Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第三课 美食小侦探

    • nián gāonian gao, New Year cake made of steamed glutinous rice; Japanese mochi
  • 要 打 无数 次 , 才能 打 出 好吃 的 年糕 。
    Yào dǎ wúshù cì, cáinéng dǎchū hào chī de niángāo.
    It takes a lot of times to make a delicious rice cake.

    • rú guǒ shuōIf

    • rén shìthe world; this world; the world of the living

    • rén shì jiānthe secular world

    • shì jiānworld; earth

    • bù yànnot mind doing sth; not tire of; not object to

    • zǔ mǔfather's mother; paternal grandmother

    • huí wèito reflect on; to ponder over; aftertaste

    • huí wèi wú qióngleaving a rich aftertaste; (fig.) memorable; lingering in memory

    • wú qióngendless; boundless; inexhaustible

    • zì rán ér ráninvoluntary; automatically

    • xǐ qìngjubilation; festive

    • yuán mǎnsatisfactory; consummate; perfect

    • suì mòend of the year

      • máng lùbusy; bustling
    • 他们 每天 都 很 忙碌 。
      Tāmen měi tiān dōu hěn mánglù.
      They're very busy every day.

      • nà gethat one; also pr. [nei4 ge5]

      • chén jiùold-fashioned

      • chén zhòngheavy; hard; serious; critical

      • shí mògrindstone

      • tuī dòngto push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate
    • 科技 可以 推动 经济 发展 。
      Kējì kěyǐ tuīdòng jīngjì fāzhǎn.
      Science&technology can promote economical development.

      • zuì àiFavorite

      • zhuàn quānto rotate; to twirl; to run around; to encircle; rotation; (coll.) to speak indirectly; to beat about the bush

      • xuě báisnow white
    • 羊毛 是 雪白 的 。
      yáng máo shì xuě bái de。
      The sheep's fleece was white as snow.

        • pù bùwaterfall
      • 瀑布 很 壮观 。
        Pùbù hěn zhuàngguān.
        The waterfall is spectacular.

          • xiāng jiāo yèBanana leaf

          • mú jùmold; matrix; pattern or die

          • zhēng lóngsteamer basket (e.g. for dimsum)

          • xīn jíhurried; ruffled; impatient; short-tempered
        • 你 不要 心急 , 喝口水 , 慢慢说 , 是 怎么回事 ?
          Nǐ bùyào xīnjí, hē kǒushuǐ, màn man shuō, shì zěnme huí shì?
          Don't be anxious, drink saliva, and slowly say, what's going on?

          • guō gàisaucepan lid; (satellite) dish

          • zǔ zhǐto prevent; to block

          • xiǎo qìstingy; petty; miserly; narrow-minded

          • tōu kànto peep; to peek; to steal a glance

          • chéng yìsincerity; good faith

          • bù chéngwon't do; unable to; (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?
        • 加紧 干 吧 ! 如果 不 快点 , 我们 永远 也 完 不成 的 。
          jiā jǐn gàn ba! rú guǒ bù kuài diǎn, wǒ men yǒng yuǎn yě wán bù chéng de。
          Shake a let there! We'll never finish if you don't hurry up.

          • zhēn shítrue; real

          • zhēn shí xìngauthenticity; truthfulness; veracity; reality; validity

          • dà gōnggreat merit; great service

          • dà gōng gào chéngsuccessfully accomplished (project or goal); to be highly successful

          • nián niányear after year; yearly; every year; annually

          • xiāng tiánfragrant and sweet; sound (sleep)


          • yá chǐdental; tooth
        • 外边 风 很大 , 吹得 他 牙齿 都 在 发抖 。
          Wàibian fēng hěn dà, chuī dé tā yáchǐ dōu zài fādǒu.
          The outside wind was very strong, and his teeth were shaking.

          • chuàng yìcreative; creativity
        • 这组 广告 多么 富有 创意 啊 !
          Zhè zǔ guǎnggào duōme fùyǒu chuàngyì a!
          How creative this group of ads is!

          • yē sīshredded coconut

          • yù toutaro

          • fān shǔsweet potato; yam

          • chéng xīnsincerity

          • chéng xīn chéng yìearnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all sincerity


          • fǎng fúto seem; as if; alike; similar
        • 现在 仿佛 是 秋天 似的 。
          xiàn zài fǎng fú shì qiū tiān sì de。
          It seems as if it were autumn.