Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第四课 宝贵的礼物

    • xīn yìregard; kindly feelings; intention
  • 这 房子 本身 并 不 特别 合 我 的 心意 , 但 我 喜欢 它 周围 的 环境 。
    zhè fáng zi běn shēn bìng bù tè bié hé wǒ de xīn yì, dàn wǒ xǐ huan tā zhōu wéi de huán jìng。
    The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its environment.

    • suí yìas one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious

    • wàn shìall things
  • 他 用 电子邮件 给 同事 们 送 去 了 新年 的 祝福 , 祝 他们 万事如意 。
    Tā yòng diànzǐ yóujiàn gěi tóngshìmen sòng qùle xīnnián de zhùfú, zhù tāmen wànshì rúyì.
    He emailed his colleagues a New Year's greeting and wished them all the best.

    • wàn shì rú yìto have all one's wishes (idiom); best wishes; all the best; may all your hopes be fulfilled

    • rú yìas one wants; according to one's wishes
  • 我 希望 他 在 新 的 工作 中 万事如意 。
    wǒ xī wàng tā zài xīn de gōng zuò zhòng wàn shì rú yì.
    I wish him well in his new job.

    • bǎo ānto ensure public security; to ensure safety (for workers engaged in production); public security; security guard
  • 劫匪 假装 成 保安人员 进入 银行 。
    jié fěi jiǎ zhuāng chéng bǎo ān rén yuán jìn rù yín háng。
    The robbers got into the bank by masquerading as security men.

    • jià qianprice
  • 这家 饭馆 的 价钱 对 我 来说 贵 了 些 。
    zhè jiā fàn guǎn de jià qian duì wǒ lái shuō guì le xiē.
    This restaurant is a bit pricey for me.

    • yuán jiàoriginal price

    • jiǎn jiàto cut prices; to discount; to mark down; price cutting
  • 与其 给 折扣 , 不如 减价 。
    yǔ qí jǐ zhé kòu, bù rú jiǎn jià。
    Better reduce the price than allow a discount.

    • wú jiàinvaluable; priceless

    • wú jià zhī bǎopriceless treasure

    • yùn dòng yuánathlete

    • zhǎn lǎn guǎnexhibition hall

    • tǐ yù guǎngym; gymnasium; stadium