Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第五课 小故事,大道理

    • duì liánrhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway
  • 家门口 贴 上 了 对联 迎接 新年 。
    Jiā ménkǒu tiē shàngle duìlián yíngjiē xīnnián.
    At the door of the house, a couplet was greeted to welcome the New Year.

    • qù shìentertaining anecdote; interesting story or incident

    • dōng pōeastern slope; Dongpo district of Meishan city 眉山市, Sichuan

    • gǎito change; to correct
  • 我 临时 改变 了 主意 。
    Wǒ línshí gǎibiàn le zhǔyi.
    I suddenly changed my mind.
  • 改过自新改编改变改成改掉改过改期改善改造改编自改好

    • lì zhìto be determined; to be resolved
  • 她 立志 要 成为 一 名 建筑师 。
    Tā lìzhì yào chéngwéi yī míng jiànzhùshī.
    She aspired to become an architect.

    • zì yòusince childhood
  • 他 自幼 学 小提琴 。
    tā zì yòu xué xiǎo tí qín.
    He learned to fiddle as a young boy.

    • cōng mingacute (of sight and hearing); clever; intelligent; bright; smart
  • 这 孩子 很 聪明 。
    Zhè háizi hěn cōngmíng.
    This child is smart.

    • guò rénto excel; to surpass others; outstanding
  • 有 不少 人 从小 天资过人 , 但 长大 后 不 努力 , 最终 仍然 一事无成 。
    Yǒu bù shǎo rén cóngxiǎo tiānzīguò rén, dàn zhǎng dà hòu bù nǔlì, zuìzhōng réngrán yīshìwúchéng.
    Many people are talented from a young age, but when they grow up, they don't work hard, and they still do nothing.

    • fù qīnfather; also pr. [fu4 qin5]
  • 这 是 我 的 父亲 。
    Zhè shì wǒ de fùqin.
    This is my father.

    • jiào dǎoto instruct; to teach; guidance; teaching
  • 他 教导 说 , 战争 有 正义 的 和 非 正义 的 两 种 。
    tā jiào dǎo shuō, zhàn zhēng yǒu zhèng yì de huò fēi zhèng yì de liǎng zhòng。
    He taught that wars can be just or unjust.

    • nián jìage
  • 老 婆婆 年纪 大 了 , 视力 不好 , 穿针 很 困难 。
    Lǎopópo niánjì dàle, shìlì bù hǎo, chuān zhēn hěn kùnnán.
    The old woman is old, her eyesight is not good, and it is very difficult to wear a needle.

    • yǐ jīngalready
  • 车子 已经 旧 了 。
    Chēzi yǐjīng jiù le.
    The vehicle is already old.

    • dú shūto read a book; to study; to attend school
  • 我 在 读书 。
    Wǒ zài dúshū.
    I'm reading.

    • xǔ duōmany; a lot of; much
  • 她 提 了 许多 问题 。
    Tā tí le xǔduō wèntí. (also henduo)
    She raised a lot of questions.

    • wén zhāngarticle; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning
  • 他 发表 了 不少 文章 。
    tā fā biǎo le bù shǎo wén zhāng。
    He has published quite a lot of articles.

    • also; as well as; too; either
  • 我 也 喝 咖啡 。
    Wǒ yě hē kāfēi.
    I'm drinking coffee too.
  • 也许再也也是再也不会再也不是

    • de hěnvery (much, good etc)

    • bù cuòcorrect; right; not bad; pretty good
  • 你 的 眼力 不错 。
    nǐ de yǎn lì bù cuò。
    You've made a good choice.

    • péng youfriend
  • 我们 是 朋友 。
    Wǒmen shì péngyou.
    We're friends.

    • dōuall; both
    • big city; capital
  • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
    yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
    Everything will be OK.
  • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

    • zàn bù jué kǒuto praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven
  • 他 对 她 的 善良 赞不绝口 。
    tā duì tā de shàn liáng zàn bù jué kǒu。
    He keeps extolling her goodness.

    • bù juéunending; uninterrupted

    • jué kǒustop talking; not open one's mouth
  • 小花 煮 的 菜 十分 美味 , 大家 都 对 她 的 菜 赞不绝口 。
    Xiǎohuā zhǔ de cài shífēn měiwèi, dàjiā dōu duì tā de cài zàn bù juékǒu.
    The dish cooked with small flowers is very delicious, and everyone is full of praise for her dishes.

    • chèna weighing machine; a steelyard
    • chēngto weigh; to state; to name
  • 好 学生 受到 老师 的 称赞 。
    Hǎo xuésheng shòudào lǎoshī de chēngzàn.
    Good students receive praise from their teacher.
  • 称赞称为称呼名称称帝称出曹冲称象

    • shén tóngchild prodigy
  • 虽然 神童 非常 聪明 , 但 他们 也 需要 付出 努力 去 完成 一件 事 。
    Suīrán shéntóng fēicháng cōngmíng, dàn tāmen yě xūyào fùchū nǔlì qù wánchéng yī jiàn shì.
    Although prodigies are very smart, they also need to work hard to accomplish one thing.

    • yī piànpiece; slice

    • zàn yángto praise; to approve of; to show approval
  • 老师 赞扬 了 她 的 勇气 。
    lǎo shī zàn yáng le tā de yǒng qì。
    The teacher praised her for her courage.

      • zhōngcenter; in; middle; fit
      • zhònghit the target; be hit by
    • 我 要 吃 中餐 。
      Wǒ yào chī Zhōngcān.
      I will eat Chinese food.
    • 中国中级中计中间中秋中秋节中午中心小贩中心熟食中心宫中军中手中水中林中滨海艺术中心中级班脑海中园中其中之中当中购物中心华中家中空中无意中心中胸中选中中北部

      • bù jīncan't help (doing sth); can't refrain from
    • 他 的 儿子 已 长 那么 高 了 , 他 不禁 惊叫 起来 。
      tā de ér zi yǐ zhǎng nà mó gāo le, tā bù jīn jīng jiào qǐ lai.
      He could not help exclaiming at how much his son had grown.

      • piāo piāo ránelated; light and airy feeling (after a few drinks); smug and conceited; complacent

      • jiāo àopride; arrogance; conceited; proud of sth
    • 他 确实 非常 优秀 , 让 他 妈妈 很 为 他 骄傲 。
      Tā quèshí fēicháng yōuxiù, ràng tā māmā hěn wèi tā jiāo'ào.
      He is really very good, so his mother is very proud of him.

      • qǐ laito stand up; to get up; beginning; upward; bring together; preliminary judgement
    • 把手 举 起来 !
      bǎshǒu jǔqǐ lái !
      Hands up!

      • yī tiānone day
    • 明天 是 儿童节 , 爸爸妈妈 特意 请 了 一天 的 假 , 陪 他 去 游乐园 玩 。
      Míngtiān shì értóng jié, bàba māmā tèyì qǐngle yītiān de jiǎ, péi tā qù yóu lèyuán wán.
      Tomorrow is Children's Day. Mom and Dad specially took a day off and accompanied him to the amusement park.

      • dé yìproud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent
    • 他 终于 获得 了 驾驶执照 , 这 使 他 颇 为 得意 。
      tā zhōng yū huò dé le jià shǐ zhí zhào, zhè shǐ tā pō wèi dé yì.
      He is at last the proud possessor of a driving-licence.

      • dé yì yáng yángjoyfully satisfied; to be immensely proud of oneself; proudly; an air of complacency
    • 当上 了 大官 , 就 可以 得意洋洋 了 吗 ?
      Dāng shàngle dà guān, jiù kěyǐ déyì yángyángle ma?
      When you are a big official, can you be proud of it?

      • yáng yángvast; impressive; self-satisfied; immensely pleased with oneself

      • xiě xiàto write down

      • yī fùa set; a pair

      • shí zìto learn to read
    • 小孩 通过 图画 识字 很好 。
      xiǎo hái tōng guò tú huà shí zì hěn hǎo。
      It is a good idea for children to learn to read by way of pictures.

      • biànall over; number of times
    • 这里 遍地 都 是 落叶 。
      Zhèli biàndì dōu shì luòyè.
      The ground is completely covered by fallen leaves.
    • 遍布遍地传遍一遍走遍几遍两遍好几遍三遍好多遍一百遍一千遍

      • tiān xiàland under heaven; the whole world; the whole of China; realm; rule
    • 他 称霸 天下 。
      tā chèng bà tiān xià。
      His power sways the world.

      • jìnfinish; wholly; completely; to the limit
      • jǐnto the greatest extent; utmostly
    • 我 会 尽 一切 可能 帮助 你 。
      wǒ kuài jìn yī qiè kě néng bāng zhù nǐ。
      I'll do everything possible to help you.
    • 尽情尽管不尽尽力尽量尽头尽早数不尽用尽尽管如此尽孝心

      • rén jiānthe human world; the earth

      • hold, handle
      • a handle
    • 请 把门 打开 。
      qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。
      Open the door, please.
    • 一把伞把手扫把拖把加把劲一把三把共用一把伞

      • tiēpaste; keep close to; allowance
    • 她 把 海报 贴 在 墙 上 了 。
      tā bǎ hǎi bào tiē zài qiáng shàng le.
      She pasted posters onto the wall.
    • 贴心贴好贴上去小贴士心贴心

      • dà ménentrance; door; gate

      • liǎng bianeither side; both sides

      • mǎn yìsatisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction
    • 那 条 新 裙子 让 她 很 满意 。
      nà tiáo xīn qúnzi ràng tā hěn mǎnyì .
      She was satisfied with the new dress.

      • xīn shǎngto appreciate; to enjoy; to admire
    • 我们 欣赏 大自然 的 美 。
      wǒ men xīn shǎng dà zì rán de měi。
      We enjoyed the beauty of nature.

      • zhè shíat this time; at this moment

      • bái fàwhite or gray hair

      • lǎo rénold man or woman; the elderly; one's aged parents or grandparents
    • 他 帮 老人 提菜 回家 , 老人 称赞 他 是 个 善良 的 人 。
      Tā bāng lǎorén tí cài huí jiā, lǎorén chēngzàn tā shìgè shànliáng de rén.
      He helped the old man to pick up the vegetables and the old man praised him as a kind person.

      • tā jiāhis home

      • jiā ménhouse door; family clan
    • 这 是 我 的 家门 钥匙 。
      Zhè shì wǒ de jiāmén yàoshi.
      This is the key to my house.

      • jiā mén kǒuhome entrance
    • 这 几天 太冷 了 , 家门口 的 河面 都 结冰 了 。
      Zhè jǐ tiān tài lěngle, jiā ménkǒu de hémiàn dōu jié bīngle.
      These days are too cold, and the river at the door of the house is frozen.

      • mén kǒudoorway; gate
    • 往常 放学 的 时候 , 爷爷 都 会 在 学校 门口 接 他 回家 。
      Wǎngcháng fàngxué de shíhòu, yéyé dūhuì zài xuéxiào ménkǒu jiē tā huí jiā.
      When he was out of school, Grandpa would pick him up at the school gate.

      • lù guòto pass by or through

      • hào qíinquisitive; curious; inquisitiveness; curiosity
    • 好奇 是 儿童 的 天性 。
      hào qí shì ér tóng de tiān xìng。
      Curiosity is part of the children's nature.

      • zǒu shàngEmbark on; walk on

      • shàng qiánto advance; to step forward

      • dāngequal; to serve as; in the presence of
      • dàngproper; to regard as; pawn
    • 她 想 当 老师 。
      Tā xiǎng dāng lǎoshī.
      She wants to be a teacher.
    • 当时当兵当年当然当上当晚当中每当上当适当相当相当于应当当头烈日当空当空红运当头当了将来想当

      • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
    • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
      wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
      I have no idea what to do.

      • zhī hòuafterwards; following; later; after
    • 到 了 十一月 , 立冬 之后 , 天气 就 很 冷 了 。
      Dàole shíyī yuè, lìdōng zhīhòu, tiānqì jiù hěn lěngle.
      In November, after the winter, the weather was very cold.

      • jué deto think; to feel
    • 她 觉得 很 累 。
      Tā juéde hěn lèi.
      She feels very tired.

      • zhè gethis; this one

      • hái zichild
    • 这 孩子 很 顽皮 。
      Zhè háizi hěn wánpí.
      He's a mischievous child.

      • ná zheholding

      • yī běnone (book, etc.)

      • zhǎolook for; seek; call on; give change
    • 你 找 我 有事 吗 ?
      Nǐ zhǎo wǒ yǒu shì ma?
      Did you find me about something?
    • 找出寻找找到找资料找来找水

      • zì jǐoneself; one's own
    • 请 介绍 你 自己 。
      Qǐng jièshào nǐ zìjǐ. (also qing ziwo jieshao yixia)
      Please introduce yourself.

      • méi yǒuhaven't; hasn't; doesn't exist; to not have; to not be
    • 街上 没有 人 。
      Jiēshang méiyǒu rén.
      There's nobody in the street.

      • shén mewhat?; who?; something; anything
    • 你 在 干什么 ?
      Nǐ zài gàn shénme?
      What are you doing?

      • xué wènlearning; knowledge
    • 大部分 有 学问 的 人 都 很 谦虚 。
      dà bù fen yǒu xué wèn de rén dōu hěn qiān xū。
      Most learned men are modest.

      • tè dìspecially; for a special purpose
    • 我 特地 为 你 做 了 个 蛋糕 。
      wǒ tè dì wèi nǐ zuò le gè dàn gāo。
      I made a cake specially for you.

        • qǐng jiàoto ask for guidance; to consult
      • 小朱 向 小红 虚心 请教 方法 。
        Xiǎo Zhū xiàng Xiǎo Hóng xūxīn qǐngjiào fāngfǎ.
        Xiao Zhu humbly asked Xiao Hong for advice on the best approach.

        • mǎn bù zài hunot in the least concerned (idiom); reckless; couldn't give a damn about it; unperturbed; couldn't care less; harum scarum
      • 蒂姆 成 了 传播 媒介 的 焦点 , 却 也 满不在乎 。
        dì mǔ chéng le chuán bō méi jiè de jiāo diǎn, què yě mǎn bù zài hū.
        Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention.

        • zài huto care about; equivalent of 在于
      • 只要 工作 适合 自己 , 他 不在乎 在 什么 地方 工作 。
        Zhǐyào gōngzuò shì hé zìjǐ, tā bùzàihū zài shénme dìfāng gōngzuò.
        As long as the work is right for him, he doesn't care where he works.

        • jiē guòtook; received

        • fān kāito open up

        • shàng mianon top of; above-mentioned
      • 一块 岩石 从 上面 落下 。
        Yī kuài yánshí cóng shàngmiàn luòxià .
        A rock fell from above.

        • jìng ránunexpectedly; to one's surprise; in spite of everything; in that crazy way; actually; to go as far as to
      • 这么 好 的 书 竟然 只 卖 五块 钱 。
        Zhème hǎo de shū jìngrán zhǐ mài wǔ kuài qián.
        Surprisingly, such a good book only sells for 5 yuan.

        • rèn shito know; to recognize; to be familiar with; to get acquainted with sb; knowledge; understanding; awareness; cognition
      • 很 高兴 认识 你 。
        hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ。
        It's nice meeting you.

        • dùn shíimmediately; suddenly
      • 喜讯 传 来 , 人们 顿时 欢呼 起来 。
        xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, rén men dùn shí huān hū qǐ lai。
        People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.

        • hóng liǎnto blush; to turn red
      • 京剧 中 我们 经常 会 看 到 红脸 关公 的 形象 。
        Jīngjù zhōng wǒmen jīngcháng huì kàn dào hóngliǎn guāngōng de xíngxiàng.
        In Beijing opera, we often see the image of the red-faced Guan Gong.

        • gǔ zúget up the
      • 小玲 鼓足勇气 举手 发言 。
        Xiǎo líng gǔ zú yǒngqì jǔ shǒu fāyán.
        Xiaoling braved her courage to raise her hand to speak.

        • yǒng qìcourage; valor
      • 他 鼓起 全部 的 勇气 参加 比赛 。
        tā gǔ qǐ quán bù de yǒng qì cān jiā bǐ sài。
        He mustered all his courage to take part in the game.

        • gào suto tell; to inform; to let know
      • 我 告诉 你 一 个 秘密 。
        Wǒ gàosu nǐ yī gè mìmì.
        I'll tell you a secret.

        • zhīsingle; a counting word
        • zhǐonly; just
      • 我 有 一 只 猫 。
        Wǒ yǒu yī zhī māo.
        I've got a cat.
      • 十只另一只两只手四只六只二十只只有船只只不过只顾只好只能只是只要只见两只一只几只三只

        • rèn deto recognize; to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it; to know
      • 我 认得 她 , 但 想不起 她 的 名字 了 。
        wǒ rèn de tā, dàn xiǎng bù qǐ tā de míng zi le。
        I know her face but I can't call her name to mind.

        • tīnglisten; hear; obey; administer
      • 你 听得见 吗 ?
        nǐ tīngdejiàn ma?
        Can you hear?
      • 仔细听听不懂没听说过听听看听清楚没听清楚听写听见好听倾听听不见听到听话听清听说听诊器听听听诊不听话

        • wēi xiàosmile; to smile
      • 她 脸 上 露出 愉快 的 微笑 。
        tā liǎn shàng lù chū yú kuài de wēi xiào。
        There is a merry smile on her face.

          • gōng zǐson of an official; son of nobility; your son (honorific)

          • you; your; one person
        • 你好 !
          Nǐ hǎo!
        • 舍不得你你们你追我跑迷你你好你家我爱你祝你幸福带你去祝你们谢谢你们考考你祝你快乐爱护你

          • bù shìno; is not; not
          • bù shifault; blame

          • maparticle (question)
        • 你 有空 吗 ?
          Nǐ yǒukōng ma?
          Are you free?

          • zěn mehow?; what?; why?
        • 你 打算 怎么办 ?
          nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
          What're you going to do?

          • huìbe able to; meet; shall
          • kuàiaccounting
        • 我 会 做 。
          Wǒ huì zuò.
          I know how to do it.
        • 不一会儿欢迎会会儿会聚总会我会会去真会再也不会会用生日会等会儿一会儿机会聚会不会不一会读书会家长会聚精会神学会一会音乐会运动会营火会

          • ne(particle.) ne
          • woollen cloth
        • 接下来 怎么 做 呢 ?
          Jiēxiàlái zěnme zuò ne?
          What to do next (about this)?

          • shuō wánfinished saying


          • biànhandy; convenient; thereupon; ordinary; piss or shit
        • 你 随便 挑 一 个 。
          Nǐ suíbiàn tiāo yī gè.
          Pick (casually) any one you like.
        • 便条便利便利店便宜不方便大便方便粪便顺便小便

          • nà běn shūthat book

          • lí kāito depart; to leave
        • 他 刚 离开 家 。
          tā gāng líkāi jiā .
          He has just left home.

          • bèi yǐngrear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)
        • 望 着 父亲 远去 的 背影 , 我 流 下 了 眼泪 。
          Wàngzhe fùqīn yuǎn qù de bèiyǐng, wǒ liúxiàle yǎnlèi.
          I shed tears as I watched my father go away.

          • gǎn dàoto feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect
        • 你 感到 紧张 吗 ?
          Nǐ gǎndào jǐnzhāng ma?
          Do you feel nervous?

          • fēi chángunusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional
        • 他 感到 非常 孤独 。
          Tā gǎndào fēicháng gūdú.
          He feels very very lonely.

          • cán kuìashamed
        • 他 为 他 的 行为 感到 惭愧 。
          tā wèi tā de xíng wéi gǎn dào cán kuì。
          He is ashamed of his behavior.

          • tí bǐto take up one's pen; to start to write
        • 他 提笔 写下 八 个 大 字 。
          Tā tí bǐ xiě xià bā gè dàzì.
          He wrote down eight characters.

          • lái dàoto come; to arrive
        • 随着 太阳 的 落下 , 夜晚 悄悄地 来到 。
          suí zhe tài yáng de luò xià, yè wǎn qiāo qiāo de lái dào。
          With the setting of the sun, night comes silently.

          • mén qiánin front of the door

          • shàng liánthe first line of a poetic couplet
        • 我 来 出 上联 , 你 来 对 下联 。
          Wǒ lái chū shàng lián, nǐ lái duì xiàlián.
          I come out of the league, you come to the league.

          • peace; harmony; and
          • to join
          • huómix, blend
          • huòmix, blend, time (counting word)
          • win in gambling
        • 他 和 我 同 岁 。
          tā hé wǒ tóng suì .
          He and I are the same age.
        • 和谐暖和共和共和国和平和尚柔和沙和尚温和新加坡共和国

          • xià liánthe second line of a poetic couplet
        • 谁 能 根据 这 副 对联 的 上联 说出 下联 ?
          Shéi néng gēnjù zhè fù duìlián de shàng lián shuō chū xiàlián?
          Who can tell the second couplet based on the couplet's uplink?

          • qián miànahead; in front; preceding; above
        • 黑板 在 教室 的 前面 。
          hēi bǎn zài jiào shì de qián mian。
          The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.

          • each; respective
        • 我们 游 遍 全国 各地 。
          wǒ men yóu biàn quán guó gè dì.
          We travelled all over the country.
        • 各式各样各自各处各个各位各样各种各种各样世界各地各式各地

          • jiāadd; increase
        • 一 加 一 等于 二 。
          Yī jiā yī děngyú èr.
          One plus one equals two.
        • 新加坡更加增加加倍加倍努力参加加快加拿大加入加上加油新加坡人加把劲新加坡共和国加快脚步加糖

          • biàn chéngto change into; to turn into; to become
        • 水 沸腾 而 变成 蒸汽 。
          shuǐ fèi téng ér biàn chéng zhēng qì.
          When water boils it turns into steam.

          • fā fènto make an effort; to push for sth; to work hard
        • 他 最好 发奋图强 , 否则 会 失去 工作 。
          tā zuì hǎo fà fèn tú qiáng, fǒu zé kuài shī qù gōng zuò。
          He had better clean up his act, or he will be out of a job.

          • cóng cǐfrom now on; since then; henceforth
        • 考试 结束 后 , 他们 去 了 不同 的 学校 , 从此 失去 了 联系 。
          Kǎoshì jiéshù hòu, tāmen qù liǎo bùtóng de xuéxiào, cóngcǐ shī qùle liánxì.
          After the exam, they went to different schools and lost contact.

          • shǒuhand
        • 手机 在 充电 。
          Shǒujī zài chōngdiàn.
          The mobile phone is being charged.
        • 手里手机号码手巧洗手做手工手套手影游戏手下招手手掌手拉手手杖对手手纸挥手手指双手水手顺手随手举手握手手舞足蹈洗手间帮手洗手液动手心灵手巧伸手选手爱不释手一手手臂右手把手指手画脚背着手智能手机放手左手扶手拍手叫好高手轻手轻脚歌手手中举手之劳小手拉手伸出手拿手挥手告别拍手大手释手好帮手手表两只手手册参赛选手手电筒挥挥手手工手机灌篮高手

          • juǎnroll up
          • juàna book; file
        • 把 图纸 卷 起来 。
          Bǎ túzhǐ juǎn qǐlái.
          Roll up the blueprint.
        • 卷笔刀蛋卷交卷卷发卷入考卷试卷鸡蛋卷万卷卷毛数学试卷

          • kè kǔhardworking; assiduous
        • 他 常常 勉励 自己 要 刻苦 学习 , 做人 不能 好吃懒做 。
          Tā chángcháng miǎnlì zìjǐ yào kèkǔ xuéxí, zuòrén bùnéng hàochīlǎnzuò.
          He often encourages himself to study hard, and he can't be lazy.

            • yù dàoto meet; to run into; to come across
          • 他 遇到 了 老朋友 。
            Tā yùdàole lǎopéngyou.
            He ran into an old friend.

            • bù dǒngnot to understand; cannot (see, hear, understand, as verb complement); incomprehension

            • wèn tíquestion; problem; issue; topic
          • 问题 解决 了 。
            Wèntí jiějué le.
            The problem has been solved.

            • xū xīnmodest
          • 竹子 里面 的 “ 空 ” , 代表 谦虚 、 虚心 。
            Zhúzi lǐmiàn de "kōng", dàibiǎo qiānxū , xūxīn.
            The 'hollowness' inside bamboo represents modesty and humbleness.

            • zhōng yúat last; in the end; finally; eventually
          • 我们 终于 爬 到 了 顶峰 。
            Wǒmen zhōngyú pádàole dǐngfēng.
            We've finally reached the highest peak of the mountain.

            • chéng wéito become; to turn into
          • 叔叔 送给 他 的 飞机 模型 , 让 他 有 了 成为 飞行员 的 梦想 。
            Shūshu sòng gěi tā de fēijī móxíng, ràng tā yǒule chéngwéi fēixíngyuán de mèngxiǎng.
            The airplane model that his uncle gave him gave him the dream of becoming a pilot.

            • wèi lein order to; for the purpose of; so as to
          • 为了 买 喜欢 的 糖果 , 她 跑 了 两公里 去 新开 的 糖果店 。
            Wèile mǎi xǐhuān de tángguǒ, tā pǎole liǎng gōnglǐ qù xīn kāi de tángguǒ diàn.
            In order to buy favorite candy, she ran two kilometers to the newly opened candy store.

            • zhù míngfamous; noted; well-known; celebrated
          • 这所 别墅 以 古旧 的 风格 而 著名 。
            zhè suǒ bié shù yǐ gǔ jiù de fēng gé ér著 míng。
            The villa is famous for its old style.

            • wén xuéliterature
          • 法国 文学 很 有意思 。
            Fǎguó wénxué hěn yǒu yìsi.
            French literature is very interesting.

            • wén xué jiāwriter; man of letters

            • èrtwo; second
          • 一 加 一 等于 二 。
            Yī jiā yī děngyú èr.
            One plus one equals two.
          • 二十一三十二二年级十二个第二场第二课第二根九牛二虎十二年二月二十只第二天第二幕不管三七二十一第二独一无二二胡二十接二连三九牛二虎之力老二三七二十一十二十二月星期二第十二十二岁二十四二则十二点第二个二十个二十一岁二楼

            • wàng zǐ chéng lónglit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life; to have great hopes for one's offspring; to give one's child the best education as a career investment

            • yī wèione (person)

            • bēi zhecarrying on back

            • ér zison
          • 儿子 很 爱 运动 , 爸爸 答应 了 送 他 一个 足球 。
            Érzi hěn ài yùndòng, bàba dāyìngle sòng tā yīgè zúqiú.
            The son loves sports and Dad promised to send him a football.

            • lù shangon the road; on a journey; road surface

            • jí mánghastily
          • 猫 一 露面 , 老鼠 急忙 钻进 自己 的 洞 里 。
            māo yī lòu miàn, lǎo shǔ jí máng zuàn jìn zì jǐ de dòng lǐ。
            The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.

            • diēdad; daddy
          • 中国 人 称呼 自己 的 父母 为 爹娘 。
            Zhōngguórén chēnghu zìjǐ de fùmǔ wéi diēniáng.
            The Chinese call their father and mother "Diē"and "Niáng."n
          • 沙爹爹爹爹娘老爹

            • nínyou (respectfully)
          • 谢谢 您 。
            Xièxie nín.
            Thank you!
          • 您好谢谢您祝您为您服务陪您

            • lèitired; strain
            • lěiaccumulate; repeated
          • 忙 了 一 整天 , 真 累 !
            Máng le yī zhěng tiān, zhēn lèi!
            I was busy all day and am really tired!
          • 劳累累得走累好累

            • xià laito come down; (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders)

            • ba(imperative)
            • crack; bar
          • 我们 去 踢球 吧 。
            Wǒmen qù tīqiú ba.
            Let's go play soccer.

            • bù yào jǐnunimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but
          • 赢 不了 也 不要紧 — — 只要 你 尽力而为 。
            yíng bù liǎo yě bù yào jǐn-- zhǐ yào nǐ jìn lì ér wèi。
            It doesn't matter if you don't win just do your best.

            • yào jǐnimportant; urgent
          • 这 没什么 要紧 , 不要 为 它 烦 心 了 。
            zhè mò shén me yào jǐn, bù yào wèi tā fán xīn le。
            It's not important; don't bother your head about it.

            • jǐ shídozens; tens

              • méi wèn tíno problem

              • cóng xiǎofrom childhood; as a child
            • 她 从小 养成 了 独立思考 的 能力 , 没想到 现在 帮 了 她 大 忙 。
              Tā cóngxiǎo yǎng chéngle dúlì sīkǎo de nénglì, méi xiǎngdào xiànzài bāngle tā dàmáng.
              She grew up to be independent thinking, and did not expect to help her a lot now.

              • tǐ ruòdebility

                • bù néngcannot; must not; should not
              • 不能 闯红灯 。
                Bù néng chuǎng hóngdēng.
                You shouldn't run red lights.

                • zǒu lùto walk; to go on foot
              • 没有 车 , 他 只好 走路 。
                Méiyǒu chē, tā zhǐhǎo zǒulù.
                Without a car, he can only walk.

                • tài duōtoo much; too many

                • rú guǒif; in case; in the event that
              • 如果 可能 的话 , 我 想 环游 世界 。
                rúguǒ kěnéng dehuà , wǒ xiǎng huányóu shìjiè .
                If possible, I'd like to travel around the world.

                • error; mistake; harm; miss due to delay
              • 部分 航班 延误 了 。
                Bùfen hángbān yánwù le.
                Some flights are delayed.
              • 错误承认错误犯了错误

                • kǎo shìto take an exam; exam
              • 他 希望 这 一次 的 考试 能 顺利 通过 。
                Tā xīwàng zhè yīcì de kǎoshì néng shùnlì tōngguò.
                He hopes that this exam will pass smoothly.

                • shí jiāntime; period
              • 时间 一点点 地 过去 , 小文 的 作文 还 没 动笔 。
                Shíjiān yī diǎndiǎn de guòqù, xiǎo wén de zuòwén hái méi dòngbǐ.
                Time passed a little bit, and Xiaowen’s composition was still not written.

                • bù miào(of a turn of events) not too encouraging; far from good; anything but reassuring

                • bù zàino more; no longer

                • shuō huàto speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell stories; talk; word
              • 小朋友 已经 睡 了 , 我们 说话 小声点 。
                Xiǎopéngyǒu yǐjīng shuìle, wǒmen shuōhuà xiǎoshēng diǎn.
                The children are already asleep, and we speak a little.

                • bù tíngincessant
              • 士兵 们 不停 地 射击 。
                shì bīng men bù tíng de shè jī.
                The soldiers kept up a steady fire.

                • yònguse; spend; usefulness; need
              • 纸巾 用 完 了 。
                Zhǐjīn yòng wán le.
                The tissue has run out.
              • 零用没用日用适用用光用尽用来用品用钱用语专用作用用到用水专用道废物利用能用要用先用会用用布用力节约用水用心卫生用品共用巧用利用共用一把伞使用日用品零用钱用处不用不用谢常用

                • shàn zifan
              • 她 拿 着 一 把 扇子 。
                Tā názhe yī bǎ shànzi.
                She's holding a fan.

                • on behalf of; replace; take the place of
              • 四季 循环 交替 。
                sì jì xún huán jiāo tì。
                The seasons follow each other in rotation.
              • 代替交替

                  • fù zǐfather and son
                • 父子 俩 在 河 堤 上 休息 。
                  Fù-zǐ liǎ zài hédī shàng xiūxi.
                  The father and his son are resting on the river bank.

                    • kǎo chǎngexam room

                      • kǎo guānan examiner; an official conducting an exam
                    • 他 圆满 地 回答 了 考官 的 问题 。
                      Tā yuánmǎn dì huídále kǎoguān de wèntí.
                      He satisfactorily answered the examiner's question.

                      • kàn jiànto see; to catch sight of
                    • 我们 看见 孩子 上 了 车 。
                      wǒmen kànjiàn háizi shàng le chē .
                      We saw the child get on the bus.

                      • tā menthey
                    • 老师 给 他们 安排 好 了 座位 。
                      Lǎoshī gěi tāmen ānpái hǎole zuòwèi.
                      The teacher arranged the seats for them.

                      • yáo tóuto shake one's head
                    • 小狗 对 我 摇头摆尾 。
                      Xiǎo gǒu duì wǒ yáotóu-bǎiwěi.
                      The little dog is shaking its head and wagging its tail at me.

                      • kǎo shēngexam candidate; student whose name has been put forward for an exam

                      • xiǎngthink; want to; suppose; miss
                    • 让 我 想一想 。
                      ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng。
                      Let me see.
                    • 想想想象想要心想想一想想去想不起想着想不出回想起来想不起来共同理想真没想到将来想当边走边想左思右想想出理想不想幻想回想没想到梦想想到想法想起

                      • jìn chǎngto go into; to enter an arena (e.g. sporting)

                      • xiānfirst; before; earlier; in advance; ancestor
                    • 小 女孩 先 上车 。
                      Xiǎo nǚhái xiān shàngchē.
                      The little girl gets on the bus first.
                    • 争先恐后起先首先先辈先后先后顺序先生先贤优先争先祖先最先先买先去先用先要吴先生许先生

                      • wŏ demy; mine

                      • use; according to
                    • 葡萄 可以 酿酒 。
                      Pútao kěyǐ niàngjiǔ.
                      Grapes can be used to make wine.
                    • 以后以为所以不以为然可以以及以来以前以下从此以后很久以前从这以后

                      • zuò mǎtrestle; carpenter's frame

                      • liǎn hóngto blush; to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
                    • 他 脸皮 很 薄 , 稍微 被 说 了 几 句 , 他 就 脸红 了 。
                      Tā liǎnpí hěn báo, shāowéi bèi shuōle jǐ jù, tā jiù liǎnhóngle.
                      His face was very thin and he was slightly stunned. He blushed.

                      • yǎn zhūone's eyes; eyeball

                      • zhuǎnturn; roll; change
                      • zhuànrotate
                    • 她 转身 与 我 道别 。
                      Tā zhuǎnshēn yǔ wǒ dàobié.
                      She turned and said goodbye to me.
                    • 转身团团转掉转目不转睛右转转动转换转盘转眼左转转过转眼间向左转转到向右转向后转转睛转过头转换成

                      • mǎ shàngat once; right away; immediately; on horseback (i.e. by military force)
                    • 我 马上 就 来 。
                      wǒ mǎ shàng jiù lái。
                      I'll be right with you.

                      • chūgo out; appear; produce; exceed; a dramatic piece
                    • 太阳 出来 了 。
                      Tàiyáng chūlái le.
                      The sun has come out/risen.
                    • 出现多出列出取出想不出迈出找出说不出来拿出露出出车祸喷出出租钻出日出杰出闪出说不出想出出去玩算出选出称出跳出挖出拖出突出出版剪出外出冲出跑出去喜出望外出版社钻出来演出出兵抬出长出出场舞出走出出发折出作出出国捞出做出出钱捐出拔出出去切出出冷汗出生进进出出看得出出生日期卖不出去冒出出声煮出现出出头勾画出不出出席不出声写出得出推出去伸出手发出钩出分不出浮出跨出出门时交出日出日落挖出来借出伸出看得出来进出结出散发出救出开出看不出来看不出出来放出去认不出看出出门

                      • lián shēngrepeatedly (say something)
                    • 她 因为 堵车 而 迟到 了 , 一 见到 我们 就 连声 说 对不起 。
                      Tā yīnwèi dǔchē ér chídàole, yī jiàn dào wǒmen jiù liánshēng shuō duìbùqǐ.
                      She was late because of a traffic jam, and she even said sorry when she saw us.

                      • answer; reciprocate; reply; return
                    • 这 是 正确 答案 。
                      Zhè shì zhèngquè dá'àn.
                      This is the correct answer.
                    • 回答答案答对答应滴答答错

                      • kuài qùgo quickly; hurry off
                    • 不能 让 你 着凉 。 快 去 把 湿 衣服 换 掉 。
                      bù néng ràng nǐ zháo liáng。 kuài qù bǎ shī yī fu huàn diào。
                      I can't have you catching cold. Run and change your wet things.

                      • zhǔn bèipreparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund)
                    • 他们 正在 准备 考试 。
                      tā men zhèng zài zhǔn bèi kǎo shì。
                      They were girding for the exam.

                      • yuán láioriginal; former; originally; formerly; at first; so, actually, as it turns out
                    • 这块 地毯 已经 脏 得 辨认 不 出 原来 的 颜色 了 。
                      zhè kuài dì tǎn yǐ jīng zàng de biàn rèn bù chū yuán lái de yán sè le.
                      The carpet was badly stained, to such an extent that (ie so much that) you couldn't tell its original colour.

                      • jiù shì(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
                    • 时间 就是 金钱 。
                      shí jiān jiù shì jīn qián。
                      Time is money.

                      • lín zé xúLin Zexu or Lin Tse-hsu Commissioner Lin (1785-1850), Qing official whose anti-opium activities led to first Opium war with Britain 1840-1842