Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第五课 小故事,大道理

    • duì liánrhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway
  • 家门口 贴 上 了 对联 迎接 新年 。
    Jiā ménkǒu tiē shàngle duìlián yíngjiē xīnnián.
    At the door of the house, a couplet was greeted to welcome the New Year.

    • duì zǐpair of antithetical phrases; antithetical couplet

    • wén huàculture; civilization; cultural
  • 埃及 有 很多 文化 古迹 。
    ?ijí yǒu hěn duō wénhuà gǔjì.
    There are many historical sites in Egypt.

    • xíng shìouter appearance; form; shape; formality
  • 相声 这种 艺术 形式 让 老百姓 喜闻乐见 。
    xiàng shēng zhè zhǒng yì shù xíng shì ràng lǎo bǎi xìng xǐ wén yuè xiàn。
    Cross talks are an art form people love to see and hear.

    • shàng liánthe first line of a poetic couplet
  • 我 来 出 上联 , 你 来 对 下联 。
    Wǒ lái chū shàng lián, nǐ lái duì xiàlián.
    I come out of the league, you come to the league.

    • xià liánthe second line of a poetic couplet
  • 谁 能 根据 这 副 对联 的 上联 说出 下联 ?
    Shéi néng gēnjù zhè fù duìlián de shàng lián shuō chū xiàlián?
    Who can tell the second couplet based on the couplet's uplink?

    • héng pīhorizontal scroll (for inscription)

    • xiāng děngequal; equally; equivalent

    • jié gòustructure; composition; makeup; architecture
  • 这座 建筑物 结构 很 坚固 。
    zhè zuò jiàn zhù wù jié gòu hěn jiān gù。
    The building is structurally sound.

    • xiāng tóngidentical; same
  • 她们 穿着 相同 的 衣服 。
    Tāmen chuānzhe xiāngtóng de yīfu.
    They're wearing the same clothes.

    • guān liánrelated; linked; affiliated

    • wàn shìall things
  • 他 用 电子邮件 给 同事 们 送 去 了 新年 的 祝福 , 祝 他们 万事如意 。
    Tā yòng diànzǐ yóujiàn gěi tóngshìmen sòng qùle xīnnián de zhùfú, zhù tāmen wànshì rúyì.
    He emailed his colleagues a New Year's greeting and wished them all the best.

    • shī chéngLion city, nickname for Singapore 新加坡

      • chūn jiéSpring Festival (Chinese New Year)
    • 春节 是 中国 的 传统 节日 。
      Chūnjié shì Zhōngguó de chuántǒng jiérì.
      Chinese New Years is a traditional Chinese holiday.