Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第五课 小故事,大道理

    • chéng yǔChinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation; idiom; proverb; saying; adage; set expression
  • 成语 通常 不能 照 字面 译成 另 一种 语言 。
    chéng yǔ tōng cháng bù néng zhào zì miàn yì chéng lìng yī zhòng yǔ yán。
    Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language.

    • gù shìold practice
    • gù shinarrative; story; tale
  • 这个 故事 真 有趣 呀 。
    Zhè gè gùshi zhēn yǒuqù ya.
    This story is really interesting!

      • zì xiāngmutual; each other; one another; self-

      • zì xiāng máo dùnto contradict oneself; self-contradictory; inconsistent

      • máo dùncontradiction; conflicting views; contradictory
    • 好 朋友 有时 也 会 有 矛盾 。
      Hǎo péngyou yǒu shí yě huì yǒu máodùn.
      There will sometimes be contradictions even between good friends.

      • cóng qiánpreviously; formerly; once upon a time
    • 经过 这 许多 年 月 , 他 的 体力 不如 从前 了 。
      jīng guò zhè xǔ duō nián yuè, tā de tǐ lì bù rú cóng qián le.
      His strength has diminished over the years.

      • màisell; betray; show off
    • 香蕉 通常 按 重量 卖 。
      xiāng jiāo tōng cháng àn zhòng liàng mài.
      Bananas are usually sold by weight.
    • 贩卖卖肉热卖叫卖声贩卖部叫卖卖菜卖东西沿街叫卖卖不出去

      • bīng qìweaponry; weapons; arms

      • shì jífair; small town

      • peace; harmony; and
      • to join
      • huómix, blend
      • huòmix, blend, time (counting word)
      • win in gambling
    • 他 和 我 同 岁 。
      tā hé wǒ tóng suì .
      He and I are the same age.
    • 和谐暖和共和共和国和平和尚柔和沙和尚温和新加坡共和国

      • he; him; some other
    • 他 是 谁 ?
      Tā shì shéi?
      Who is he?
    • 其他他们他人他家

      • xiānfirst; before; earlier; in advance; ancestor
    • 小 女孩 先 上车 。
      Xiǎo nǚhái xiān shàngchē.
      The little girl gets on the bus first.
    • 争先恐后起先首先先辈先后先后顺序先生先贤优先争先祖先最先先买先去先用先要吴先生许先生

      • jǔ qǐto heave; to lift; to raise up; to uphold
    • 她 举起 一根 手指 放 在 唇 边 , 示意 肃静 。
      tā jǔ qǐ yī gēn shǒu zhǐ fàng zài chún biān, shì yì sù jìng。
      She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.

      • xiàngnorth window; to face; towards; direction; past, before
    • 他 向 我 告别 。
      tā xiàng wǒ gào bié。
      He has taken leave of me.
    • 向左一向走向推向向前走向左转歪向向右转向后转飞向背向抛向向天歌向天天天向上推向高潮方向面向向后向前向上向右

      • dà jiāeveryone; influential family; great expert
    • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
      Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
      Everyone gathered together.

      • kuā kǒuto boast

      • wŏ demy; mine

      • shì jièworld
    • 他们 在 研究 世界地图 。
      Tāmen zài yánjiū shìjiè dìtú.
      They're studying the world map.

      • zuìthe most; the first place
    • 这 是 最新 的 教材 。
      Zhè shì zuì xīn de jiàocái.
      This is the latest textbook.
    • 最佳最初最好最后最近最先最终最多最高最高点最少最快最大最长最南端最早最爱最高峰最怕最前最晚

      • jiān gùfirm; firmly; hard; stable

      • shén mewhat?; who?; something; anything
    • 你 在 干什么 ?
      Nǐ zài gàn shénme?
      What are you doing?


      • dōng xīeast and west
      • dōng xithing; stuff; person
    • 我 想 吃 一点 东西 。
      Wǒ xiǎng chī yī diǎn dōngxi.
      I would like to eat a little something.

      • dōuall; both
      • big city; capital
    • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
      yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
      Everything will be OK.
    • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

      • wú fǎunable; incapable
    • 他 无法 辨别 真伪 。
      tā wúfǎ biànbié zhēn wěi .
      He can't tell the true from the false.


      • cì chuānto skewer; to impale; to pierce through

      • it
    • 它 是 我 的 猫 。
      Tā shì wǒ de māo.
      It's my cat.
    • 它们其它

      • rán hòuafter; then (afterwards); after that; afterwards
    • 先 读 课文 , 然后 解释 生词 。
      xiān dú kè wén, rán hòu jiě shì shēng cí。
      Read the text first and then explain the new words.

      • yòuagain; also; but
    • 你 又 迟到 了 。
      Nǐ yòu chídào le.
      You're late again.
    • 又惊又喜又高又大又打又骂

      • ná chūto take out; to put out; to provide; to put forward (a proposal); to come up with (evidence)

      • ruì lìsharp; keen; acute; incisive; penetrating; perceptive

      • dǐ dǎngto resist; to hold back; to stop; to ward off; to withstand

      • wéi guānto stand in a circle and watch
    • 警察 告诫 围观 者 , 不要 靠近 燃烧 中 的 建筑物 。
      jǐng chá gào jiè wéi guàn zhě, bù yào kào jìn rán shāo  de jiàn zhù wù.
      Police warned bystanders to keep away from the blazing building.

      • yì lùnto comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
    • 她 喜欢 议论 邻居 们 的 是非 长短 。
      tā xǐ huan yì lùn lín jū men de shì fēi cháng duǎn。
      She loves to gossip to her neighbors.

      • yì lùn fēn fēnthere were many discussions
    • 看 到 布告 , 好多 人 在 议论纷纷 。
      Kàn dào bùgào, hǎoduō rén zài yìlùn fēnfēn.
      Seeing the notice, many people were talking about it.

      • fēn fēnone after another; in succession; one by one; continuously; diverse; in profusion; numerous and confused; pell-mell
    • 我们 纷纷 向 灾区 捐献 物品 。
      Wǒmen fēnfēn xiàng zāiqū juānxiàn wùpǐn.
      One after another, we donated goods to the disaster area.

      • yǒu rénsomeone; people; anyone; there is someone there; occupied (as in restroom)
    • 他 按 响 门铃 后 , 很 快 有人 来 帮 他 开门 。
      Tā àn xiǎng ménlíng hòu, hěn kuài yǒurén lái bāng tā kāimén.
      After he ringed the doorbell, someone soon came to help him open the door.

      • rú guǒif; in case; in the event that
    • 如果 可能 的话 , 我 想 环游 世界 。
      rúguǒ kěnéng dehuà , wǒ xiǎng huányóu shìjiè .
      If possible, I'd like to travel around the world.

      • yònguse; spend; usefulness; need
    • 纸巾 用 完 了 。
      Zhǐjīn yòng wán le.
      The tissue has run out.
    • 零用没用日用适用用光用尽用来用品用钱用语专用作用用到用水专用道废物利用能用要用先用会用用布用力节约用水用心卫生用品共用巧用利用共用一把伞使用日用品零用钱用处不用不用谢常用

      • you; your; one person
    • 你好 !
      Nǐ hǎo!
    • 舍不得你你们你追我跑迷你你好你家我爱你祝你幸福带你去祝你们谢谢你们考考你祝你快乐爱护你

      • zěn yànghow; why
    • 辣椒 的 味道 是 怎样 的 ?
      là jiāo de wèi dao shì zěn yàng de?
      How does chilli taste?

      • nà gethat one; also pr. [nei4 ge5]

      • yǎ kǒu wú yándumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words

      • lián mángpromptly; at once
    • 他 正 跑 开 时 , 我 在 背后 叫 他 , 他 连忙 转过 身 来 看看 我 。
      tā zhèng pǎo kāi shí, wǒ zài bèi hòu jiào tā, tā lián máng zhuàn guò shēn lái kàn kàn wǒ。
      I called him as he was running away and he wheeled round and looked at me.

      • shōu shito put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; to punish (colloquial); to manage
    • 出 门前 你 应该 把 房间 收拾 整齐 。
      chū mén qián nǐ yīng gāi bǎ fáng jiān shōu shi zhěng qí。
      You should straighten up your room before going out.

      • xiū kuìashamed

      • liū zǒuto slip away; to leave secretly

      • zhè gethis; this one

      • gào suto tell; to inform; to let know
    • 我 告诉 你 一 个 秘密 。
      Wǒ gàosu nǐ yī gè mìmì.
      I'll tell you a secret.

      • wǒ menwe; us; ourselves; our
    • 我们 是 朋友 。
      Wǒmen shì péngyou.
      We're friends.

      • dào lireason; argument; sense; principle; basis; justification
    • 这个 人 很 霸道 , 不 讲 道理 。
      Zhè gè rén hěn bàdào, bù jiǎng dàoli.
      This person is overbearing and does not speak logically.

      • bù guǎnno matter (what, how); regardless of; no matter
    • 不管 有 什么 困难 , 他 都 要 继续 推行 他 的 计划 。
      bù guǎn yǒu shén me kùn nan, tā dōu yào jì xù tuī xíng tā de jì huà。
      He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be.

      • shuō huàto speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell stories; talk; word
    • 小朋友 已经 睡 了 , 我们 说话 小声点 。
      Xiǎopéngyǒu yǐjīng shuìle, wǒmen shuōhuà xiǎoshēng diǎn.
      The children are already asleep, and we speak a little.

      • hái shior; still; nevertheless; had better
    • 现在 这里 树立 着 一座座 高楼 , 十 年 前 , 这里 还是 一片 荒地 。
      Xiànzài zhèlǐ shùlìzhe yīzuò zuò gāolóu, shí nián qián, zhèlǐ háishì yīpiàn huāngdì.
      There are now tall buildings here, and ten years ago, it was still a wasteland.

      • zuò shìto work; to handle matters; to have a job
    • 他 做事 很 慢 。
      Tā zuò shì hěn màn.
      He does things slowly.

      • hé lǐrational; reasonable; fair
    • 这个 价格 不合理 。
      zhè gè jiàgé bùhé lǐ .
      The price is not reasonable.

      • qián hòuaround; from beginning to end; all around; front and rear
    • 他 坐 在 摇椅 里 前后 摇晃 着 。
      tā zuò zài yáo yǐ lǐ qián hòu yáo huàng zhuó。
      He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.

      • yī zhìunanimous; identical (views or opinions)

      • yǎn ěr dào línglit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell; to deceive oneself; to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)
    • 你 听 过 掩耳盗铃 的 故事 吗 ?
      Nǐ tīngguò yǎn'ěrdàolíng de gùshì ma?
      Have you heard the story of covering your ears?

      • shí fēnto divide into ten equal parts; very; hundred percent; completely; extremely; utterly; absolutely
    • 溪流 十分 清澈 。
      xī liú shí fēn qīng chè。
      The stream is very limpid.

      • tān cáito be greedy in getting money

      • kàn jiànto see; to catch sight of
    • 我们 看见 孩子 上 了 车 。
      wǒmen kànjiàn háizi shàng le chē .
      We saw the child get on the bus.

      • yī hùa household

      • rén jiāhousehold; dwelling; family; sb else's house; household business; house of woman's husband-to-be
      • rén jiaother people; sb else; he, she or they; I, me (referring to oneself as one or people)
    • 这里 有 几 户 人家 。
      Zhèli yǒu jǐ hù rénjiā.
      There are a few households here.

      • yuàn zicourtyard
    • 院子 里 种 了 很多 花 。
      Yuànzi lǐ zhòngle hěn duō huā.
      There are many flowers in the yard.

      • guà zhehanging

      • yī kǒureadily; flatly (deny, admit and so on); a mouthful; a bite

      • tóng zhōngbronze bell

      • hǎo xiàngas if; to seem like
    • 天 好像 要 下雨 了 。
      Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le.
      It seems that it's going to rain!

      • zhí qiánvaluable; costly; expensive
    • 这 件 古董 很 值钱 。
      Zhèjiàn gǔdǒng hěn zhíqián.
      This antique is worth a lot of money.

      • jiùmove towards; right away; nearby; and then
    • 我 马上 就 来 。
      wǒ mǎ shàng jiù lái。
      I'll be right with you.
    • 就是就算成就就是说就要早就就行了

      • kě shìbut; however
    • 亨利 英勇 奋战 , 可是 打败 了 。
      Hēng lì yīng yǒng fèn zhàn, kě shì dǎ bài le。
      Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten.

      • hěn zhòngvery heavy

      • bānmove
    • 我们 搬 进 了 新 公寓 。
      Wǒmen bānjìnle xīn gōngyù.
      We've moved into the new apartment.
    • 搬家搬动搬运搬走搬东西搬到搬回

      • bù dòngmotionless

      • yú shìthereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence
    • 马 感觉 到 了 危险 , 于是 停 了 下来 。
      mǎ gǎn jué dào le wēi xiǎn, yú shì tíng le xia lai。
      The horse sensed danger and stopped.

      • zá suìto pulverize; to smash to bits

      • xiēsome
    • 这些 花 很 漂亮 。
      Zhèxiē huā hěn piàoliang.
      These flowers are very pretty.
    • 这些有些哪些那些一些买些这些年来哪些地方大些

      • tóng piànCopper sheet

      • zhèn shàngin town

      • shàng qùup; to go up

      • ná qǐto pick up

      • tiě chuíiron hammer


      • shǐ jìnto exert all one's strength
    • 别 那么 使劲 扯 书页 , 会 撕破 的 。
      biè nà mó shǐ jìn chě shū yè, nà kuài sī pò de。
      Don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.

      • yī xià(used after a verb) give it a go; to do (sth for a bit to give it a try); one time; once; in a while; all of a sudden; all at once

      • fā chūto issue (an order, decree etc); to send out; to dispatch; to produce a sound; to let out (a laugh)

      • jù xiǎngloud sound

      • ěr duoear; handle (on a cup)
    • 我们 用 耳朵 听 。
      Wǒmen yòng ěrduo tīng.
      We use our ears to listen.

      • kuàiquick; fast; sharp; gratified
    • 新年快乐 !
      Xīnnián kuàilè!
      Happy New Year!
    • 快餐快递快点快快乐乐快要凉快勤快生日快乐爽快新年快乐快快更快最快加快脚步快来快去再快快活地跑得快祝你快乐快乐够快很快轻快地赶快轻快愉快快活快速飞快快餐店幸福快乐欢快加快快步

      • zhèn lóngto deafen

      • zāo gāotoo bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad
    • 糟糕 ! 我 把 伞 丢 了 。
      zāo gāo! wǒ bǎ sǎn diū le。
      Damnation! I've lost my umbrella.

      • bié renother people; others; other person
    • 这 是 个 秘密 , 不要 告诉 别人 。
      Zhè shì ge mìmì, bù yào gàosu biérén. (also renhe ren)
      This is a secret. Don't tell anyone.

      • tīng dàoto hear

      • zěn mehow?; what?; why?
    • 你 打算 怎么办 ?
      nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
      What're you going to do?

      • zěn me bànwhat's to be done

      • lì kèforthwith; immediate; prompt; promptly; straightway; thereupon; at once
    • 我们 决定 立刻 去 火车站 。
      wǒ men jué dìng lì kè qù huǒ chē zhàn。
      We determined to go to the railway station at once.

      • wǔ zhùto cover; to bury one's face

      • zhǎo láifind and come back

      • yī kuàione block; one piece; one (unit of money); together; in the same place; in company

      • cloth; fabric; tp spread; to arrange; to deploy
    • 天空 布满 了 乌云 。
      Tiānkōng bùmǎnle wūyún.
      The sky is covered by dark clouds.
    • 用布布熊瀑布遍布布告布料布娃娃密布抹布幕布宣布布告板满布乌云密布

      • sāi zhùstoppered; plugging
    • 红 酒 喝 不 完时 , 要 把 木塞塞 住 瓶口 保存 。
      Hóngjiǔ hē bù wán shí, yào bǎ mù sāi sāi zhù píng kǒu bǎocún.
      When the red wine is not finished, keep the cork in the bottle.

      • jì xùto continue; to proceed with; to go on with
    • 她 虽 疲劳 但 仍 继续 工作 。
      tā suī pí láo dàn réng jì xù gōng zuò。
      She kept on working although she was tired.

      • jiē guǒto bear fruit
      • jié guǒoutcome; result; conclusion; in the end; as a result; to kill; to dispatch
    • 比赛 的 结果 震撼人心 。
      Bǐsài de jiéguǒ zhènhàn-rénxīn.
      The outcome of the game was thrilling.

      • rén menpeople
    • 人们 正 排队 买 票 。
      rén men zhèng pái duì mǎi piào。
      People are queuing to buy tickets.

      • yī wō fēnglike a swarm of bees; everyone swarms around pushing and shouting; a hornet's nest

      • chōng guò láiRush over

      • guò láito come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
      • guò laito come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
    • 他 端 着 啤酒 走 过来 。
      Tā duānzhe píjiǔ zǒu guòlái.
      He came over, carrying a tray of beer.

      • bèndull; foolish
    • 穿着 这双 笨重 的 鞋 走路 真 难受 。
      chuān zhuó zhè shuāng bèn zhòng de xié zǒu lù zhēn nán shòu。
      It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.
    • 真笨

      • xiǎo tōuthief
    • 警察 逮捕 了 小偷 。
      Jǐngchá dàibǔle xiǎotōu.
      The police have arrested a thief.

      • also; as well as; too; either
    • 我 也 喝 咖啡 。
      Wǒ yě hē kāfēi.
      I'm drinking coffee too.
    • 也许再也也是再也不会再也不是

      • táo bù liǎoCan't escape

      • bù liǎounable to; without end

      • shì wùthing; object
    • 只 应 在 同类 事物 中 作 比较 。
      zhǐ yìng zài tóng lèi shì wù zhòng zuò bǐ jiào.
      You should only compare like with like.

      • bù huìimprobable; unlikely; will not (act, happen etc); not able; not having learned to do sth

      • yīn wèibecause; owing to; on account of
    • 因为 太 冷 , 她 感冒 了 。
      Yīnwèi tài lěng, tā gǎnmào le.
      It's so cold that she caught a cold.

      • bù xiǎngunexpectedly

      • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
    • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
      wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
      I have no idea what to do.

      • xiāo shīto disappear; to fade away
    • 太阳 消失 在 云层 后面 。
      Tàiyáng xiāoshī zài yúncéng hòumiàn.
      The sun is disappearing behind the clouds.

      • bù yàodon't!; must not
    • 不要 拖延时间 !
      Bùyào tuōyán shíjiān!
      Don't stall for time.

      • zì jǐoneself; one's own
    • 请 介绍 你 自己 。
      Qǐng jièshào nǐ zìjǐ. (also qing ziwo jieshao yixia)
      Please introduce yourself.

      • qī piànto deceive; to cheat
    • 他 企图 欺骗 我们 , 但 没有 得逞 。
      tā qǐ tú qī piàn wǒ men, dàn méi yǒu dé chěng.
      He was foiled in his attempt to deceive us/His attempt to deceive us was foiled.

      • kè zhōu qiú jiànlit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sword dropped overboard (idiom); fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances

      • zuò chuánTake a boat; By boat

      • shítime; hour; now and then
    • 不要 拖延时间 !
      Bùyào tuōyán shíjiān!
      Don't stall for time.
    • 睡觉时计时长时间旧时醒来时临时出门时临时抱佛脚上学时那时一段时间那时候上课时平时刚来时时光时装秀时价穿越时空时间时间轴时刻时空时期时时刻刻时装守时随时同时时候小时古时候小时候当时一时时钟有时顿时暂时珍惜时间这时有时候准时办公时间休息时间半小时计时员不时来时到时候这时候短时间多长时间一时之间古时

      • hé lǐin the river

      • chuán fūboatman

      • jiàocall; shout; name
    • 你 叫 什么 名字 ?
      Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?
      What's your name?
    • 狂叫叫来沿街叫卖叫起来叫醒叫好惊叫名叫叫卖声大叫叫卖拍手叫好哇哇叫叫人叫住鸡叫

      • gǎn jǐnhurriedly; without delay
    • 马上 要 做 早操 了 , 你 赶紧 下楼来 吧 !
      Mǎshàng yào zuò zǎocāole, nǐ gǎnjǐn xià lóu lái ba!
      I have to do morning exercises right away, and you have to go downstairs!

      • xià shuǐdownstream; to go into the water; to put into water; to launch (a ship); fig. to fall into bad ways; to lead astray; to go to pot
      • xià shuioffal; viscera; tripe
    • 这位 渔民 笑 道 : “ 没事儿 ! ” 说 着 就 和 别人 一道 下水 了 。
      zhè wèi yú mín xiào dào:"r!"shuō zhuó jiù huò bié rén yī dào xià shuǐ le。ss..oour
      It's nothing, smiled the fisherman, then disappeared into the water with the others.

      • xià qùto go down; to descend; to go on; to continue; (of a servant) to withdraw

      • lāodrag for; fish for; scoop up; gain
    • 在 这座 大城市 里 寻找 一个 人 犹如 大海捞针 。
      zài zhè zuò dà chéng shì lǐ xún zhǎo yī gè rén yóu rú dà hǎi lāo zhēn.
      Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
    • 捞起捞月亮捞出捞起来

      • quèto step back; off; but
    • 谚语 : 玫瑰 好看 却 有 刺 。
      【 yàn】 méi guī hǎo kàn què yǒu cì。
      Roses have thorns.
    • 却是

      • háo bùhardly; not in the least; not at all
    • 他 毫不犹豫 地 把 自己 的 车 卖 了 。
      tā háobù yóuyùdi bǎ zìjǐ de chē mài le .
      He sold his own car without hesitation.

      • zài yìto care about; to mind

      • bù huāng bù mángcalm and unhurried (idiom); composed; to take matters calmly
    • 他 有备而来 。 答题 的 时候 , 他 不慌不忙 。
      Tā yǒu bèi ér lái. Dátí de shíhòu, tā bù huāng bù máng.
      He is prepared. When answering questions, he is not in a hurry.

      • yī dàipocket

      • yī bǎa handful; one (tool, article)

      • xiǎo dāoknife

      • chuán xiánsides of a ship; ship's railing; fig. the dividing line between shipboard expenses and onshore freight charges

      • jì haonotation; seal

      • duìfacing; pair; correct; respond; fit
    • 你 做 对 了 。
      Nǐ zuòduì le.
      You've done the right thing.
    • 对面对象对照对折对准反对面对一对正对正对着对着说得对背对认真对待对手对付绝对面对面对抗不对答对对岸对不起对待对方对话对联

      • zhè lǐhere
    • 这里 禁止 停车 。
      Zhèli jìnzhǐ tíngchē.
      Parking is not permitted here.

      • diào xiàto drop down; to fall

      • děnggrade; level; of the same; equal; wait
    • 他 在 耐心 地 等待 。
      Tā zài nàixīn de děngdài.
      He's waiting patiently.
    • 大小不等等着等等不等等不及等待等到等一等三等奖上等货三等等会儿

      • kào àn(of a boat) to reach the shore; to pull toward shore; close to shore; landfall

      • tiào xiàjump off

      • rěn bu zhùcannot help; unable to bear
    • 我 一 见到 冰淇淋 就 忍不住 想 吃 。
      wǒ yī xiàn dào bīng qí lìn jiù rěn bú zhù xiǎng jí。
      I can never resist an ice cream.

      • hā hā(onom.) laughing out loud
    • 他 哈哈大笑 以 遮掩 紧张 的 心情 。
      tā hā hā dà xiào yǐ zhē yǎn jǐn zhāng de xīn qíng.
      He laughed to cover (ie hide) his nervousness.

      • dà xiàoto laugh heartily; a belly laugh

      • qǐ laito stand up; to get up; beginning; upward; bring together; preliminary judgement
    • 把手 举 起来 !
      bǎshǒu jǔqǐ lái !
      Hands up!

      • lì jíimmediately
    • 他们 要求 立即 付款 。
      tā men yāo qiú lì jí fù kuǎn。
      They demand prompt payment.

      • dì fāngregion; regional (away from the central administration); local
      • dì fangarea; place; space; room; territory
    • 地铁站 在 什么 地方 ?
      Dìtiě zhàn zài shénme dìfang?
      Where is the subway station located?

      • bàn tiānhalf of the day; a long time; quite a while
    • 他 收拾 行李 , 让 我们 等 了 好 半天 。
      tā shōu shi xíng li, ràng wǒ men děng le hào bàn tiān。
      He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage.

      • méinone; not yet
      • sink; overflow
    • 没关系 。
      Never mind / no relation
    • 没用没人没话说没完有没有没见没来没钱并没没亮没听说过真没想到没听清楚话还没说完没有没关系淹没淹没农田从来没没意思从没没错没电没法没什么没事没想到

      • míng míngobviously; plainly; undoubtedly; definitely
    • 我 明明 七 点 就 出门 了 , 怎么 会 又 迟到 了 呢 ?
      Wǒ míngmíng qī diǎn jiù chūménle, zěnme huì yòu chídàole ne?
      I obviously went out at seven, how could I be late again?

      • bù dàonot to arrive; not reaching; insufficient; less than

      • ne(particle.) ne
      • woollen cloth
    • 接下来 怎么 做 呢 ?
      Jiēxiàlái zěnme zuò ne?
      What to do next (about this)?

      • jiǎn zhísimply; at all; practically
    • 假期 简直 是 一晃而过 。
      jià qī jiǎn zhí shì yī huàng ér guò。
      The holidays simply sped by.

      • tàiextremely; too much
    • 太 可惜 了 !
      tài kěxī le !
      What a pity! What a pity.
    • 太极老太太太好了太极拳太空太空船太空行走太空人太空站太平太平洋太太晒太阳太空装太重太多太小太大太棒了真是太太慢太漂亮别太遮太阳太阳

      • qí guàistrange; odd; to marvel; to be baffled
    • 他 时常 提出 一些 奇怪 的 问题 。
      tā shí cháng tí chū yī xiē qí guài de wèn tí。
      He raises some strange questions now and again.

      • zì yán zì yǔto talk to oneself; to think aloud; to soliloquize
    • “ 我 该 做 什么 呢 ? ” 我 自言自语 道 。
      wǒ gāi zuò shénme ne ? wǒ zìyánzìyǔ dào .
      What shall I do? I said to myself.

      • zì yǔtalk to oneself
    • “ 我 该 做 什么 呢 ? ” 我 自言自语 道 。
      wǒ gāi zuò shénme ne ? wǒ zìyánzìyǔ dào .
      What shall I do? I said to myself.

      • bù duànunceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
    • 人口 在 不断 增长 中 。
      rén kǒu zài bù duàn zēng zhǎng zhòng。
      There was a steady increase in population.

      • biàn huàchange; variation; to change; to vary
    • 他种 下 了 苹果 的 种子 , 每天 观察 它 的 变化 。
      Tā zhǒng xiàle píngguǒ de zhǒngzǐ, měitiān guānchá tā de biànhuà.
      He planted the seeds of the apple and observed its changes every day.

      • jiě juéto settle (a dispute); to resolve; to solve; to dispose of; to dispatch
    • 他 不知 如何 解决 难题 。
      Tā bùzhī rúhé jiějué nántí.
      He doesn't know how to solve the difficult problem.

      • wèn tíquestion; problem; issue; topic
    • 问题 解决 了 。
      Wèntí jiějué le.
      The problem has been solved.

      • fāng fǎmethod; way; means
    • 找到 学习 方法 , 能 让 我们 少花 一些 时间 。
      Zhǎodào xuéxí fāngfǎ, néng ràng wǒmen shǎo huā yīxiē shíjiān.
      Finding a learning method allows us to spend less time.

      • gēn zheto follow after; immediately afterwards
    • 大雨 紧跟 着 闪电 而 来 。
      dà yǔ jǐn gēn zhe shǎn diàn ér lái。
      Heavy rain came on the heels of the lightening.

      • qíng kuàngcircumstances; state of affairs; situation
    • 她 回到 家 , 发现 家里 的 情况 发生 了 变化 。
      Tā huí dàojiā, fāxiàn jiālǐ de qíngkuàng fāshēngle biànhuà.
      She returned home and found that the situation at home changed.

      • érand; but; however
    • 他 不辞而别 。
      tā bù cí ér biè。
      He left without notice.
    • 而且不约而同半途而废而是飞奔而去反而

      • gǎi biànto change; to alter; to transform
    • 我 临时 改变 了 主意 。
      Wǒ línshí gǎibiàn le zhǔyi.
      I suddenly changed my mind.

      • āah; oh
    • 着火 了 ! 快 跑 啊 !
      zhāohuǒ le ! kuài pǎo ā !
      Fire! Run!

      • zhè yàngthis kind of; so; this way; like this; such
    • 大热天 从 室外 回家 , 不要 马上 用 冷水 冲凉 , 这样 容易 中暑 。
      Dà rètiān cóng shìwài huí jiā, bùyào mǎshàng yòng lěngshuǐ chōngliáng, zhèyàng róngyì zhòngshǔ.
      Go home from a hot day, don't wash it with cold water right away, it is easy to heat stroke.