Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第五课 小故事,大道理

    • wén zhāngarticle; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning
  • 他 发表 了 不少 文章 。
    tā fā biǎo le bù shǎo wén zhāng。
    He has published quite a lot of articles.

    • yóu shǒu hào xiánto idle about

    • wú suǒ shì shìto have nothing to do; to idle one's time away (idiom)

    • xiě zuòwriting; written works
  • 他 以 写作 为生 。
    tā yǐ xiě zuò wéi shēng。
    He lives by his pen.

    • gǔ shūancient book; old book
  • 你 能 为 我 觅 到 那本 罕见 的 古书 吗 ?
    nǐ néng wèi wǒ mì dào nà běn hǎn jiàn de gǔ shū ma?
    Can you procure the rare old book for me?

    • gǔ rénpeople from ancient times; the ancients; the late (i.e. person who has passed away)
  • 古人 认为 勇敢 是 美德 的 主要 成分 。
    gǔ rén rèn wéi yǒng gǎn shì měi dé de zhǔ yào chéng fèn。
    The ancients counted courage as the main part of virtue.

    • fāng fǎmethod; way; means
  • 找到 学习 方法 , 能 让 我们 少花 一些 时间 。
    Zhǎodào xuéxí fāngfǎ, néng ràng wǒmen shǎo huā yīxiē shíjiān.
    Finding a learning method allows us to spend less time.

    • bù xìnDo not believe

    • shuǐ pínglevel (of achievement etc); standard; horizontal

    • tí mùsubject; title; topic

    • gè zìeach; respective; apiece
  • 聚会 之后 我们 回到 各自 的 房间 。
    jù huì zhī後 wǒ men huí dào gè zi de fáng jiān.
    After the party we all went off to our respective rooms.

    • lǎo bàn tiānA long time; hours

    • bàn tiānhalf of the day; a long time; quite a while
  • 他 收拾 行李 , 让 我们 等 了 好 半天 。
    tā shōu shi xíng li, ràng wǒ men děng le hào bàn tiān。
    He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage.

    • jiāo juànto hand in one's examination script

    • jiǔ bēiwine cup
  • 他 向 高 脚 酒杯 里 倒 了 一些 葡萄酒 。
    tā xiàng gāo jué jiǔ bēi lǐ dào le yī xiē pú tao jiǔ。
    He poured some wine into the goblet.

    • wū zihouse; room

    • jiǔ wèismell of alcohol; flavoring of rum or other liquor in food; aroma or nose (of wine)

    • jiǎn zhísimply; at all; practically
  • 假期 简直 是 一晃而过 。
    jià qī jiǎn zhí shì yī huàng ér guò。
    The holidays simply sped by.

    • hú nàoto act willfully and make a scene; to make trouble

    • lǐ báiLi Bai (701-762), famous Tang Dynasty poet
  • 李白 是 唐朝 著名 的 诗人 。
    Lǐbái shì táng cháo zhù míng de shīrén.
    Li Bai was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty.

    • xiě chūWrite out

    • huǒ mào sān zhàngto get really angry
  • 他 的 评论 把 她 气 得 火冒三丈 。
    tā de píng lùn bǎ tā qì de huǒ mào sān zhàng。
    She was seething with rage at his remarks.

    • zǒu qùto walk over (to)

    • fáng méndoor of a room

    • zhǐ piàna piece, scrap or fragment of paper

    • dòng bǐstart writing

    • dú shū pò wàn juànread more than ten thousand books

    • xià bǐto put pen to paper

    • yǒu shénof high spirit

    • zhe necomes at the end of the sentence to indicate a strong degree; quite; rather

    • lǐ zhí qì zhuàngin the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful

    • mǎn zuǐa mouthful

    • mò zhīprepared Chinese ink

    • yóu dēngoil lamp
  • 油灯 发出 柔和 的 亮光 。
    yóu dēng fā chū róu hé de liàng guāng。
    The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.

    • fā dāito stare blankly; to be stunned; to be lost in thought

    • xiōng zhōngone's mind

    • mò shuǐink
  • 这 支 笔 的 墨水 是 黑色 的 。
    Zhè zhī bǐ de mòshuǐ shì hēisè de.
    The pen writes in black.

    • dùn shíimmediately; suddenly
  • 喜讯 传 来 , 人们 顿时 欢呼 起来 。
    xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, rén men dùn shí huān hū qǐ lai。
    People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.