shuǐ qùle.
    The young monk picked up two buckets with his shoulders and went down to fetch water.


    • yán jiēAlong the street

    • xiāng jiāo yèBanana leaf

    • chóng chónglayer upon layer; one after another
    • zhòng zhòngheavily; severely

    • suí shíat any time; at all times; at the right time
  • 欢迎 你 随时 到 我们 家 。
    huān yíng nǐ suí shí dào wǒ men jiā。
    You are always welcome to our house.

    • suí shí suí dìanytime and anywhere

      • ròu gǔ cháMeat and Bone Tea; Bak kut teh

      • míng wéito be called; to be known as

      • qí shíactually; in fact; really
    • 别 看 种菜 没 啥 , 其实 大有 学问 。
      biè kàn zhòng cài mò shá, qí shí dà yǒu xué wèn。
      Growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning.

      • suàn tóugarlic

      • yào cáidrug ingredients
    • 人们 认为 它 是 最 珍贵 的 药材 之一 。
      rén men rèn wéi tā shì zuì zhēn guì de yào cái zhī yī。
      It was reckoned among the most precious medicinal herbs.

      • kǔ lìbitter work; hard toil; (loanword) coolie, unskilled Chinese laborer in colonial times
    • 爷爷 年轻 的 时候 在 码头 做 苦力 。
      Yéyé niánqīng de shíhòu zài mǎtóu zuò kǔlì.
      Grandpa was doing coolies at the dock when he was young.

      • gàn huó rto work; manual labor

      • zhòng huó rheavy job

      • huó rwork; (lots of) things to do

      • còu qiánto raise enough money to do sth; to pool money; to club together (to do sth)

        • bái mǐ(polished) rice
      • 肉骨茶 配 白米饭 特别 好吃 。
        Ròu gǔ chá pèi bái mǐfàn tèbié hào chī.
        Bak Kut Teh is especially delicious with white rice.

        • láo gōnglabor; laborer

        • liú chuánto spread; to circulate; to hand down
      • 民间 音乐 是 一代 一代 地 流传 下来 的 。
        mín jiān yīn yuè shì yī dài yī dài de liú chuán xia lai de。
        Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.

        • xiǎo càiappetizer; small side dish; easy job; piece of cake

        • yóu tiáoyoutiao (deep-fried breadstick); slick and sly person
      • 我 最 爱 的 早餐 还是 豆浆 油条 。
        Wǒ zuì ài de zǎocān háishì dòujiāng yóutiáo.
        My favorite breakfast is soy milk fritters.

        • shā diēsatay (sauce)
      • 这家 餐厅 新 推出 了 沙爹 鱼头 和 辣椒螃蟹 , 生意 非常 的 火爆 。
        Zhè jiā cāntīng xīn tuīchūle shā diē yú tóu hé làjiāo pángxiè, shēngyì fēicháng de huǒbào.
        This restaurant has newly launched satay fish head and chili crab, and the business is very popular.

        • gā lícurry
      • 有 咖喱 的 菜 配 米饭 最 妙 。
        yǒu gā lí de cài pèi mǐ fàn zuì miào.
        Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.

        • pǐn chángto taste a small amount; to sample
      • 我 津津有味 地 品尝 了 我 妈妈 做 的 鱼 。
        wǒ jīn jīn yǒu wèi de pǐn cháng le wǒ mā ma zuò de yú。
        I tasted the fish my mother cooked with relish.

        • kǒu fúhappy knack for chancing upon fine food
      • 新加坡 的 美食 太 好吃 了 , 我们 真 是 大饱口福 。
        Xīnjiāpō dì měishí tài hào chīle, wǒmen zhēnshi dà bǎo kǒufú.
        The food in Singapore is so delicious, we are really feasting.