Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第四课 宝贵的礼物

    • ěr huánearring

    • fěn hóng sèpink

    • zhēn zhūpearl
  • 今天 她 戴 了 一条 珍珠 项链 。
    jīn tiān tā dài le yī tiáo zhēn zhū xiàng liàn。
    She wears a pearl necklace today.

    • róu hégentle; soft
  • 那 柔和 的 音乐 对 他 是 一种 安慰 。
    nà róu hé de yīn yuè duì tā shì yī zhòng ān wèi.
    The gentle music was (a) balm to his ears.

    • yǎn shénexpression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect)
  • 她 以 崇拜 的 眼神 看 着 他 。
    tā yǐ chóng bài de yǎn shén kàn zhuó tā。
    She looked at him in an adoring manner.

    • kěn qiúto beg; to beseech; to entreat; entreaty

    • qī dàito look forward to; to await; expectation
  • 我们 正 期待 着 她 的 来信 。
    wǒ men zhèng qī dài zhuó tā de lái xìn。
    We are expecting a letter from her.

        • cún qián guànpiggy bank; coin bank; money box

        • gé bìnext door; neighbor
      • 她 住 在 隔壁 。
        Tā zhù zài gébì.
        She lives next door.

        • mǎi dàoBought

        • chú wàito exclude; not including sth (when counting or listing); except for

        • zhēn zhènggenuine; real; true; genuinely
      • 你 缺席 的 真正 原因 是 什么 ?
        nǐ quē xí de zhēn zhèng yuán yīn shì shén me?
        What was the real reason for your absence?

        • diào sèto lose color; to fade; also pr. [diao4 shai3]

        • hú dié jiébowknot

        • zǎo diǎnlight breakfast; earlier
      • 气温 太高 了 , 她 一心 期盼 夏天 能 早点 过去 。
        Qìwēn tài gāole, tā yīxīn qī pàn xiàtiān néng zǎodiǎn guòqù.
        The temperature is too high, she is eager to see the summer soon.

        • bái xuěwhite snow

        • bái xuě gōng zhǔSnow White
      • 在 化妆舞会 上 , 妹妹 扮演 白雪公主 。
        Zài huàzhuāng wǔhuì shàng, mèimei bànyǎn báixuě gōngzhǔ.
        At the masquerade, her sister plays Snow White.

        • ná qùtake it
      • 我 的 电视机 出 故障 了 , 所以 我 不得不 拿 去 修 。
        wǒ de diànshìjī chū gùzhàng le , suǒyǐ wǒ bùdébù ná qù xiū .
        My television was broken down, so I had to get it repaired.

        • shàng cìlast time
      • 课 上 老师 提及 了 上次 的 作业 。
        Kè shàng lǎoshī tíjí le shàngcì de zuòyè.
        During class, the teacher mentioned the homework from last time.

        • tè dìspecially; for a special purpose
      • 我 特地 为 你 做 了 个 蛋糕 。
        wǒ tè dì wèi nǐ zuò le gè dàn gāo。
        I made a cake specially for you.

        • dàng wǎnthat evening; the same evening
      • 比赛 结束 当晚 , 运动员 们 就 踏上 了 返程 的 航班 。
        Bǐsài jiéshù dàngwǎn, yùndòngyuánmen jiù tà shàngle fǎnchéng de hángbān.
        On the night the game ended, the athletes set off for the return flight.

        • lèi zhūa teardrop
      • 她 脸 上 挂 着 泪珠 。
        Tā liǎnshàng guàzhe lèizhū.
        The tears are flowing down her cheeks.

        • huá luòto slide; to roll

        • zhèng shì(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
      • 阳春 三月 , 正是 春暖花开 之 时 。
        Yángchūn sān yuè, zhèng shì chūnnuǎn huā kāi zhī shí.
        In the spring of March, it is the time when the spring blossoms.

        • kāi wán xiàoto play a joke; to make fun of; to joke

        • wán xiàoto joke; joke; jest
      • 我 只是 开玩笑 。
        Wǒ zhǐshì kāi wánxiào.
        I was only joking.

        • qǔ chūto take out; to extract; to draw out
      • 黄油 从 冰箱 中 取出 会 变软 。
        huáng yóu zòng bīng xiāng zhòng qǔ chū huì biàn ruǎn.
        The butter will soften out of the fridge.