Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第五课 小故事,大道理

    • duì liánrhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway
  • 家门口 贴 上 了 对联 迎接 新年 。
    Jiā ménkǒu tiē shàngle duìlián yíngjiē xīnnián.
    At the door of the house, a couplet was greeted to welcome the New Year.

    • qù shìentertaining anecdote; interesting story or incident

    • lì zhìto be determined; to be resolved
  • 她 立志 要 成为 一 名 建筑师 。
    Tā lìzhì yào chéngwéi yī míng jiànzhùshī.
    She aspired to become an architect.

    • zì yòusince childhood
  • 他 自幼 学 小提琴 。
    tā zì yòu xué xiǎo tí qín.
    He learned to fiddle as a young boy.

    • guò rénto excel; to surpass others; outstanding
  • 有 不少 人 从小 天资过人 , 但 长大 后 不 努力 , 最终 仍然 一事无成 。
    Yǒu bù shǎo rén cóngxiǎo tiānzīguò rén, dàn zhǎng dà hòu bù nǔlì, zuìzhōng réngrán yīshìwúchéng.
    Many people are talented from a young age, but when they grow up, they don't work hard, and they still do nothing.

    • jiào dǎoto instruct; to teach; guidance; teaching
  • 他 教导 说 , 战争 有 正义 的 和 非 正义 的 两 种 。
    tā jiào dǎo shuō, zhàn zhēng yǒu zhèng yì de huò fēi zhèng yì de liǎng zhòng。
    He taught that wars can be just or unjust.

    • wén zhāngarticle; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning
  • 他 发表 了 不少 文章 。
    tā fā biǎo le bù shǎo wén zhāng。
    He has published quite a lot of articles.

    • zàn bù jué kǒuto praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven
  • 他 对 她 的 善良 赞不绝口 。
    tā duì tā de shàn liáng zàn bù jué kǒu。
    He keeps extolling her goodness.

    • bù juéunending; uninterrupted

    • jué kǒustop talking; not open one's mouth
  • 小花 煮 的 菜 十分 美味 , 大家 都 对 她 的 菜 赞不绝口 。
    Xiǎohuā zhǔ de cài shífēn měiwèi, dàjiā dōu duì tā de cài zàn bù juékǒu.
    The dish cooked with small flowers is very delicious, and everyone is full of praise for her dishes.

    • zàn yángto praise; to approve of; to show approval
  • 老师 赞扬 了 她 的 勇气 。
    lǎo shī zàn yáng le tā de yǒng qì。
    The teacher praised her for her courage.

      • piāo piāo ránelated; light and airy feeling (after a few drinks); smug and conceited; complacent

      • dé yìproud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent
    • 他 终于 获得 了 驾驶执照 , 这 使 他 颇 为 得意 。
      tā zhōng yū huò dé le jià shǐ zhí zhào, zhè shǐ tā pō wèi dé yì.
      He is at last the proud possessor of a driving-licence.

      • dé yì yáng yángjoyfully satisfied; to be immensely proud of oneself; proudly; an air of complacency
    • 当上 了 大官 , 就 可以 得意洋洋 了 吗 ?
      Dāng shàngle dà guān, jiù kěyǐ déyì yángyángle ma?
      When you are a big official, can you be proud of it?

      • yáng yángvast; impressive; self-satisfied; immensely pleased with oneself

      • xiě xiàto write down

      • yī fùa set; a pair

      • tiān xiàland under heaven; the whole world; the whole of China; realm; rule
    • 他 称霸 天下 。
      tā chèng bà tiān xià。
      His power sways the world.

      • rén jiānthe human world; the earth

      • liǎng bianeither side; both sides

      • bái fàwhite or gray hair

      • tā jiāhis home

      • lù guòto pass by or through

      • zhī hòuafterwards; following; later; after
    • 到 了 十一月 , 立冬 之后 , 天气 就 很 冷 了 。
      Dàole shíyī yuè, lìdōng zhīhòu, tiānqì jiù hěn lěngle.
      In November, after the winter, the weather was very cold.

      • tè dìspecially; for a special purpose
    • 我 特地 为 你 做 了 个 蛋糕 。
      wǒ tè dì wèi nǐ zuò le gè dàn gāo。
      I made a cake specially for you.

        • qǐng jiàoto ask for guidance; to consult
      • 小朱 向 小红 虚心 请教 方法 。
        Xiǎo Zhū xiàng Xiǎo Hóng xūxīn qǐngjiào fāngfǎ.
        Xiao Zhu humbly asked Xiao Hong for advice on the best approach.

        • mǎn bù zài hunot in the least concerned (idiom); reckless; couldn't give a damn about it; unperturbed; couldn't care less; harum scarum
      • 蒂姆 成 了 传播 媒介 的 焦点 , 却 也 满不在乎 。
        dì mǔ chéng le chuán bō méi jiè de jiāo diǎn, què yě mǎn bù zài hū.
        Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention.

        • zài huto care about; equivalent of 在于
      • 只要 工作 适合 自己 , 他 不在乎 在 什么 地方 工作 。
        Zhǐyào gōngzuò shì hé zìjǐ, tā bùzàihū zài shénme dìfāng gōngzuò.
        As long as the work is right for him, he doesn't care where he works.

        • dùn shíimmediately; suddenly
      • 喜讯 传 来 , 人们 顿时 欢呼 起来 。
        xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, rén men dùn shí huān hū qǐ lai。
        People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.

        • rèn deto recognize; to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it; to know
      • 我 认得 她 , 但 想不起 她 的 名字 了 。
        wǒ rèn de tā, dàn xiǎng bù qǐ tā de míng zi le。
        I know her face but I can't call her name to mind.

          • gōng zǐson of an official; son of nobility; your son (honorific)

          • bèi yǐngrear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)
        • 望 着 父亲 远去 的 背影 , 我 流 下 了 眼泪 。
          Wàngzhe fùqīn yuǎn qù de bèiyǐng, wǒ liúxiàle yǎnlèi.
          I shed tears as I watched my father go away.

          • shàng liánthe first line of a poetic couplet
        • 我 来 出 上联 , 你 来 对 下联 。
          Wǒ lái chū shàng lián, nǐ lái duì xiàlián.
          I come out of the league, you come to the league.

          • xià liánthe second line of a poetic couplet
        • 谁 能 根据 这 副 对联 的 上联 说出 下联 ?
          Shéi néng gēnjù zhè fù duìlián de shàng lián shuō chū xiàlián?
          Who can tell the second couplet based on the couplet's uplink?

          • fā fènto make an effort; to push for sth; to work hard
        • 他 最好 发奋图强 , 否则 会 失去 工作 。
          tā zuì hǎo fà fèn tú qiáng, fǒu zé kuài shī qù gōng zuò。
          He had better clean up his act, or he will be out of a job.

          • kè kǔhardworking; assiduous
        • 他 常常 勉励 自己 要 刻苦 学习 , 做人 不能 好吃懒做 。
          Tā chángcháng miǎnlì zìjǐ yào kèkǔ xuéxí, zuòrén bùnéng hàochīlǎnzuò.
          He often encourages himself to study hard, and he can't be lazy.

            • xū xīnmodest
          • 竹子 里面 的 “ 空 ” , 代表 谦虚 、 虚心 。
            Zhúzi lǐmiàn de "kōng", dàibiǎo qiānxū , xūxīn.
            The 'hollowness' inside bamboo represents modesty and humbleness.

            • wén xuéliterature
          • 法国 文学 很 有意思 。
            Fǎguó wénxué hěn yǒu yìsi.
            French literature is very interesting.

            • wén xué jiāwriter; man of letters

            • wàng zǐ chéng lónglit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life; to have great hopes for one's offspring; to give one's child the best education as a career investment

            • méi wèn tíno problem

            • cóng xiǎofrom childhood; as a child
          • 她 从小 养成 了 独立思考 的 能力 , 没想到 现在 帮 了 她 大 忙 。
            Tā cóngxiǎo yǎng chéngle dúlì sīkǎo de nénglì, méi xiǎngdào xiànzài bāngle tā dàmáng.
            She grew up to be independent thinking, and did not expect to help her a lot now.

            • tài duōtoo much; too many

            • bù miào(of a turn of events) not too encouraging; far from good; anything but reassuring

            • shàn zifan
          • 她 拿 着 一 把 扇子 。
            Tā názhe yī bǎ shànzi.
            She's holding a fan.

            • kǎo chǎngexam room

              • kǎo guānan examiner; an official conducting an exam
            • 他 圆满 地 回答 了 考官 的 问题 。
              Tā yuánmǎn dì huídále kǎoguān de wèntí.
              He satisfactorily answered the examiner's question.

              • kǎo shēngexam candidate; student whose name has been put forward for an exam

              • jìn chǎngto go into; to enter an arena (e.g. sporting)

              • lín zé xúLin Zexu or Lin Tse-hsu Commissioner Lin (1785-1850), Qing official whose anti-opium activities led to first Opium war with Britain 1840-1842