Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第五课 小故事,大道理

    • chéng yǔChinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation; idiom; proverb; saying; adage; set expression
  • 成语 通常 不能 照 字面 译成 另 一种 语言 。
    chéng yǔ tōng cháng bù néng zhào zì miàn yì chéng lìng yī zhòng yǔ yán。
    Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language.

    • zì xiāngmutual; each other; one another; self-

    • zì xiāng máo dùnto contradict oneself; self-contradictory; inconsistent

    • shì jífair; small town

    • kuā kǒuto boast

    • ruì lìsharp; keen; acute; incisive; penetrating; perceptive

    • dǐ dǎngto resist; to hold back; to stop; to ward off; to withstand

    • yì lùn fēn fēnthere were many discussions
  • 看 到 布告 , 好多 人 在 议论纷纷 。
    Kàn dào bùgào, hǎoduō rén zài yìlùn fēnfēn.
    Seeing the notice, many people were talking about it.

    • nà gethat one; also pr. [nei4 ge5]

    • yǎ kǒu wú yándumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words

    • xiū kuìashamed

    • hé lǐrational; reasonable; fair
  • 这个 价格 不合理 。
    zhè gè jiàgé bùhé lǐ .
    The price is not reasonable.

    • qián hòuaround; from beginning to end; all around; front and rear
  • 他 坐 在 摇椅 里 前后 摇晃 着 。
    tā zuò zài yáo yǐ lǐ qián hòu yáo huàng zhuó。
    He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.

    • yǎn ěr dào línglit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell; to deceive oneself; to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)
  • 你 听 过 掩耳盗铃 的 故事 吗 ?
    Nǐ tīngguò yǎn'ěrdàolíng de gùshì ma?
    Have you heard the story of covering your ears?

    • tān cáito be greedy in getting money

    • rén jiāhousehold; dwelling; family; sb else's house; household business; house of woman's husband-to-be
    • rén jiaother people; sb else; he, she or they; I, me (referring to oneself as one or people)
  • 这里 有 几 户 人家 。
    Zhèli yǒu jǐ hù rénjiā.
    There are a few households here.

    • yuàn zicourtyard
  • 院子 里 种 了 很多 花 。
    Yuànzi lǐ zhòngle hěn duō huā.
    There are many flowers in the yard.

    • zhí qiánvaluable; costly; expensive
  • 这 件 古董 很 值钱 。
    Zhèjiàn gǔdǒng hěn zhíqián.
    This antique is worth a lot of money.

    • zá suìto pulverize; to smash to bits

    • tiě chuíiron hammer

    • zhèn lóngto deafen

    • zāo gāotoo bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad
  • 糟糕 ! 我 把 伞 丢 了 。
    zāo gāo! wǒ bǎ sǎn diū le。
    Damnation! I've lost my umbrella.

    • wǔ zhùto cover; to bury one's face

    • yī wō fēnglike a swarm of bees; everyone swarms around pushing and shouting; a hornet's nest

    • bù liǎounable to; without end

    • qī piànto deceive; to cheat
  • 他 企图 欺骗 我们 , 但 没有 得逞 。
    tā qǐ tú qī piàn wǒ men, dàn méi yǒu dé chěng.
    He was foiled in his attempt to deceive us/His attempt to deceive us was foiled.

    • kè zhōu qiú jiànlit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sword dropped overboard (idiom); fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances

    • chuán fūboatman

    • xià shuǐdownstream; to go into the water; to put into water; to launch (a ship); fig. to fall into bad ways; to lead astray; to go to pot
    • xià shuioffal; viscera; tripe
  • 这位 渔民 笑 道 : “ 没事儿 ! ” 说 着 就 和 别人 一道 下水 了 。
    zhè wèi yú mín xiào dào:"r!"shuō zhuó jiù huò bié rén yī dào xià shuǐ le。ss..oour
    It's nothing, smiled the fisherman, then disappeared into the water with the others.

    • lāodrag for; fish for; scoop up; gain
  • 在 这座 大城市 里 寻找 一个 人 犹如 大海捞针 。
    zài zhè zuò dà chéng shì lǐ xún zhǎo yī gè rén yóu rú dà hǎi lāo zhēn.
    Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  • 捞起捞月亮捞出捞起来

    • háo bùhardly; not in the least; not at all
  • 他 毫不犹豫 地 把 自己 的 车 卖 了 。
    tā háobù yóuyùdi bǎ zìjǐ de chē mài le .
    He sold his own car without hesitation.

    • zài yìto care about; to mind

    • yī dàipocket

    • xiǎo dāoknife

    • chuán xiánsides of a ship; ship's railing; fig. the dividing line between shipboard expenses and onshore freight charges

    • jì haonotation; seal

    • kào àn(of a boat) to reach the shore; to pull toward shore; close to shore; landfall

    • lì jíimmediately
  • 他们 要求 立即 付款 。
    tā men yāo qiú lì jí fù kuǎn。
    They demand prompt payment.

    • bàn tiānhalf of the day; a long time; quite a while
  • 他 收拾 行李 , 让 我们 等 了 好 半天 。
    tā shōu shi xíng li, ràng wǒ men děng le hào bàn tiān。
    He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage.

    • jiǎn zhísimply; at all; practically
  • 假期 简直 是 一晃而过 。
    jià qī jiǎn zhí shì yī huàng ér guò。
    The holidays simply sped by.

    • bù duànunceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
  • 人口 在 不断 增长 中 。
    rén kǒu zài bù duàn zēng zhǎng zhòng。
    There was a steady increase in population.

    • fāng fǎmethod; way; means
  • 找到 学习 方法 , 能 让 我们 少花 一些 时间 。
    Zhǎodào xuéxí fāngfǎ, néng ràng wǒmen shǎo huā yīxiē shíjiān.
    Finding a learning method allows us to spend less time.